Youghal (Yoghill') was given a grant of murage dated 26/1/1375.
This was in the form of:-
Carta regis villae de Yoghill concessa.
Rex dilectus sibi Superiori & Ballivis ac probis hominbus ville del Yoghill' salutem Sciatis quod nos advertentes qualibet villa praedicta & parte eidem ville adjacentes per diversos rebelles nostras percium com' Cork fideles nostros ibidem continue deperdantes & interficientes depauperate & pro majori parte devastate existant necnon bonum locum & oportunum quem eadem villa dictis fidelibus nostris indies tenet ac prodinde relevaco'em emendac'oem & fortificac'oem ejusdem ville affectuose desiderantes concessimus vobus quod vos sen deputand' a vobus capere colligere percipre & habere possitis consuetudines subscriptas de universis & singlis rebus venalibus ad eandem villam tam per terram quam per aquam quoquo modo venientibus in auxilium muragii & pavagii ac aliorum necaciorum operus ejusdem ville usque ad finem duorum annorum de quada' alia antiqua concessione nostra vobus inde conf'ca a primo die marcii proximo futur' hucusque restant ventur' sicut per inspeccionem ejusdem concessionis nostre nobis satis constat et ultra post finem dictorum duorum annorum usque ad finem viginti annorum {extunc} proximo seq'n plenar' complend' videlicet
de quolibet crannoco cujuscumque generis bladi brasei farine & salis ven' unum ob'
de quolibet { } de waide ven' duos den'
de quolibet crannoco de Corker & Symak ven' unum denar'
de quolibet crannoco {Tann'} ven' u{num quadr'}
de duodecim crannoc' cujuscumque generis carbonum ven unum denar'
de duodecim crannocis calcis ven unum ob'
{de quolibet equo vel} equa hobino bove vel vacca ven' unum denar'
de decem ovibus capris vel porcis ven' {unu denar'
de quinque bac{ouibus} ven' unum ob'
de decem velleribus lanutis ven' unum ob'
de quolibet corio equi vel eque hobini bovis vel vacce frisco {salito} vel tannato ven unum quadr'
de qualibet centena pellium agnorum capriolorum leporum {vulpium} catorum squirellorum ven' unum ob'
de {qualibet} centena pellium ovium lanatarum caprarum cervorum bissarum damorum & damarum ven' unum denar'
de qualibet mola molendini ven' {unum} denar'
de duabus molis {manu}alibus ven' unum quadr'
de quolibet magno sacco lane ven' quatuor denar'
de qualibet {meisia} allec' ven' unum quadr'
de viginti grossis piscibus in navi vel batella ven' unum ob'
de quolibet summagio equi piscium {maris} ven' unum ob'
de quolibet onere piscium maris ven' unum quadr'
de centum anguillis grossis aque dulcis ven' unum denar'
de quolibet salmone ven' unum quadr' de qualibet lampreda ven' quadr'
de quolibet doleo vini & { ven' quatuor} den'
de quolibet doleo mellis ven' quatuor denar'
de quolibet summagio mellis ven' unum denar'
de quolibet summagio { } ven' unum ob'
de quolibet summagio {pannorum} ven' unum ob'
de quolibet panno integro de assisa ven' unum denar'
{de vigint'} ulnis panni hibernici salewyche & worstede ven' unum ob'
de viginti ulnis linee tele angl' vel transmar' ven unum ob'
{de} viginti ulnis de canabo ven unum quadr'
de decem capellis de fulcro ven' unum ob'
de quolibet capeta vel chalona ven unum quadr'
de quolibet panno de servico vel de baudekine ven' unum ob'
