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burgesses of Cambridge (Burgensibus de Cantebrege) was granted an exemption from murage dated 27/11/1313.

Inspeximus and confirmation of the following charters in favour of the burgesses of Cambridge:-
1. A charter dated at Westminster 21 April 11 Henry III {Cambridge Borough Charters p. 12.}
2. A charter dated at Westminster 24 November 9 Edward I
with further grant of liberties {Cambridge Borough Charters p. 17.}
By fine of 100 marks
Edwardus dei gracia Rex Anglie, Dominus Hibernie, et Dux Aquitannie, Archiepiscopis, Episcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, Comitibus, Baronibus, Iusticiariis, Vicecomitibus, Prepositis, Ministris, et omnibus Ballivis, et Fidelibus suis salutem. Inspeximus cartam quam dominus Henricus quon- dam Rex Anglie avus noster fecit burgensibus de Cantebrige in hec verba: Henricus dei gracia &c.
Here follows a copy of the Charter granted by Henry III. in the nth year of his reign and on the 21st of April 1227 hereinbefore printed and numbered VI. The present Charter then proceeds as follows:—
Inspeximus etiam cartam confirmacionis quam dominus Edwardus quondam Rex Anglie pater noster fecit eisdem burgensibus in hec verba: Edwardus dei gratia &c.
Here follows a copy of the Charter of Inspeximus granted by Edward I. in the 9th year of his reign and on the 24th November 1280 hereinbefore printed and numbered IX. The present Charter then proceeds as follows:—
Nos autem donaciones concessiones et confirmaciones predictas ratas habentes et gratas eas pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est prefatis burgensibus et eorum heredibus ac successoribus concedimus et confirmamus sicut carte predicte racionabiliter testantur. Preterea volentes eisdem burgensibus graciam facere ampliorem concessimus eis pro nobis et heredibus nostris quod licet ipsi aliqua vel aliquibus libertatum et quietanciarum predictarum hactenus plene usi non fuerint ipsi nichilominus et heredes ac successores sui predict! libcrtatibus et quietanciis predictis et earum qualibet decetero absque inquietacione vel impedimento nostri vel heredum nostrorum aut ministrorum nos- trorum quorumcumque racionabiliter gaudeant et utantur. Et insuper concessimus eis pro nobis et heredibus nostris quod ipsi ct heredes ac successores sui predicti de pavagio muragio et picagio infra regnum et potestatem nostram imperpetuum sint quieti. Et quod terras et tenementa sua infra eundem burgum et suburbium eiusdem existencia tanquam catalla sua in ultima voluntate sua legare possint quibuscumque et cuicumque voluerint dum tamen ad manum mortuam non deveniant. Et quod de transgressionibus seu contractibus in eisdem burgo et suburbio factis non placitent nee implacitentur extra burgum ilium nisi res ipsa tangat nos vel heredes nostras et quod super transgressionibus et contractibus il lis aut aliis factis intrinsecis per forinsecos minime convincantur set solummodo per comburgenses suos nisi factum illud tangat nos vel heredes nostras aut comunitatem burgi predicti, ita tamen quod magistris et scolaribus universitatis eiusdem ville super aliquibus libertatibus eis per progenitores nostras quondam Reges Anglie concessis per concessiones nostras supradictas nullatenus preiudicetur. Hiis testibus: venerabilibus patribus Iohanne Norwycensi et Iohanne Barthoniensi et Wellensi Episcopis, Gilberto de Clare Comite Gloucestrie et Hertfordie, Adomaro de Vallencia Comite Pembrochie, Hugone le Despenser, Radulfo Alio Willelmi, Bartholomeo de Badelesmere et aliis. Data per manum nostram apud Westmonasterium vicesimo septimo die Novembris anno regni nostri septimo.

