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Thomastown (Thomaston') was given a grant of murage dated 1/3/1375.

This was in the form of:-

Pro praeposito et communitate ville de Thomastown de muragio concess.
Rex praeposito & communitati ville de Thomaston' in com' Kilkenn' salutem Sciatis quod nos considererantes qualibet villa vestra praedicta in march' com' praedicti prope hibernicos inimicos & rebelles nostros earumdem parcium extat situata & quod fideles nostri parcium adjacencium per dictos inimicos nostros pro majori parte sunt destructi & depardati ac eciam bonum locum quem homines dicte ville in marchiis praedictis tenent proinde relevac'oem emendac'oem & fortificac'oem ejusdem ville affectuose desiderantes in auxilium ejusdem ville muro lapideo claudende de gracia nostra specali concessimus & licenciam dedimus vobus quod vos & posteri vestri per vosmet seu deputandos a vobus capere possitis precipere & habere a die confec'ois praesencium usque ad finem viginti annorum proximo seq'n plenar' complendorum de rebus venalibus ad eandem villam venientibus seu de eadem villa causa vendendi transeuntibus consuetudines subscriptas videlicet
D' qualt bargea vel magno batello mercandisis carcatis venientibus per villam praedictam quatuor denar'
D' {quolibet} pervo batello venient' similiter ibidem duos denar'
D' quolibet crannoc' cujuscumque generis bladi vel brasei ven' unum denar'
D' quolibet crannoco salis ven' duos denar'
D' quolibet equo vel equa hobino bove vel vacca ven' unum denar'
D' quolibet carcosio bovis vel vacce ven' unum denar'
D' quolibet corio bovis vel vacce equi vel eque frisco salito aut tannato ven unum quadr'
D' qualibet benda ferri ven' unum denar'
D' qualibet massa ferri ven' unum quadr'
D' quolibet bacono ven' unum obolum
D' quolibet summagio piscis marini ven' unum denar'
D' quolibet bovecco vel Juvenca ven' unum denar'
D' quolibet porco ven' unum obol'
D' quolibet multone ove vel capra ven' unum quadr'
D' qualibet meisa allecis fr{isci} aut saliti ven' unum denar'
D' centum bordis ven unum obol'
D' quolibet asceri ven' unum obol'
D' quolibet { } lane magno ven' sex denar'
D' qualibet petra lane ven' unum obol'
D' qualibet falinga praecii duorum solidorum ven' { } obol' & praecii duodecim denar' unum quadr' & praecii quinque solidorum unum denar'
D' decem sumag' bosci ven' { }
D' qualibet milliari clavorum ven' unum denar'
D' duabus solidatis cujuscumque maeremii ven' unum obol'
D' qualibet { } corticis ven' unum obol'
D' qualibet pacca panni lanei vel linei seu cujuscumque alterius mercimonii ven' d{ }
D' qualibet lagena mellis ven' unum quadr'
D' duabus libris cere ven' unum obol'
D' quolibet salmone ven' { } quadr'
D' quolibet dolio vini ven' quatour den'
D' qualibet pipa ven' duos denar'
D' qualibet sum'a panni{ } denar'
D' qualibet sum'a de Corkie ven' unum denar'
D' qualibet pecia cepi uncti butiri & casei ven' unum qu{ar'}
D' qualibet centena ferrorum ad equos & cliccorum ad carectas ven' quatuor denar'
D' duaus petris canabi ven' unum obol'
D' qualibet nova carecta unum denar'
D' quolibet pari rotarum ven' unum den'
D' quolibet aratro ven' unum quadr'
D' quolibet panno anglico vel transmarino integro ven' quatuor denar'
D' qualibet libra de Serico ven' duos den'
D' quolibet capite Sindonis ven' duos denar'
D' quolibet crannoco de Stoncoll' aut Wodecoll' ven' unum obol'
D' qualibet centena de vitro ven' unum den'
D' qualibet centena cardonum ven' unum obol'
D' qualibet centena cujuscuque baterie eris vel cupri operati vel non operati ven' duos den'
D' qualibet petra ferri ven' unum quadr'
D' quolibet crannoc' de Tandust ven' unum obol'
D' qualibet centena anguillarum ven' unum quadr'
D' qualibet centena de Teslys ven' unum obol'
D' decem pellibus ovium Shorlingorum agnorum caprarum leporum cuniculorum vulpium catorum sive squirellorum ven' unum ob'
D' qualibet libra zinzib'is ven' unum ob'
D' qualibet libra croci ven' unum denar'
D' qualibet libra peperis ven' unum quadr'
D' qualibet libra de Galyngal ven' unum ob'
D' qualibet libra de clowes ven' unum denar'
D' qualibet libra de maces ginbibes & graindeparys ven' unum ob'
D' omnibus aliis generibus specierum valoris duodecim denar' unum quadr'
D' decem libris amigdalorum & Rys ven' unum obolum
D' quolibet fraello de fygys & de reisyns ven' unum ob'
D' centum libris de Alym ven' duos den'
D' centum libris se'is porri ven quatuor den'
D' decem libris se'is ceparum ven' unum denar'
D' viginti ulnis de canevas ven' duos den'
D' quolibet bol'o de eylesam ven' unum denar'
D' qualibet pecia de card' ven' unum denar'
