Kilkenny was given a grant of murage dated 1/7/1375.
This was in the form of:-
Pro communitate ville de Kilkenny de muragio & pavagio concess.
R' dilectis sibi Superiori & communitate ville de Kilkenn' salutem Sciatis quod nos fortificacionem & relevacionem ville vestre vestris exigentibus meritis affectuose desiderantes de gracia noatra specali concessimus & licenciam dedimus vobus in auxilium murorum pavimenti & pontis ejusdem ville emendandorum & reparandorum quod vos & posteri vestri per vosmet aut deputandos a vobus capere possitis & habere a decimo die Decembr' jam proximo futur' usque ad finem septem annorum extunc proximo sequencium plenarie complendorum de rebus venalibus ad eandem villam venientibus seu de eadem cause vendendi transeuntibus sive per eandem villam per unam leucam circumquamque tam in Crocia quam in lebertate ibidem venientibus consuetudines subscriptas videlicet
de quolibet crannoco cujuscumque generis bladi brasei farie & salis ven' unum obulum
D' quolibet crannoco Waide ven' duos den'
de quolibet crannoc de Corkyr & symak ven' unum den'
de quolibet crannoco tanni ven' unum quadr'
D' duodecim crannoc' quorumcumque carbonum ven' unum den'
de duodecim crannoc' clacis ven' unum ob'
D' quolibet equo vel equa hobino bove vel vacca ven unum denar'
D' decem ovibus capris vel porcis ven' unum den'
D' quinque baconibus ven' unum ob'
de duodecim velleribus lanutis ven' unum ob'
D' quolibet corio equi vel eque hobini bovis vel vacce frisco salito vel tannat' ven' unum quadr'
D' qualibet centena pellium agnorum capriolorum leporum vulpium catorum & squirellorum ven' unum ob'
D' qualibet centena pell' ovium lanutarum caprarum cervorum bissarum damorum vel damarum ven' unum den'
D' qualibet mola molendini ven' unum denar' de duabus molis manualibus ven' unum quadr'
D' quolibet magno sacco lane ven' quatuor denar'
D' qualibet meisa allecis ven' unum quadr'
De viginti grossis piscibus ven' unum ob'
D' quolibet summagio equi piscium ven' unum denar'
D' quolibet onere piscium maris ven' unum quadr'
D' centum anguillis grossis aque dulcis ven' unum denar'
D' quolibet salmone ven' unum quadr'
D' qualibet lampreda ven' unum quadr'
D' quolibet dolio vini & { } ven' quatuor den'
D' quolibet dolio mellis ven' quatuor denar'
D' quolibet summagio mellis ven' unum den'
D' quolibet summagio { } ven' unum den'
D' quolibet summagio pannorum ven' unum obolum
De quolibet panno integro de assisa ven' unum den'
D' viginti ulnis panni hibernici salewych & Wyrstede ven' unum ob'
D' viginti ulnis linei teli anglici vel transmar' ven' unum obol'
D' viginti ulnis de Canevas ven' unum quadr'
De decem capellis de feltro ven' unum ob'
D' quolibet tapeto vel chalon' ven' unum quadr'
De quolibet panno aureo ven' unum denar'
D' quolibet panno de serico vel baudekino ven' unum ob'
D' quolibet capite sindonis ven' unum ob'
D' qualibet fallinga hibernica ven' unum quadr'
D' quolibet summagio pannorum vel aliarum rerum ven' unum ob'
D' qualibet benda ferri ven' unum ob'
D' centum gaddis asteris ven' unum ob'
D' centum libris de pice vel rosino ven' unum obolum
D' qualibet petra cepi uncti buttiri & casei ven' unum ob'
D' decem libris seminis Oygnenet ven' unum obolum
D' centum libris seminis porri ven' unum denar'
De duabus milliaribus ceparum ven' unum quadr'
D' octo shanes {alii} ven' unum quadr'
D' centum pervis bordis ven' unum quadr'
D' Centum magnis bordis ven' unum den'
D' quolibet milliari sindularum grossarum ven unum den'
D' quolibet milliari sindularum minutarum ven' unum ob'
D' quolibet milliari clavorum ven' unum ob'
D' qualibet centena ferrorum ad equos & cliccorum ad carectas ven' unum ob'
D' qualibet nova cista & archa ven' unum quadr'
D' quolibet milliari discorum & platellorum ligniorum ven' unum quadr'
D' qualibet duodena de Cordwane Corneys & basyne ven' unum ob'
