burgesses of Drogheda towards Meath was granted an exemption from murage dated 7/2/1318.
Inspeximus and confirmation of a charter dated at Reading, 16 June, 31 Henry III, in favour of the burgesses of Drogheda towards Meath. {Calendar, Vol. I, p. 828. _Historic and Municipal Documents of Ireland,_ p. 108.}
With further grant that the said burgesses shall not be impeded in the enjoyment of any of the aforesaid privileges by reason of any non-user in the past; provided always that if the borough has hitherto been wont to be tallaged with the other cities and boroughs and demesnes in the said land for the king's behalf, or ought so to be tallaged, it shall be so tallaged in future as is due;
moreover, whereas in the said charter it is contained that the burgesses may amend themselves by building so far as they can over the river as far as the mid-stream _(filum aque)_ of the Boyn and elsewhere within their bounds, and in any other way which may be for their advantage, the king, of further grace, has given to them all his vacant places in the borough to be built upon or used for the profit of the burgesses, provided that it be done without damage to any; and has granted that the burgesses shall be quit of murage and pavage throughout all his realm and power; and that in addition to their weekly market on Wednesday they shall have another weekly market on Saturday in the borough; and whereas in the said charter it is contained that the burgesses shall be quit of toll, lastage, passage, pontage and tallage throughout all the sea ports and demesne lands, the king has now granted that they shall be quit of lastage, passage and pontage through all his power; and that on any plea arising within the borough the said burgesses shall not be convicted by foreigners, but only by their fellow burgesses, unless the matter touch the king, his heirs or ministers, or the community of the town;
and whereas in the said charter it is contained that of all debts incurred at Drogheda or of pledges there pledged pleas shall be held at Drogheda, the king grants that in such pleas in distraints and attachments to be made thereon it shall be done as in the king's court of Ireland in like cases has been wont to be done according to the law and custom of those parts. By K. & C.
Edwardus dei gracia Rex Anglie Dominus hibern Dux Aquit' Archiepiscopis Episcopis
Concessimus eciam eis Burgens' & hac carta nostra confirmavimus pro nobis & heredis nostris quod ipsi & eorum heredis & successores quieti sint de muragio & pavagio per totum regnum
Hiis testibus venerabilibus patribus Waltero Archiepiscopo Cantuarien' tocius Anglie primate Johane Wynton' Episcopo Cancellar' nostro Johane Bathon' & Wellen' & Thoma Wygorn' Episciopo Adomaro de Valencia Comite Pembr' hunfro de Bohun Comite hereford & Essex' hugone le despenser seniore Barth'o de Badelesmere Willo de monte accuto Senescallo hospicii nostri & aliis Datum per manum nostram apud Westm' septimo die Febr' anno regni nostri undecimo.
Granted by Edward II. (Regnal year 11). Granted at Westminster. Grant by By K. & C..
Primary Sources
Maxwell Lyte, H.C. (ed), 1908,
Calendar of Charter Rolls Edward I, Edward II 1300-1326 Vol. 3. (HMSO) p. 373
onlineIrish Record Commission, 1829-30,
Chartae Privilegia et Immunitates p. 48 (ref. E Rot. Mem. 4,5 Hen. Viii. m 28.) (Dated 7 Feb, 1317)
Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 05/03/2009. Last updated on 19/01/2013. First published online 6/01/2013.