Rye was given a grant of murage dated 13/2/1380.
This was in the form of:-
Grant, with the consent of the prelates and magnates of Parliament, at the request of the barons of Rye, to the said barons, of 18l, yearly from the farm of the bailiwick of the town, for two years, in aid of the work which they have begun in enclosing the place with a wall of stone and lime to resist hostile invasions lately burned the town. By K. and pet. in Parl.
National Archive SC 8/69/3431
Petitioners: Barons of Rye.
Addressees: King and council.
Nature of request: The barons of Rye state that they have started to enclose the town with a strong stone wall, but are unable to finish the work without the King's help. They therefore ask him for the farm of the bailiwick of the town for three years, in aid of this work.
Nature of endorsement: The King, on the advice of the prelates and lords in parliament, has granted it for two years, to be received from the hands of the farmers of the said bailiwick.
Places mentioned: Rye, {Sussex}.
Date derivation: CPR 1377-81 p.434 is dated 13 February 1380: the petition's response mentions parliament, so it would seem to have been presented to the parliament of January 1380.
To Thomas Restwold farmer of the bailiwick of la Rye. Writ de intendendo, and order to pay to the barons of la Rye 18l. a year for two years; as at their request by petition in this parliament, averring that they have begun to enclose the town with a wall of stone and lime against attacks of the enemy, who lately have utterly burned the same, and that they are not sufficient to complete it without the king's aid, with the assent of the prelates and lords in parliament the king has granted them that sum of the farm of the said bailiwick in aid of the work.
Et erat patens.
Pro baronibus villae de la Rye.
Rex, dilecto sibi Thomae Restwol, firmario suo ballivae de la Rye, salutem.
Cum ad nos, ad reqisitionem dilectorum baronum nostrorum villae praedictae, nobis per petitionem suam in praesenti parliamenti nostro suggerentium, ipsos, dictam villam muro de petrâ et calce contra hostiles incursus, qui nuper eandem villam penitùs combusserent, firmare et claudere incepisse, ipsosque ad consummationem operis illius, absque adjutorio nostro, nullatenus sufficere, de gratiâ nostrâ speciali, de assensu praelatorum et magnatum in eodem parliamento, concesserimus eisdem boronibus, in auxilium operis illius, decem et octo libras annuatim percipiendas, de firmâ nostrâ ballivae ejusdem villae, per dous annos datam praesentium immediatè sequentes, per manus firmarii nostri ejusdem ballivae pro tempore existentis, ad terminos Paschae et Sancti Michaelis, per equales portiones;
Et voluerimus dictum firmarium indè erga nos per praedictos duos annos exonerari, prout in litteris nostris patentibus indè confectis plenius continetur; tibi praecipimus quod eisdem baronibus dictas decem et ocyo libras equis portionibus, ad terminos praedictos per dictos duos annos data praesentium, ut praedicitur, immediatè sequentes, de exitibus ballivae praedictae solvas, juxta tenorem litterarum nostrarum praedictarum, et eis inde per dictum biennium intendens sis, et respondens; recipiens à praefatis baronibus litteras suas acquietantiae, singulas solutiones, quas eis sic feceris, testificantes; et nos tibi indè in compoto tuo ad scaccarium nostrum debitam allocationem habere faciemus.
Teste Rege, apud Westm', xii. die Februarii.
{Et erat patens.}
Granted by Richard II. (Regnal year 3). Granted at Westminster. Granted by K. & pet. in Parl..
Details of the petition which resulted in this grant can be seen
at this link. 
Primary Sources
Maxwell Lyte, H.C. (ed), 1895,
Calendar of Patent Rolls Richard II (1377-81) Vol. 1 p. 434
online copyNational Archive SC 8/69/3431
online referenceMaxwell Lyte, H.C. (ed), 1914,
Calendar of Close Rolls, Richard II Vol. 1 p. 288
online copyRymer, T. (ed. A.Clark and F. Holbrooke), 1816-69,
Foedera, Litterae & Acta Publica Vol. 4 p. 76-77
Secondary Sources
Turner, H.L., 1971, Town Defences in England and Wales (London) p. 162
What is difference between 'the barons of Rye' and 'the Mayor and community of Rye'? Has this political issue effected the building of the wall?
Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 28/01/2009. Last updated on 09/05/2012. First published online 5/01/2013.