D' qualibet Centena eris & cupri ven' duos den'
D' qualibet Centena de scalpyn & piscis duri ven' unum den'
D' decem petris canabi & lini ven' unum den'
D' decem lagen' olei lampadarum ven unum ob'
D' decem lagen' olei olive ad victum hominim ven' duos den'
De qualibet duodena de batri ven' unum ob'
D' qualibet Centena de Sailwed ven' unum den'
D' qualibet centena de vitro colorato ven' unum den'
D' qualibet centena de vitro alba ven' unum ob'
D' duabus solidat' cujuscumque generis specierum ven' unum ob'
D' qualibet centena de averio de pondere ven' unum den'
D' qualibet duodena panni Anglici vel transmar' ven' unum den'
Et de quolibet mercimonio valoris duorum solidorum unde hic non fit mencio ven' unum quadr'
Et ideo vobis mandamus quod consuetudines praedictas de rebus venalibus praedictis in forma praedicta capiatis & habeatis usque ad finem termini praedicti completo autem termino illo consuetudines praedicte penitus cessent & deleantur Ita semper quad denar' inde provenientes circa muragium pavagium & pontagium ville praedicte & non alibi fidelicet expendantur Volumus enim quod in fine cujuslibet anni durante termino praedicto compotus inde coram venerabili patre Episcipo Ossorien' qui pro tempore fuerit & Roberto de la ffreigne milite vel altero eorum & non ad scaccarium nostram hibern de anno in annum fideliter per vos reddatur In cujus Ac' T' praefacto Gubernat' apud kilkenn' primo die Julii.
To the K.'s beloved sovereign and commonalty of the town of Kilkenny.
Earnestly wishing for the fortification and repair of the town , GRANT and LICENCE, of the K.'s special grace, to the sovereign and community of that town, in aid of the improvement and repair of the walls, pavements and bridges, that they and their successors, in person or through deputies appointed by them, may take and have from 10 Dec. next for a term of seven years the following customs from articles for sale coming to the town or passing the same within one league of the town, whether in the crosslands or the liberty, with the purpose of selling them, viz.:
from each crannock of any kind of grain, malt, flour and salt for sale, 1/2d;
from each crannock of woad for sale, 2d;
from each crannock of Corkyr and symak for sale, 1d;
from each crannock of tan for sale, 1/4d;
from 12 crannocks of coal for sale, 1d;
from 12 crannocks of lime for sale, 1/2d;
from each horse or mare, hobby, ox or cow for sale, 1d;
from 10 sheep, goats or pigs for sale, 1d;
from each bacon hog for sale, 1/2d;
from 12 woollen fleeces for sale, 1/2d;
from each hide of horse, hobby, ox or cow, fresh, salted or tanned for sale, 1/4d;
from each hundredweight of skins of lambs, kids, hares, foxes, cats and squirrels for sale, 1/2d;
from each hundredweight of wool-fells, and skins of goats, stags, hinds, bucks or does for sale, 1d;
from each millstone for sale, 1d;
from 2 hand-mills for sale, 1/4d;
from each large sack of wool for sale, 4d;
from each mease of herrings for sale, 1/4d;
from 20 large fish for sale, 1/2d;
from each horse-load of fish for sale, 1d;
from each load of sea-fish for sale, 1/4d;
from 100 large fresh-water eels for sale, 1d;
from each salmon for sale, 1/4d;
from each lamprey for sale, 1/4d;
from each tun of wine and ashes for sale, 4d;
from each tun of honey for sale, 4d;
from each sum of honey for sale, 1d;
from each sum of for sale, 1d;
from each sum of cloth for sale, 1/2d;
from each whole cloth of standard size for sale, 1d;
from 20 ells of Irish cloth, both salewych' and worsted , for sale, 1/2d;
from 20 ells of linen cloth, English or overseas, for sale, 1/2d;
from 20 ells of canvas for sale, 1/4d;
from 10 felt hats for sale, 1/2d;
from each carpet or coverlet for sale, 1/4d;
from each gold cloth for sale, 1d;
from each cloth of silk or brocade for sale, 1/2d;
