Libourne petitioned for a grant of murage in {? c. 1290-? c. 1303}.
Nature of request: The burgesses make three requests.
1) They ask to be allowed to hold three fairs a year to help re-build the town, destroyed in the last war.
2) They ask for the king's assistance in re-building and re-fortifying the town if needed, for the safety of the people.
3) They request that the king order the seneschal of Gascony or his lieutenant to enquire that, if other people of the Dordogne are free and quit of taxes levied there, the burgesses should also be free from such taxes.
1) Endorsement: Let the seneschal be ordered that they should have this if it is not prejudicial to the king.
2) The King will make such payments as necessary.
3) Let the seneschal be ordered to do what is right. Intra curiam in rotulo Regis.
1) Endorsement: Let the seneschal be ordered that they should have this if it is not prejudicial to the king.
2) The King will make such payments as necessary.
3) Let the seneschal be ordered to do what is right. Intra curiam in rotulo Regis.
Details of the murage grant which resulted from this petition can be seen
at this link. 
Primary Sources
National Archive SC 8/122/6088 Former Reference - Parliamentary Petition 5165
Secondary Sources
Beresford, M., 1967, New Towns of the Middle Ages (London) p. 597
Trabut-Cussac, J.-P., 1954, 'La Construction des Remparts de Libourne' Revue historique de Bordeaux Vol. 3 (n.s.) p. 179-99
Dated on the guard to either? 1290, as given by Champollion, or? 1303, as given in AHG, vol. I, no.74. (National Archive note)
Beresford writes 'The town petitioned for stronger works in 1305 and again in 1311, but without much help from the king.' His source seems to be Trabut-Cussac. Does this refer this petition.
Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 23/02/2009. Last updated on 22/03/2012. First published online 6/01/2013.