D' quolibet chalon' vel alio cooptorio lecti ven' valoris quinque solidorum unum denar'
D' decem capellis de feltro seu aliis capellis de lana ven' unum den'
D' qualibet see {m} de Slabbys ven' unum den'
D' quolibet fotmel plumbi ven unum ob'
D' omnibus generibus Averdepays valoris duodecim denar' unum quadr'
D' quolibet miliari clavorum de Spykynges ven' duos den'
D' decem Sharris ven' unum den'
D' quolibet fraello de batry ven' quatuor den'
D' quolibet grosso cacabo ven' unum den'
D' qualibet cella valoris quinque solidorum ven' unum denar'
D' quolibet summagio butiri ven' unum den'
D' quolibet lestre butiri ven' duos den'
D' qualibet pipa cere ven' unum den'
D' quolibet lesta coriorum ven' sex den'
D' qualibet Dacra coriorum ven' unum den'
D' quibuscumque coriis valoris duodecem denar' ven' unum quadr'
D' quibuscumque pellibus valoris duodecim denar' ven unum quadr'
D' quolibet equo valoris quadraginta solidorum & ultra ven' tres den'
D' centum piscibus siccis ven' duos denar'
Et de quocumque genere mercandizarum unde hic non fit mencio valoris duodecem denar' ven' unum quadr'
D' quolibet mercimonio valoris duorum solidorum ven unum ob' & valoris quinque solidorum ven' unum den'
Et ideo vobus mandamus quod consuetudines praedictas de rebus ven' praedictis in forma praedicta capiatis & habeatis usque ad finem termini praedicti completo autem termino illo consuetudines praedicte penitus cessent & deleantur Ita semper quod denar { } provenientes circa muragium ville praedicte & non alibi fideliter expendantur et quod venelle & vici ejusdem { } ounm putredine de anno in annum mundentur & ab hujus putredine munde custodiantur durante termino preadicto compotus inde coram venerabili patre Episcipio {Ossor'} & Abbate de Jeriponte qui pro tempore fuerint seu altero eorum & non ad scaccarium nostram hibern de anno in annum per vos fideliter reddatur In cujus &c' T' praefato Gubernatore apud Kilkenn' primo die marcii.
1 Mar. 1375 Kilkenny
To the provost and commonalty of the town of Thomastown, co. Kilkenny.
The K. has considered how Thomastown is situated in the march of the said county near the K.'s Irish enemies and rebels, and that the K.'s faithful people of the neighbouring parts are for the greater part destroyed and plundered by the said enemies, and also the good place that the men of that town hold in those marches. Thus, earnestly desiring for the relief, improvement and fortification of the town, the K. has granted of his special grace to the provost and community of Thomastown, co. Kilkenny, in aid of enclosing the town with a stone wall, from the day of the making of these presents until the end of 20 years then following, that they may take, receive and have, by themselves or by deputies, from articles for sale coming to that town or crossing the said town with the purpose of selling, the following customs, viz.: from each barge or large boat laden with merchandise coming by the said town, 4d;
from each small boat coming there similarly, 2d;
from each crannock of any kind of grain or malt for sale, 1d;
from each crannock of salt for sale, 2d;
from each horse or mare, hobby, ox or cow for sale, 1d;
from each carcass of an ox or cow for sale, 1d;
from each hide of an ox or cow, horse or mare, fresh, salted or tanned for sale, 1/4d;
from each band of iron for sale, 1d;
from each mass of iron for sale, 1d;
from each bacon hog for sale, 1/2d;
from each load of sea fish for sale, 1d;
from each bovecco or Juvenca for sale, 1d;
from each pig for sale, 1/2d;
from each mutton sheep or goat for sale, 1/4d;
from each mease of herrings, fresh or salted, for sale, 1d;
from one hundred boards for sale, 1/2d;
from each steel tool for sale, 1/2d;
from each large woolen , 6d;
from each stone of wool for sale, 1/2d;
from each falding worth 2s for sale , 1/2d; and worth 12d, 1/4d; and worth worth 5s, 1d;
from 10 loads of firewood for sale ;
from each 1000 nails for sale, 1d;
from two solidates of any kind of timber for sale, 1/2d;
from each of bark for sale, 1/2d;
from each piece of woolen or linen cloth or any other merchandise for sale, ;
from each gallon of honey for sale, 1/4d;
from two pounds of wax for sale, 1/2d;
from each salmon for sale , 1/4d;
from each tun of wine for sale, 1/4d;
from each pipe for sale, 2d;
from each sum of cloth , d;
from each sum of cork for sale, 1d;
from each peck of tallow, oil, butter and cheese for sale, 1/4d;
from each hundredweight of horse-shoes and cart-clouts for sale, 1/4d;
from two stones of hemp for sale, 1/2d;
from each new cart for sale, 1d; form each pair of wheels for sale, 1d;
from each plough for sale, 1/4d;
from each whole cloth, English or overseas, for sale, 4d;
