Rions (villam de Riuncio) was given a grant of murage dated 18/5/1316.
This was in the form of:-
{De constructione murorum circa villam de Ryuncio.} - Rex.. constabulario suo Burdeg. qui nunc est vel qui pro tempore fuerit, salutem. Supplicavit nobis Guillelmus Seiguini, dominus de Riuncio, per peticionem suam coram nobis et consilio nostro exhibitam quod, cum clare memorie dominus E., quondam Rex Anglie, pater noster, ad supplicacionem Guillelmi, quondam domini de Riuncio, patris sui, petentis ut idem pater noster ad exspensas suas muros circa dictam villam de Riuncio construi faceret, volens eidem Guillelmo in dicto opere subvenire, mandasset per litteras suas patentes tunc constabulario Burdeg. quod per latomos, cementarios et alios artifices muros circa dictam villam de Riuncio inchoari faceret et circa ipsorum murorum faccionem et construccionem expensas usque ad duo milia librarum chipotensium apponeret et postmodum de summa pecunie, que ad perfeccionem et consumacionem dictorum murorum et similiter castri de Riuncio juxta ipsius constabularii et predictorum artificum discrecionem esset racionabiliter impendenda, eundem patrem nostrum per litteras suas redderet cerciores, et mandatum illud nondum fuit execucioni debite demandatum, velimus ei de eo, quod adhuc de dictis duobus milibus librarum chiposium restat solvendum, debitam satisfaccionem facere exhiberi. Nos, ad beneplacitum dicti patris nostri in hac parte consideracionem habentes ac volentes super hoc fieri quod racionabiliter fuerit faciendum, vobis mandamus quod, visis et examinatis litteris predictis habitaque informacione de solucionibus prefato Guillelmo seu patri suo predicto de dicta pecunie summa factis, satisfacto eciam prius executoribus testamenti bone memorie Clementis nuper Pape quinti de illa pecunie summa in qua sibi super exitibus ducatus predicti tenebamur, eidem Guillelmo de eo, quod sibi adhuc a retro esse inveneritis de dictis duobus milibus librarum pro construccione murorum circa villam predictam concessis, debitam solucionem fieri faciatis, ita tamen quod muri predicti inde construantur et proficiantur juxta tenorem litterarum predictarum. Et nos vobis inde in compoto vestro debitam allocacionem habere faciemus. Datum ut supra. Per peticionem de consilio. {Datum apud Westm., xviij die Maii.}
28 April. Woodstock Oxon . For Guilhem-Séguin {VII}, lord of Rions Bordeaux 33 .
Order to the constable of Bordeaux to check the letters patent of {Edward II}{on this matter}. Guilhem-Séguin {VII}, lord of Rions petitioned {the king} before {him} and his council that his father Guilhem{-Séguin VI}, former lord of Rions Bordeaux 33 petitioned E{dward I} , former king of England, grandfather of the {current} king and complained about his expenses he made to build the walls around the said town of Rions, {walls} that the men of the king of France destroyed during the war between {this latter} and {Edward I} in the duchy without any fault of the said {Guilhem-Séguin VI}. {Edward I} wanting to help {Guilhem-Séguin VII} in this work ordered the constable of Bordeaux to put for the expenses for the building of the walls around the said town up to, and then E{dward II} , former king of England, father of the {current} king ordered at the prosecution of {Guilhem-Séguin VII} the constable of Bordeaux to pay the arrears of what was owed of these granted for the building of the walls around the said town as it is shown in the letters patent of {Edward II on this matter} that {Guilhem-Séguin VII} asserts to own and this payment has not been obtained by {this latter}, his father or someone else on their behalf. The constable has to have information on the payments made to {Guilhem-Séguin VII} or his father {Guilhem-Séguin VI} of the said sum, and pay or find another suitable satisfaction from the issues of the duchy to {Guilhem-Séguin VII} or his attorney on this matter for the building of the walls around the said town if they have not been built and there is no progress as it is said, receiving from {Guilhem-Séguin VII} the said letters {patent of Edward II}, and also his letters of acquittances. The constable will have due allowance in his account.
Granted by Edward II. (Regnal year 9). Granted at Westminster.
Details of the petition which resulted in this grant can be seen
at this link. 
Primary Sources
Renouard, Y. (ed), 1962,
Rôles Gascons, 1307-1317 Vol. 4 p. 466-7 No. 1605
online copyGascon Roll for the 4th year of the reign of Edward III C 61/42
online copy
Not in usual list of Bastides. Based on Guillaume Seguin being lord of Rions about this time and Rions being a town in Burgundy (26km SE of Bordeaux) Riuncio - Rions is not an impossible phonetic shift. La tour de la Citadelle and la tour de Lyhan (aka la porte de l'Hlan) are surviving C14 towers fairly well intact. Rions small village, not a regular street plan but some evidence of walls to the north, presumably village is older in origin than bastides. The tour de la Citadelle is clearly a castle and the tour de Lyhan a impressive gate facing north (the road to Bordeaux). Village may have been on bank of Garonne in medieval period, but now 300m from river.
It seems this grant was confirmed or repeated by Edward III in 1330. "Les Rôles Gascons nous apprennent enfin que Guillaume de Seguin, seigneur de Rions, obtint en 1330, d'Edouard III, roi d'Angleterre, la permission d'entourer de murailles la ville de Rions." ( and other websites, usually without ref. to Rôles Gascon)
This seems to be an order to the constable of Burgandy to investigate the work done at Riuncio and to pay 2000 pounds of Bigorre (about £250) of promised money
Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 30/10/2009. Last updated on 01/02/2013. First published online 5/01/2013.