The information on this web site is almost entirely derived from other sources. Some is from online source, although the information in these is often derived from written sources. There are thousands of bibliographical references given in this website and the detailed bibliography given in the general text covers only a few of the more important text.
I have tried to produce a bibliography of the texts most useful to understanding the medieval fortifications of England and Wales.
For each castle or fortification an individual bibliography is given but some sources have been extensively used or are gazetteers of castles in a particular area.
Journals probably represent the best source for recent informed opinion and for detailed reports.
A page on online sources of transcriptions and translations of primary sources.
Has a few significant news feeds but does not replace a proper news reader.
This web site and bibliography are generally limited to England and Wales. If you are looking for details of a specific text information and advice on how to do this can be found