from each pound of silk for sale, 2d;
from each cap of muslin for sale, 2d;
from each crannock of Stoncoll' or Wodecoll' for sale, 1/2d;
from each hundredweight of glass for sale, 1d;
from each hundredweight of cardonum for sale, 1/2d;
from each hundredweight of kitchenware of brass or copper, lidded or unlidded for sale, 2d;
from each stone of iron for sale, 1/4d;
from each cronnock of Tandust for sale, 1/2d;
from each hundredweight of eels for sale, 1/4d;
from each hundredweight of Teslys for sale, 1/2d;
from ten skins of sheep, Shorlings, lambs, goats, hares, rabbits, foxes, cats or squirrels for sale, 1/2d;
from each pound of ginger for sale, 1/2d;
from each pound of saffron for sale, 1d;
from each pound of pepper for sale, 1/4d;
from each pound of galangal for sale, 1/2d;
from each pound of cloves for sale, 1d;
from each pound of mace, ginbibes, and grain of Paris for sale, 1/2d;
from all other kinds of spices worth 12d, 1/4d;
from 10 pounds of almonds and rice for sale, 1/2d;
from each frail of figs and of raisins for sale, 1/2d;
from 100 pounds of garlic for sale, 12d;
from 100 pounds of leek seeds for sale, 3d;
from 10 pounds of onion seeds for sale, 1d;
from 20 ells of canvas for sale, 2d;
from each bolo de eylesam for sale, 1d;
from each piece of card' for sale, 1d;
from each coverlet or other bedcover for sale worth 4s, 1d;
from ten felt caps or other cloth caps for sale, 1d;
from each piece of legys for sale, 1d;
from 12 yards of Irish cloth for sale, 1d;
from each see de Slabbys for sale 1d;
from each fotmel of lead for sale, 1/2d;
from all kinds of Avoirdupois worth 12d, 1/4d;
from each 1000 nails of Spykynges for sale, 2d;
from 10 Sharris for sale, 1d;
from each frail of kitchenware for sale, 3d;
from each grosso cacabo for sale, 1d;
from each cella worth 5s for sale, 1d;
from each load of butter for sale, 1d;
from each lestre of butter for sale, 2d;
from each pipe of wax for sale, 1d;
from each last of leather for sale, 6d;
from each dicker of leather for sale, 1d;
from all manner of hides worth 12d for sale, 1/4d;
from each horse worth 40s and more for sale, 3d;
from 100 dry fish for sale, 2d. And from all kinds any merchandise of which mention is not made here worth 12d for sale, 1/4d;
and from any merchandise worth 2s for sale, 1/2d; and worth 5s for sale, 1d.
And the K. orders them to take and have those customs from articles for sale in the said form until the end of the said term, at the end of which the customs shall cease and be removed entirely. So that the money derived shall be spent faithfully on the murage of the said town, and not otherwise, and that the lanes and ways of the town shall be cleansed of all filth year on year and kept clean of filth during the said term. The K. wishes that, at the end of each year during that term, they render their account on this faithfully before the venerable father, the bp Ossory and the abbot of Jerpoint, or either of them, and not at the K.'s Ex. of Ire., from year to year.
Attested: , governor
Authorized: By petition of council.
Rex concess praeposito et communitati ville de Thomaston in co' Kilk' quod capere poss t, per 20 an' prox', de reb' venal' ad dictem vill' venient', seu de ead' causa vendendi transeuntib', consuetud' subscriptas, viz. etc.; ita semp provenientes circa murag' dicte ville expendantur, et quod in fine cujuslibet anni coram episcopo vel abbate de Jeriponte pro tempe et non ad scaccarium reddatur. Dub', 1 Mar.

Granted by Edward III. (Regnal year 49). Granted at Kilkenny. Granted by Governor.
Primary Sources
Commissioners on the Public Records of Ireland, 1889 (prepared 1829-30), Chartae Privilegia et Immunitates, being transcripts of charters and privileges to cities, towns, abbeys and other bodies corporated, 18 Henry II. to 18 Richard II., 1171 to 1395 (Dublin; Irish Record Commission) p. 68 (Ref. E Rot. Pat. 49 Edw. III m. 11. d.)
A Calendar of Irish Chancery Letters, c. 1244-1509, PR 49 Edw. III View CIRCLE record
Tresham, Edward (ed), 1828, Rotulorum patentium et clausorum cancellariae Hiberniae calendarium (Dublin; His Majesty's printers) p. 98 No. 256

Secondary Sources
The Heritage Council, 2007, Newtown Jerpoint County Kilkenny p. 123 (The Heritage Council of Ireland) online copy
Thomas, A., 1992, The Walled Towns of Ireland Vol. 2 (Irish Academic Press) p. 190-92

Long grant of relatively high rates (a penny on grain, tuppence on salt)

Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 04/02/2009. Last updated on 04/06/2012. First published online 5/01/2013.

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