de quolibet capite de sindone ven' unum ob'
{de} qualibet falinga hibernica ven' unum quadr'
de qualibet navi veniente ad villam praedictam carcata rebus venalibus tres den'
{de quolibet} summagio pannorum ven' unum ob'
de qualibet {benda} ferri ven' unum ob'
de centum gaddis asceris ven unum ob'
de {centum} bordis magnis ven' unum quadr'
de quolibet {miliari cen}dularum grossarum ven unum den'
de quolibet miliari cindularum {minutarum} ven' unum ob'
de centum provis bordis ven' unum quadr'
de centum libris de pice & rosino ven' unum ob'
de qualibet petra cepi uncti butiri & casei ven' unum ib'
de decem libris se'is de {oygnonet} ven' unum ob'
de centum libris semin'{reti} ven' unum denar'
de duobus miliaribus ceparum ven' unum quadr'
de octo shanes alli{ } ven' unum quadr'
{de quolibet} batello carcato {busca} ven' unum ob'
de quolibet batello carcato maeremio ven' unum denar'
de quolibet miliari clavorum {ven' unum} denar'
de qualibet centena ferrorum ad equos & cliccarum ad carectas ven' unum ob'
de quolibet miliari discorum & {plateorum ligneorum} ven' unum ob'
de duodecim {cordis ad apperatum} navium ven' unum quadr'
de quolibet miliari cardonum ven' unum quadr'
de qualibet duodena cordywan Corvesii & bascon' ven' unum ob'
de qualibet centena stanni {eris & cupri} duos denar'
de qualibet centena de stalpyn & piscis duri ven' unum denar'
de decem petris canabi & lini ven' {unum} denar'
de decem lagenis olei lampadarum ven' unum ob'
de decem lagenis olei olive ad victum ven' unum denar'
{de} qualibet centena de vitro colorato ven' unum den'
de qualibet centena de vitro albo ven' unum ob'
de qualibet cen{tena} de averio de pondere ven' unum den'
Et de quolibet genere cujuscumque mereimonii valoris quinque solidorum seu eundem valorem excedentis tam mercimoniis superius specificatis quam aliis mercimoniis non specificatis infra eandem {vill} ven' unum den'
Similitur de quelibet genere hujumus mercimoniorum valoris duorum solidorum unum ob' & val{oris duodecim} denariorum unum quadr'}
Ita tamen quod denar' inde provenientes circa muragium & pavaium ac alia necessaria opera ejusdem ville & non alibi bene & fideliter expendantur completo autem termino illo consuetudines praedicte {penitus} cessent & deleantur Et ideo vobus mandamus quod consuetudines praedictas de universis & singulis rebus venalibus {ad} eandem villam venientibus usque ad finem dictorum viginti annorum ultra illos duos annos que de {antiqua concess'} nostra praedicta a primo die marcii proximo futur' ut permittitur hucusque restant ventur' plenar' complend' capiatis colligatis percipiatis & habeatis in forma praedicta Ita semper quod in fine cujuslibet anni de denar' per vos inde recep{ } coram venerabili patre Epispico Clon' Decano ecclesia Cathedralis Clon' & persona ecclesie praedicte qui per tempore fuerint aut uno eorum fidelem compotum {anno in annum} reddatis et quod iidem auditores vel unus eorum compotum illum cum per vos receptus fuerit de tempore in tempus coram Thes' & Baron' de scaccario hibern distincte & aparte { } In cujus Ec' T' praefato Gubernatore (scil Willelmo de Wyndsore) apud Dublin' xxvi die Januar'.
26 Jan. 1375 Dublin
To the K.'s beloved sovereign, bailiffs and worthy men of the town of Youghal.
