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?Moorestown (Mora) was given a grant of murage dated 18/3/1318.

This was in the form of:-

This is a grant which may have been used for walls but could have been used for other civic improvements.

18 Mar. 1318 Clonmel
GRANT, at the instance of Henry Cogan, to the burgesses of the town of Mora, of £67 6s 8d of the issues of the murage received in that town demanded from them by summons of the Ex., in aid of repairing the walls and towers around the town.
Rex, ad instanc' Henri de Cogan, concess' burgensib' ville de Mora, quod habeant, in auxil' reperacinois muror' et turrium circa eam 67l 6s 8d que ab eis per sum' scaccarii exiguntur de exitib' muragii in ea villa recept'. Clonmele, 18 Mar.

Granted by Edward II. (Regnal year 11). Granted at Clonmel. Granted by p.s..
Primary Sources
A Calendar of Irish Chancery Letters, c. 1244-1509, PR 11 Edw. II View CIRCLE record
Tresham, Edward (ed), 1828, Rotulorum patentium et clausorum cancellariae Hiberniae calendarium (Dublin; His Majesty's printers) p. 25 No. 197

Tresham's calendar has faults. I read this as a remission of the town farm for money to be spent on nearby tower houses and their walls (bawns). If this is Moorestown co Tipperary that is tiny town without, as far as I know, any suggestion of every having had any form of defence. The amount remitted (if that is what it represents) could well be a considerable backdated debt and it does not seem likely Mora was producing anything like this type of income on an annual bases.

Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 10/05/2012. Last updated on 04/06/2012. First published online 5/01/2013.

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