Edward by the grace of God King of England Lord of Ireland and Duke of Aquitaine, to his Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, Priors, Earls, Barons, Justices, Sheriffs, Reeves, Ministers and all his Bailiffs and faithful People greeting. We have inspected a charter which Lord Henry formerly King of England our grandfather made to the burgesses of Cambridge in these words : Henry by the grace of God &c.
Here follows a copy of the Charter granted by Henry III. in the nth year of his reign and on the 21st of April 1227 hereinbefore translated and numbered VI. The present Charter then proceeds as follows:—
We have inspected also a charter of confirmation which Lord Edward formerly King of England our father made to the same burgesses in these words : Edward by the grace of God &c.
Here follows a copy of the Charter of Inspeximus granted by Edward I. in the 9th year of his reign and on the 24th November 1280 hereinbefore translated and numbered IX. The present Charter then proceeds as follows:—
Now we ratifying and according the gifts, grants and confirmations aforesaid, do grant and confirm the same for ourselves and our heirs so far as in us lies to the aforesaid burgesses and their heirs and successors as the aforesaid charters reasonably testify. Moreover, being willing to do an ampler favour to the same burgesses, we have granted to them for ourselves and our heirs that, although they may not hitherto have fully used the beforementioned liberties and quittam or some of them, they nevertheless and their heirs and successors beforementioned may henceforth reasonably enjoy and use the liberties and quittances beforementioned and every of them without let or hindrance by us or our heirs or any of our ministers whomsoever. And moreover we have granted to them for ourselves and our heirs that they and their heirs and successors beforementioned shall be for ever free from pavage, murage and pickage within our realm and dominion. And that they may by last will bequeath their lands and tenements within the borough and the suburb thereof as if the same were their chattels to whatsoever persons or person they may wish, provided the same shall not come into mortmain. And that concerning trespasses or contracts made in the same borough and suburb they may not sue or be sued outside that borough unless the matter concerns us or our heirs. And that touching those trespasses and contracts or other internal affairs they shall not be convicted by strangers but only by their fellow-burgesses, unless the matter concerns us or our heirs or the commonalty of the aforesaid borough. But so nevertheless that by our grants abovementioned no manner of prejudice be done to the masters and scholars of the university of the same town in any of the liberties granted to them by our progenitors formerly Kings of England. As witnesses: the venerable fathers John Bishop of Norwich and John Bishop of Bath and Wells, Gilbert de Clare Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, Aymer de Valence Earl of Pem- broke, Hugh le Despenser, Ralph Fitz William, Bartholomew of Badlesmere and others. Given by our hand at Westminster on the twenty-seventh day of November in the seventh year of our reign.
Allocacio facta Burgensibus de Cantebrege de muragio.
Be it remembered that on Thursday after the Feast of the Purification B. M. {2 Feb.}, 5 Edward III. {A.D. 1330-1}, came Hugh Madefrey before John de Pulteneye, the Mayor, Nicholas de Farndone, Richard de Betoyne, John de Grantham, Simon de Swanlond, John de Prestone, Benedict de Fulsham, Robert de Ely, Richard de Hakeneye, Reginald de Conduit, Gregory de Nortone, Thomas de Leyre, Henry de Combemartyn, John de Caustone, John Priour, and Henry de Secheford, Aldermen, and Stephen de Abyndone, Thomas Harwold, William Haunsard, Henry Monqoi, Roger Chauntecler, Nicholas Crane, John de Somersham, John de Bettone, Richard de Welleford, John de Aynesham, Adam Lucas, Adam Pikeman, Stephen de Uptone, John Lovekyn, and other citizens {not named}, assembled together, and asked that the burgesses of the town of Grauntebregge might be allowed their liberty touching the payment of murage, whereof they ought to be quit according to the terms of their charter produced, viz., "Edward, by the grace of God, &c., we have inspected the charter which the lord Henry, late King of England, our grandfather, made to the burgesses of Cantebrige in these words: Henry, by the grace of God, &c. Know ye that we have granted, and by this our charter have confirmed, to our burgesses of Cantebrege the vill of Cantebrege with all its appurtenances, &c. And moreover have granted for us and our heirs that they, their heirs and successors aforesaid, be for ever quit of pavage, murage, and pickage within our realm and dominion."
The said charter being read, it was granted that the burgesses of the vill of Cant{ebrege} and their successors should thenceforth be quit in the City of London of payment of murage only, &c.

Granted by Edward II. (Regnal year 7). Granted at Westminster. Grant by By fine of 100 marks.
Primary Sources
Maxwell Lyte, H.C. (ed), 1908, Calendar of Charter Rolls Edward I, Edward II 1300-1326 Vol. 3. (HMSO) p. 226 online
1901, The charters of the borough of Cambridge p. 20-23 online
Sharpe, R.R. (ed), 1903, Calendar of letter-books of the city of London E: 1314-1337 - Folio ccxi b. online

Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 27/01/2009. Last updated on 19/01/2013. First published online 6/01/2013.

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