Southampton (Suthampton') was given a grant of murage dated 15/3/1339.
This was in the form of:-
Grant of material:- timber, lime, stone and iron Enforcement power:- enforce workers Starting 15/3/1339 running to 15/3/1339.
To the sheriff of Southampton. Order to cause carpenters, smiths, masons, plasterers and other workmen necessary for enclosing the town of Southampton and the neighbouring parts with a wall of stone and lime, according to the advice of the council, to be chosen and to stay in the town until the work is accomplished, and to cause timber, lime, stone and iron to be bought for this and taken to the said town. By C.
The like to the sheriff of Wilts. {Ibid.}
Quod villa Southampton' muro de petrâ & calce firmetur.
Rex, vicecomiti Sutht', salutem. Quia, pro salvatione & defensione villae nostrae de Suthampton' & partium adjacentium, contra alienigenarum hostium nostrorum invasiones, de avisamento concilii nostri ordinavimus villam praedictam versus mare muro de petrâ & calce, cum omni celeritate quâ fieri poterit, firmari;
Tibi praecipimus firmiter injungentes, quod tot carpentarios, fabros, latamos, sementarios, & alios operarios, quot pro operibus hujusmodi in villâ praedictâ faciendis, necessarii fuerint, juxta avisamentum illorum, quos ad operationes praedictas ibidem supervidend' per nos assignari contigerit, in ballivâ tuâ, tam infra libertates quam extra, eligi, & ad villam praedictam duci, & ibidem, quousque opera praedicta perficiantur, morari, ac maeremium, calcem, petram, & ferrum, quantum pro operationibus illis necessarium fuerit, in ballivâ tuâ, tam infra libertates quam extrâ, emi & provideri, & ad villam praedictam, pro operationibus praedictis faciendis, duci & cariari facias:
Volentes tam praefatis operariis pro stipendiis suis, pro tempore quo circa operationes illas in villâ praedictâ sic intenderint, quam eis de quibus hujusmodi maeremium, calx, petra, & ferrum, ac cariagia pro eisdem usque ad villam praedictam capta fuerint, per testimonium dictorum supervisorum operationum praedictarum satisfaciat.
Teste custode praedicto, apud Wynton', xv. die Marcii. Per cons'
Consimile breve dirigitur vic' Wiltes. Teste ut supra.
Granted by Edward III. (Regnal year 13). Granted at Winchester. Granted by C..
Primary Sources
Maxwell Lyte, H.C. (ed), 1901,
Calendar of Close Rolls Edward III Vol. 5 p. 55
online copyRymer, T. (ed. A.Clark and F. Holbrooke), 1816-69,
Foedera, Litterae & Acta Publica Vol. 2 p. 1077
Secondary Sources
Turner, H.L., 1971,
Town Defences in England and Wales (London) p. 172
Page, Wm (ed), 1908,
VCH Hampshire and the Isle of Wight Vol. 3 p. 493-530
online copy
in March, 1339, the sheriff of Southampton was ordered to impress carpenters, smiths, masons, plasterers and other workmen for the work of enclosing the town, and to provide them with materials.
Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 28/01/2009. Last updated on 26/04/2012. First published online 5/01/2013.