Libourne (Lyborna) may have been given a grant of murage dated 26/5/1281.
This was in the form of:-
De villa de Leyburna fortificanda. - Rex eidem senescallo, constabulario Burdegale et omnibus aliis officialibus ad quos. etc., salutem. Mandamus vobis et vestrum cuilibet quatinus litteras concessionis dudum facte per locum nostrum tenentes tunc in Vasconia, pro villa nostra de Leyburna claudenda et fortificanda, secundum formam in ipsis litteris contentam, teneatis et teneri faciatis; proviso qued major, jurati et burgenses dicte ville circa hoc impendant de suo quod debent et impendere promiserunt. Datum ut supra. {Datum apud Westmonasterium, xxvj. de Maii.}
Granted by Edward I. (Regnal year 9). Granted at Westminster.
Primary Sources
The primary source is lost or obscure.Bémont, C. (ed), 1900,
Rôles Gascons, 1273-1290, tome deuxiéme (Paris) p. 125 No. 460
online copy
Secondary Sources
Beresford, M., 1967, New Towns of the Middle Ages (London) p. 597
Trabut-Cussac, J.-P., 1954, 'La Construction des Remparts de Libourne' Revue historique de Bordeaux Vol. 3 (n.s.) p. 179-99
In 1281 the king gave the townspeople a grant of tolls towards the construction of a causeway across the marsh towards Bordeaux, but nothing was done to carry out the grant of 1281 and 1286 for the enclosing of the town. (Beresford - His source seems to be Trabut-Cussac.)
Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 13/04/2009. Last updated on 04/06/2012. First published online 5/01/2013.