Trim was given a grant of murage dated 27/4/1308.
This was in the form of:-
Grant, for seven years, to Roger de Mortuo Mari of pavage and murage upon wares brought for sale into the town of Trim in Ireland, viz. :-
On every quarter of corn - 1/2d.
On every horse, mare, ox and cow - 1/2d.
On every hide of horse, mare, ox and cow, fresh, salt, or tanned - 1/4d.
On every cart laden with salt meat - 11/2d.
On five bacon-hogs (baconibus) - 1/2d.
On ten small hogs - 1/2d.
On every fresh salmon - 1/4d.
On every lamprey sold before Easter - 1/4d.
On ten sheep, goats or swine - 1/4d.
On ten fleeces - 1/2d.
On every hundred (centena) of wool-fells, skins of goats, stags, hinds, bucks and does - 1d.
On every hundred of skins of lambs, kids, hares, rabbits, foxes, cats and squirrels - 1/2d.
On every cart-load of salt - 1d.
On every horse-load (summagio) of salt, per week - 1/4d.
On every horse-load of cloth - 1/2d.
On every entire cloth - 1/2d.
On every hundred (centena) of linen web and Irish cloth - 1/2d.
On every cloth of silk with gold, of samite, diaper and baudekyn - 1/2d.
De quolibet panno de serico sine auro et chef' de cendallo afforciato - 1/4d.
On every cart-load of sea-fish - 4d.
On every horse-load of sea-fish - 1/2d.
On every tun of wine - 11/2d.
On every horse-load of ashes - 1/2d.
On every horse-load of honey - 1d.
On every tun of honey - 3d.
On every sack of wool - 2d.
On every truss of cloth brought by cart - 3d.
On every cart-load of iron - 1d.
On every cart-load of lead - 2d.
On every horse-load of tan, per week - 1/2d.
On goods sold by weight (de averio de pondere), that is on every hundred (centena) - 1d.
On every wey (peisa) of tallow and grease - 1d.
On every quarter of woad - 2d.
On every hundred (centena) of alum and copperas - 1/2d.
On every two thousand (de duobus miliaribus) of onions - 1/4d.
On every horse-load of garlic - 1/2d.
On every thousand of herrings - 1/4d.
On every hundred (centena) of boards - 1/2d.
On every millstone - 1/2d.
On every quarter of salt - 1/4d.
On every quarter of flour - 1/2d.
On every wey (peisa) of cheese and butter - 1/2d.
On every twelve horse-loads of charcoal - 1/2d.
On every cart-load of brushwood, per week - 1/2d.
On every horse-load of brushwood, per week - 1/4d.
On every brewing caldron - 1/2d.
On every bale of cordwain - 3d.
On every ship laden with brushwood - 1/2d.
On every thousand of roof nails (clavorum ad cumulum domus) - 1/4d.
On every hundred (centena) of horse-shoes and cart-clouts - 1/2d.
On every two thousand of nails of all kinds, except cart-clouts and roof nails - 1/4d.
On every truss of any kind of wares exceeding in value two shillings - 1/4d.
By K. & pet. of C.
Granted by Edward II. (Regnal year 1). Granted at Windsor. Granted by K. & pet. of C..
Details of the petition which resulted in this grant can be seen
at this link. 
Primary Sources
Maxwell Lyte, H.C. (ed), 1894,
Calendar of Patent Rolls Edward II (1307-13) Vol. 1 p. 70-1
online copy
Secondary Sources
Coulson, Charles, 2009, Murage Grants (Handwritten list and notes)
Missed by Thomas.
Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 11/01/2009. Last updated on 04/06/2012. First published online 5/01/2013.