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Ardee (Athirde) was given a grant of murage dated 21/1/1390.

This was in the form of:-

Pro praeposito et communitate villae de Athirde de muragio concesso.
Rex dilectis sibi praeposito et communitate ville de Athirde salutem sciatis quod cum nos octavo die Februar' anno regni nostri tercio per literas nostras patentes magno sigillo nostro quo utimur in terra nostra hibern consign' in auxilium ejusdem ville muro lapideo claudende & vicorum ejusdem ville pavandorum concesserimus vobus quod vos & posteri vestri per vosmet vel deputandos a vobis capere percipere & habere possitis de rebus venalibus ad eandem villam venientibus seu in eandem causa vendendi existentibus a praedicto octavo die Februar usque ad finem decem annorum tunc proximo sequen' plenarie complend' consuetudines & custumas subscript' videlicet
de quolibet equo venal' unum den'
de qualibet bove & vacca mortua vel viva unum denar'
de quolibet sak' et de quolibet seme venal' unum obolum
de quolibet corio bovis vel vacce ven umum obolum
de qualibet carecta & de qualibet pari rotarum venal' unum denar'
et de quocumque genere mercandisarum vel mercimon' quod non nominatur in istis literis valoris duorum solidorum venal' unum quadrantem et valoris quinque solidorum venal unum denarium
prout in literis nostris praedictis plenius continetur jamque ex parte vestra nobus est h'mliter supplicatum ut cum terminus dictorum decem annorum octavo die Februar' nunc proximo futur' totaliter elapsus erit & incurses hujumus consuetudines & custumas habend' & precipiend' de consilibus rebus venal' in auxilium muragii & pavagii ville praedicte a praedicto octavo die Februar' nunc proximo futur' usque ad finem decem annorum extunc proximo sequens vobus gratimose concedere dignaremur Nosque considerantes bonum locum quem ville praedicta tenet tam fidelibus ligeis nostris eidem ville vicinis quam in resistenciam malicie hibernicorum inimicorum nostrorum ville praedicte adjacencium ac volentes proinde gratiam vobus in hac parte facere uberiorem de gracia specali in fortificacionem & emendacionem ejusdem ville paviand' & muro lapideo claudende in confortacionem & auxilium dictorum fidelium nostrorum concessimus & licenciam vobis dedimus quod vos & posteri vestri per vosmet & a vobus depuntand' capere possitis & habere cons'iles consuetudines & custumas supra dictas de rebus venal' ad eandem villam venientibus seu in villa praedicta vendibilibus videlicet a praedicto octavo die Februar' proximo futur' usque ad finem decem annorum extunc proximo sequen' plenarie complendorum Et ideo vobus mandamus quod consuetudines & custumas praedictas de rebus venalibus praedictis usque ad finem dictorum decem annorum proximo futur' colligatis levetis & precipiatis in forma praedicta Ita tamen quod denar' inde provenient' circa muragium & pavagium ejusdem ville & non alibi fideliter expendantur et quod in fine cujuslibet anni compotus inde coram ven' in Chistro patre Episcipo miden' & vi' loueth' qui pro tempore erunt vel altero eorum et non ad scaccarium nostram hibern de anno in annum durante termino praedicto fideliter reddatur completo termino autem illo consuet' & custume praedicte penitus cessent & deleantur In cujus &c T' praefat' Justic' apud Drogh' xxi die Janu{}
21 Jan. 1390 Drogheda
To the provost and commonalty of the town of Ardee.
By letters patent sealed with the g.s. used in Ire., dated 8 Feb. 3 Ric. II,1 the K. granted the provost and community of the town of Ardee a licence for 10 years to collect the following customs from certain articles for sale coming to that town or being in the same town for sale, in aid of the enclosure of the same town with a stone wall and the paving of its streets, viz.: from each horse for sale, 1d; form each bull and cow, dead or alive, 1d; from each sak and each seme for sale, 1/2d; from each hide of a bull or cow for sale, 1/2d; from each cart and from each pair of wheels for sale, 1d; and from all kinds of merchandise for sale not named in those letters worth 2s, 1/4d; and from all kinds of merchandise for sale worth 5s, 1d; just as is more fully contained in those letters patent. Now, since that term of 10 years will elapse on 8 Feb. next coming, it is humbly pleaded on behalf of the provost and community that the K. might deign to grant them similar customs in aid of the murage and pavage of that town from that date for a further term of 10 years. The K. has considered the good place the town holds both for his faithful lieges in the vicinity of that town and also in resistance of the malice of his Irish enemies of the neighbouring parts. Wishing therefore to show more abundant grace in this part, GRANT and LICENCE of the K.'s special grace, for the fortification and improvement of the paving of that town and for its enclosure with a stone wall in comfort and aid of the K.'s lieges, that the provost and community may take and have similar customs on all articles for sale coming to that town from 8 Feb. next for a term of 10 years. Such that the money derived from those customs shall be faithfully expended on the murage and pavage of the same town, and not otherwise. And at the end of that term, an account for this is to be rendered before the bishop of Meath and sheriff of Louth, or either of them, and not at the Ex. of Ire. from year to year. And at the end of that term, those customs shall cease and be removed entirely.
Attested: The Jcr
Rex preposito et communitati ville de Athirde, recit' quod a' r' sui tercio concessat eis quod capere possent consuetudines de reb' venal' ad eam vill' venientib' ad fin' 10 an' jam fere elaps', concess' quod cons'iles capere possint ab 8 Feb' prox' ad fin' 10 an' extunc. 21 Jan

Granted by Richard II. (Regnal year 13). Granted at Drogheda. Granted by Justice.
Primary Sources
Commissioners on the Public Records of Ireland, 1889 (prepared 1829-30), Chartae Privilegia et Immunitates, being transcripts of charters and privileges to cities, towns, abbeys and other bodies corporated, 18 Henry II. to 18 Richard II., 1171 to 1395 (Dublin; Irish Record Commission) p. 87 (Ref. E Rot. Pat. 13 Ric. II. m. 11, d.) (dated 1389)
A Calendar of Irish Chancery Letters, c. 1244-1509, PR 13 Ric. II View CIRCLE record
Tresham, Edward (ed), 1828, Rotulorum patentium et clausorum cancellariae Hiberniae calendarium (Dublin; His Majesty's printers) p. 146 No. 216

Secondary Sources
1835, Reports from Commissioners: Municipal Corporations in Ireland Vol. 28 p. 651 online copy

A subsequent charter of the 21st January, 13 Ric. II. (a.d. 1389,) enrolled in Chancery, 13 (Rot. Pat. 13 Ric. II. m. 11, d.) granted to "the provost, and commonalty of the town of Athirde" similar customs, for a further term of 10 years, to be expended on murage and pavage. (MCI)
The same short list as 1377
each horse 1 penny
each bullock or cow dead or alive 1 penny
each sak' and each seme a halfpenny
each hide of bullock or cow a halfpenny
each cart and each 'trap' (two wheeled vehicle) a penny
and of all other goods and merchandise not named in this letter of the value of 2 shillings a farthing and of the value of 5 shillings a penny
how the last would work in practice I can't see. what do you charge for someone with 5 items each valued at 2 shillings; a penny farthing or tuppence?

Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 15/02/2009. Last updated on 04/06/2012. First published online 5/01/2013.

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