Libourne (Lyborna) was given a grant of murage dated 30/6/1289.
This was in the form of:-
Pro hominibus Leburne. - Rex senescallo suo Wasconie qui nunc est et qui pro tempore fuerit, salutem. Cum vos ad manum nostram cepissetis et posuissetis majoriam de Lyborna, sciatis nos majori et hominibus dicte ville majoriam reddidisse et ex nunc deliberasse predictam, mandantes vobis quatinus ipsos majorem et homines de Lyborna qui pro tempore fuerint predicta majoria uti libere in villa nostra predicta de cetero permittatis, secundum nostrarum continenciam litterarum: item. cum nos olim dederimus redditus et exitus costumarum et pedagiorum nostorum que tunc percipiebamus in villa de Lyborna, acilicet a preterito festo beati Michaelis que fuit anno regni nostri quinto decimo usque ad septennium subsequens et continuum pro clausura videlicet et fortificacione ville predicte, et donum nostrum non habuerit quem optabamus effectum, nos, in recompensacionem predictorum, concedimus usque ad septennium ex nunc computandum omnes redditus et exitus ville nostre predicte pro clausura et fortificacione ville predicte. Que omnia fieri volumus et precipimus juxta ordinacionem constabularii et contrarotulatoris castri nostri Burdegale, et per illum vel per illos quem vel quos premissa duxevint deputandos, qui eisdem constabulario et contrarotulatori, vocatis aliquibus probis hominibus dicte ville, compotum reddere teneantur. Quocirca vobis, dicte senescalle, et constabulario predicto qui pro tempore fuerit mandamns quatinus hec permissa servari faciatis firmiter et compleri. Item. cum nonnulli, ut ipsi major et homines asserunt. teneatur domos edificare in dicte villa et ad hoc per pactum se obligaverint et non fecerint, mandamus vobis quatinus tales ad tenenda paeta et promissiones super hiis habitas, cum per majorem dicte ville requisiti fueritis, prout justum fuerit, compellatis. Item. mandamus vobis quatinus vos informetis si homines de inter Dordoniam sint et fuerint quieti et liberi ab omnibus pedagiis et costumis que percipiuntur inter Dordonium, et, si ita esse invenitis, faciatis homines de Lyborna dicta libertate, prout justum fuerit, congundere. Item. cum nos eisdem majori et hominibus de Lyborna pro utilitate ville predicte nundinas concesserimus, mandamus vobis quatinus eisdem ad dictas nundinas faciendas cerium tempus, pront ville utilitati expedire videritis, statuatis. In quorum omnium testimonium has presentes litteras fieri fecimus patentes. Datum ut supra. {In cujus, etc. Datum apud Condat, tertia die Junii, anno regni nostri decimo septimo}
{? c. 1290-? c. 1303}
Petitioners: Burgesses of Libourne.
Addressees: King.
Places mentioned: Libourne, {Guyenne, France}; Dordogne, {Guyenne, France}.
Other people mentioned: Seneschal of Gascony.
Nature of request: The burgesses make three requests.
1) They ask to be allowed to hold three fairs a year to help re-build the town, destroyed in the last war.
2) They ask for the king's assistance in re-building and re-fortifying the town if needed, for the safety of the people.
3) They request that the king order the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant to enquire that, if other people of the Dordogne are free and quit of taxes levied there, the burgesses should also be free from such taxes.
1) Endorsement: Let the seneschal be ordered that they should have this if it is not prejudicial to the king.
2) The King will make such payments as necessary.
3) Let the seneschal be ordered to do what is right. Intra curiam in rotulo Regis.
Granted by Edward I. (Regnal year 17).
Details of the petition which resulted in this grant can be seen
at this link. 
Primary Sources
Bémont, C. (ed), 1900,
Rôles Gascons, 1273-1290, tome deuxiéme (Paris) p. 503
online copyNational Archive SC 8/122/6088 Former Reference - Parliamentary Petition 5165
online reference
Secondary Sources
Beresford, M., 1967, New Towns of the Middle Ages (London) p. 597
Trabut-Cussac, J.-P., 1954, 'La Construction des Remparts de Libourne' Revue historique de Bordeaux Vol. 3 (n.s.) p. 179-99
Dated on the guard to either? 1290, as given by Champollion, or? 1303, as given in AHG, vol. I, no.74. (National Archive note)
In 1281 the king gave the townspeople a grant of tolls towards the construction of a causeway across the marsh towards Bordeaux, but nothing was done to carry out the grant of 1281 and 1286 (sic) for the enclosing of the town. (Beresford-His source seems to be Trabut-Cussac.)
Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 25/02/2009. Last updated on 04/06/2012. First published online 5/01/2013.