The K. has considered how the town of Youghal and its neighbouring parts are impoverished and for the greater part destroyed by various rebels of the K. in co. Cork who continuously prey and kill the K.'s faithful people there, and also the good and advantageous place that the town daily holds for the K.'s faithful people. Earnestly wishing for the relief, improvement and fortification of that town, GRANT that the sovereign, bailiffs and worthy men of the town of Youghal, in person or through deputies appointed by them, may take, collect, receive and have the following customs from all and singular articles for sale coming to that town, both by land and by water, in aid of the murage and pavage of the said town and necessary other works for the two years from 1 March next remaining from a certain other grant formerly made by the K., and thereafter for a term of 20 years, viz.:
from each crannock of any kind of grain, malt, flour and salt for sale, 1/2d;
from each of woad for sale, 2d;
from each crannock of Corker and symak for sale, 1d;
from each crannock for sale, ;
from 12 crannocks of any kind of coal for sale, 1d;
from 12 crannocks of lime for sale, 1/2d;
from or mare, hobby, ox or cow for sale, 1d;
from 10 sheep, goats or pigs for sale, ;
from 5 bacon hogs for sale, 1/2d;
from 12 woollen fleeces for sale, 1/2d;
from each hide of horse or mare, hobby, ox or cow, fresh, or tanned for sale, 1/4d;
from each hundredweight of skins of lambs, kids, hares, , cats and squirrels for sale, 1/2d;
from each hundredweight of wool-fells and skins of goats, stags, hinds, bucks or does for sale, 1d;
from each millstone for sale, 1d;
from 2 hand-mills for sale, 1/4d;
from each large sack of wool for sale, 4d;
from each mease of herrings for sale, 1/4d;
from 20 large fish for sale in a ship or boat, 1/2d;
from each horse-load of fish for sale, 1d;
from each load of -fish for sale, 1/4d;
from 100 large fresh-water eels for sale, 1d;
from each salmon for sale, 1/4d;
from each lamprey for sale, 1/4d;
from each tun of wine d;
from each tun of honey for sale, 4d;
from each sum of honey for sale, 1d;
from each sum of for sale, 1/2d;
from each sum of for sale, 1/2d;
from each whole cloth of standard size for sale, 1d;
ells of Irish cloth, both salewyche and worsted , for sale, 1/2d;
from 20 ells of linen cloth, English or overseas, for sale, 1/2d;
from 20 ells of canvas for sale, 1/4d;
from 10 felt hats for sale, 1/2d;
from each carpet or coverlet for sale, 1/4d;
from each cloth of silk or brocade for sale, 1/2d;
from each cap of muslin for sale, 1/2d;
from each Irish falding for sale, 1/4d;
from each ship coming to the said town laden with articles for sale, 3d; from each sum of cloth, 1/2d;
from each band of iron for sale, 1/2d;
from 100 gads of steel for sale, 1/2d;
from 100 large boards for sale, 1/4d;
from each large for sale, 1d;
from each 1000 shingles for sale, 1/2d;
from 100 small boards for sale, 1/4d;
from 100 pounds of pitch and resin for sale, 1/2d;
from each stone of tallow, oil, butter and cheese for sale, 1d;
from 10 pounds of shallot seeds for sale, 1/2d;
from 100 pounds of seeds for sale, 1d;
from 2,000 onions for sale, 1/4d;
from 8 sheaves of garlic for sale, 1/4d;
from each boat laden with brush-wood , 1/2d;
from each boat laden with timber, 1d;
from each 1000 nails for sale, 1/2d;
from each hundredweight of horse-shoes and cart-clouts for sale, 1/2d;
from each 1000 dishes for sale, 1/2d;
from 12 ships, 1/4d;
from each 1000 hinges for sale, 1/4d;
from each dozen cordwain , corvesii and bascon', 1/2d;
from each hundredweight of tin, , 2d;
from each hundredweight of scallops and dried fish for sale, 1d;
from 10 stone of hemp and flax for sale, ;
from 10 gallons of lamp oil for sale, 1/2d;
from 10 gallons of olive oil for ointment for sale, 1d;
from each hundredweight of coloured glass for sale, 1d;
from each hundredweight of white glass for sale, 1/2d;
from each hundredweight of avoirdupois for sale, 1d;
and from any kind of merchandise whatsoever worth 5s, or exceeding that value, both from merchandise specified above or other merchandise not specified for sale in the same town, 1d. similarly,
from any kind of merchandise whatsoever worth 2s, 1/2d; and worth 12d, 1/4d.