from each cap of muslin for sale, 1/2d;
from each Irish falding for sale, 1/4d;
from each sum of cloth or other items for sale, 1/2d;
from each band of iron for sale, 1/2d;
from 100 gads of steel for sale, 1/2d;
from 100 pounds of pitch and resin for sale, 1/2d;
from each stone of tallow, oil, butter and cheese for sale, 1d;
from 10 pounds of shallot seeds for sale, 1/2d;
from 100 pounds of leek seeds for sale, 1d;
from 2000 onions for sale, 1/4d;
from 8 sheaves of garlic for sale, 1/4d;
from 100 small boards for sale, 1/4d;
from 100 large boards for sale, 1d;
from each 1000 large shingles for sale, 1d;
from each 1000 small shingles for sale, 1/2d;
from each 1000 keys for sale, 1/2d;
from each hundredweight of horse-shoes and cart-clouts for sale, 1/2d;
from each new chest and bow for sale, 1/4d;
from each 1000 wooden dishes and plates for sale, 1/4d;
from a dozen Cordwane, Corneys and basyne for sale, 1/2d;
from each hundredweight of brass and copper for sale, 2d;
from each hundredweight of scallops and dried fish for sale, 1d;
from 10 stone of hemp and flax for sale, 1d;
from 10 gallons of lamp oil for sale, 1/2d;
from 10 gallons of olive oil for ointment for sale, 2d;
from each dozen batri , 1/2d;
from each hundredweight of sailwed, 1d;
from each hundredweight of coloured glass for sale, 1d;
from each hundredweight of white glass for sale, 1/2d;
from 2 solidates of any kind of spice for sale, 1/2d;
from each hundredweight of avoirdupois for sale, 1d;
from a dozen English or overseas cloths for sale, 1d;
and from other merchandise for sale worth 2s of which mention is not made here, 1/4d.
ORDER to take and have the said customs until the end of the said term, the money to be used for the murage, pavage and pontage of the said town and not otherwise. At the end of each year, an account is to be rendered to the bishop of Ossory and Robert de la Freigne kt, and not to the Ex.
Attested: William Windsor, governor of Ire.
Authorized: By petition of council.
Rex concess' superiori et communitati ville de Kilk', in auxilium muror' pavimenti et pontis dicte ville emendandor', quod capere poss t per 7 an' de reb' venal' ad eam vill' venient', seu de ea vendendi causa transeunt', sive per eam per unum leucam circumquaq' tam in crocia quam in lebertat' ibi venient', consuetud' subscriptas, viz., etc. 1 Jul.
Granted by Edward III. (Regnal year 49). Granted at Kilkenny. Granted by Governor.
Primary Sources
Commissioners on the Public Records of Ireland, 1889 (prepared 1829-30),
Chartae Privilegia et Immunitates, being transcripts of charters and privileges to cities, towns, abbeys and other bodies corporated, 18 Henry II. to 18 Richard II., 1171 to 1395 (Dublin; Irish Record Commission) p. 69-70 (Ref. E Rot. Pat. 49 Edw. III. m.12.f.)
A Calendar of Irish Chancery Letters, c. 1244-1509, PR 49 Edw. III
View CIRCLE recordTresham, Edward (ed), 1828,
Rotulorum patentium et clausorum cancellariae Hiberniae calendarium (Dublin; His Majesty's printers) p. 93 No. 129
Secondary Sources
The Heritage Council, 2007,
Newtown Jerpoint County Kilkenny p. 124 (The Heritage Council of Ireland)
online copyMunby, J. and Tyler, R., 2005,
Kilkenny City Walls: Heritage Conservation Plan (Kilkenny: The Heritage Council) p. 192, Appendix B
online copyThomas, A., 1992,
The Walled Towns of Ireland Vol. 2 (Irish Academic Press) p. 126-32
Reports from Commissioners: Municipal Corporations in Ireland Vol. 28 p. 533
online copy
The grant of 1266 for 3 years (CDI II 796), made again at the request of the lord, the Earl of Gloucester, is the first of a long series which became almost continuous from the late 14th century (CDI I 1913, 2136; II 913; V 239; CPI 62, 70, 79, 89; MCI 533) (Thomas)
Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 04/02/2009. Last updated on 04/06/2012. First published online 5/01/2013.