Portsmouth (Portesmuth) was given a grant of murage dated 14/6/1371.
This was in the form of:-
Pardon, for ten years, to the burgesses of Portesmuth, in aid of the rebuilding of their town, which is burnt down, of the yearly farm which they are held to render at the Exchequer for the same. {Foedera.} By K.
Jan 25. 1379. Westminster. 2 Richard II
Inspeximus and confirmation, in favour of the burgesses of Portesmuth of letters patent dated 14 June, 45 Edward III., being an exemption, for ten years, from payment of the yearly farm due at the Exchequer for their town, in consideration of its having been burnt and otherwise wasted. By p.s.
Pro burgensibus villae de Portesmuth.
Rex, omnibus ad quos, &c. salutem. Compatientes statui burgensium villae nostrae de Portesmuth, qui, tam per combustionem villae praedictae quam alio modo, in tantum sunt destructi et depressi, quod ipsi non habeant undè vivant; ac volentes, eo praetextu, cum ipsis burgensibus agere graciosè;
Pardonavimus et remisimus praefatis burgensibus annuam firmam, quam ipsi ad acaccarium nostrum annuatim pro villâ praedictiâ reddere tenentur, à datâ praesentium usque ad finem decem annorum proximò sequentium, plenariè completorum, in relevationem statûs sui, ac in auxilium reedificationis villae praedictae; et ipsos burgenses de firmâ praedictâ per praedictos decem annos, tenore presentium, quietamus et exoneramus.
In cujus, &c.
Teste Rege, apud Wynton', xiv. die Junii. Per ipsum Regem.
Homines de Portesmuth debent xxl de feodi firma villae suae, sicut continetur in Rotulo xviio & xiiiio Regis H, Et xll de ann{is} praeter{itis}; Summa, Lxl; In Thesauro nichil; Et in Perdonis eisdem Hominibus de gratia Regis irrotulatum in Memorandis de anno secundo Regis hujus termino Hillarii inter Communia de eodem anno, In quo continetur quod Rex E avus Regis hujus xiiiio die Junii anno xlvo perdonavit per Literas suas patentes quas Rex nunc confirmavit, eisdem Hominibus firmam praedictam a praedicto xiiiio die Junii usque ad finem decem annorum proximo fequentium plenarie completorum, in auxilium reaedificationis villae praedictae; & per quod breve Rex mandavit Baronibus, quod dictos Homines de firma praedicta per praedictos decem annos ad Scaccarium exonerari & quietos esse faciant. Et Quieti sunc. Mag. Rot. 2 Ric. 2. Suham{esire}, m. 2. a.
Granted by Edward III. (Regnal year 45). Granted at Winchester. Granted by K..
Details of the petition which resulted in this grant can be seen
at this link. 
Primary Sources
Maxwell Lyte, H.C. (ed), 1914,
Calendar of Patent Rolls Edward III (1370-74) Vol. 15 p. 97
online copyMaxwell Lyte, H.C. (ed), 1895,
Calendar of Patent Rolls Richard II (1377-81) Vol. 1 p. 313
online copyRymer, T. (ed. A.Clark and F. Holbrooke), 1816-69,
Foedera, Litterae & Acta Publica Vol. 3 p. 918
Madox, T., 1726,
Firma Burgi p. 290
online copy
Secondary Sources
Turner, H.L., 1971,
Town Defences in England and Wales (London) p. 158
Page, Wm (ed), 1908, 'The liberty of Portsmouth and Portsea Island: Introduction',
VCH Hampshire Vol. 3 p. 172-192
online copy
In 1378-9 a more serious attempt was made to wall the town when the payment of the fee farm to the king was suspended for ten years. (Turner)
Apart from the wrong date given by Turner there is also nothing in the Calendar entries to suggest this money was for town walls as opposed to general rebuilding. The town was also pardoned the tenth and fifteenth the next year (Nov. 22. 1372 CPR p. 217-8) for no expressed reason and again with no mention of walls. The previous remission of the fee farm in 1342 was conditional on building walls.
However, a Commission was ordered in 1386 to survey Portsmouth for defence against an expected French invasion (CPR (1385-1389) p. 214 and the VCH, on weak evidence, tentatively suggest some defensive works may have taken place about this time. Subsequent fortification of the town seems to have been directly funded by the Crown, the involvement of the town being to provide a garrison.
Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 28/01/2009. Last updated on 03/05/2012. First published online 5/01/2013.