The money derived from this is to be spent well and faithfully on the murage and pavage and other necessary works in the said town, and not otherwise; and, at the completion of that term, the customs shall cease and be removed entirely. And they are to take, collect, receive and have the said customs from all and singular articles for sale coming to the same town for 20 years beyond those two years remaining from his former grant, as aforesaid, from 1 March next coming, in the said form. Always providing that at the end of each year a faithful account of the money received by them is rendered before the venerable fathers the bp Cloyne, the dean of the cathedral of Cloyne and the parson of the said church, or one of them, year on year, and that the same auditors or one of them shall send the account before the T. and barons of the K.'s Ex. of Ire., distinctly and openly .2
Attested: governor
{1} RCH indicates that much of the item was illegible in 1828. It is clear from the transcript given in CPI that the damage was considerable. The grant is, however, sufficiently formulaic to allow the text to be reconstructed.
{2} CPI erroneously gives the date as 26 Jan. 1374.
Rex pro servic' contra rebelles de co' Cork, concessit majori etc. ville de Yoghill
Granted by Edward III. (Regnal year 49). Granted at Dublin. Granted by Governor.
Primary Sources
Commissioners on the Public Records of Ireland, 1889 (prepared 1829-30),
Chartae Privilegia et Immunitates, being transcripts of charters and privileges to cities, towns, abbeys and other bodies corporated, 18 Henry II. to 18 Richard II., 1171 to 1395 (Dublin; Irish Record Commission) p. 67 (Ref. E Rot. Pat. 49 Edw III. m 2. f.)
A Calendar of Irish Chancery Letters, c. 1244-1509, PR 49 Edw. III
View CIRCLE recordTresham, Edward (ed), 1828,
Rotulorum patentium et clausorum cancellariae Hiberniae calendarium (Dublin; His Majesty's printers) p. 90 No. 13
Secondary Sources
Thomas, A., 1992,
The Walled Towns of Ireland Vol. 2 (Irish Academic Press) p. 215-20 (dated 1374)
Morrin, J. (ed), 1863,
Calendar of the Patent and Close Rolls of Chancery in Ireland, from the 18th to the 45th of Queen Elizabeth Vol. 2 p. 97 (footnote)
online copy1835,
Reports from Commissioners: Municipal Corporations in Ireland Vol. 27 p. 105
It bears the date 26th of January, in the 49th year of his reign, 1374 (sic) (Recorded as 1374-5 in MCI - Morrin's source) (Rot. Pat. 49 Edward III., m 2, f). The charter grants to the sovereign, bailiffs, and good men of the town, certain tolls and customs therein specified on certain articles coming to the town to be sold, whether by land or water, for a limited period, in aid of the murage and pavage and other necessary works of the town, provided that, at the end of each year, they should account for same before the Bishop, Dean, and Parson of Cloyne, for the time being, or one of them, and that of those auditors, or one of them, should have the accounts distinctly and aptly, from time to time, before the Treasurer and Barons of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland. (Morrin)
On the 26 January Rot. Pat. 49 Edward III., a 13, the King granted to the citizens certain customs (on articles specified) for murage and pavage and other necessary works of the town, for two years, from the 1st of the succeeding March (being the remainder of a former grant), and for twenty years succeeding the termination of the two years; to account annually before the Bishop, Dean, and Parson of the church of Cloyne, who are to return the account from time to time into the Exchequer. (Morrin)
Here Morrin, who is plagerising from the MCI, had incorrectly transcribed two adjacent paragraphs - The Rot. Pat. 49 Edward III., m. 13 charter is dated 4th July and grants freedom for the merchants of Yoghill from being molested for certain dues at Cork.
Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 05/02/2009. Last updated on 04/06/2012. First published online 5/01/2013.