Créon, Gouron may have been given a grant of murage dated 5/7/1342.
This was in the form of:-
Petitioners: Liege men of Creon.
Addressees: King and council.
Places mentioned: Creon, {Guyenne, France}; Entre-deux-Mers, {France}; Gascony, {France}; Grandselve, {Languedoc, France}.
Other people mentioned: Amaury de Creoun (Creon, Craon), Seneschal of Gascony; {Edward II}, King of England; John de Haustede, Seneschal of Gascony; {Philip VI}, King of France; {Guillaume de Piret}, Abbot of Grandselve; Gaillard.
Nature of request: The liege men of Creon make eight petitions:
1) They state that they were founded as a bastide by Amaury de Creoun, Seneschal of Gascony, who gave them various privileges, which the King's father confirmed. They ask that the King might confirm them too.
2) They ask that the people of the bailiwick and provostry of Entre-deux-Mers might be forced to contribute to the fortification of their town.
3) They ask that they might be granted a toll called 'londe' on merchandise, in aid of enclosing their town.
4) They state that when John de Haustede was Seneschal of Gascony, he gave commands that the people of Creon and of the provostship of Entre-deux-Mers were not to make charges against one another that they were not prepared to pursue, on pain of a financial penalty to be paid to the Provost. They ask that this order might be confirmed.
5) They ask that the subsidy granted to them by the Seneschal for three years might be extended to last for ten years.
6) They request a certain toll to meet their costs in suing to preserve the King's rights against the Abbot of Grandselve on behalf of the King of France.
7) They ask that all the privileges and franchises granted to them by the Seneschals of Gascony might be confirmed.
8) {Largely illegible} They state that as there is no nobleman living in their town to maintain their rights and franchises, they have granted . . . a lodging within the town, who aids them other manners of war against the King's enemies . . . . the said Gailhard a {piece of} land which is between . . . a wood that was . . . the said Gailhard . . .
Endorsement: {On face, to first} A confirmation of the father's deed is to be made.{To second} The Seneschal is to inform himself and to make an ordinance.{To third} The Seneschal is to be written to, to inform the King.{To fourth} The command is to be shown.{To fifth} The Seneschal is to be ordered to prolong the subsidy by four years.{To sixth} The King is to be written to, to inform the King.{To seventh} The privileges are to be shown.{To eighth: illegible}{None on dorse}
Granted by Edward III. (Regnal year 16).
Details of the petition which resulted in this grant can be seen
at this link. 
Primary Sources
The primary source is lost or obscure.
National Archive C61/54 mm. 6, 8 and 12 online reference
Secondary Sources
Beresford, M., 1967, New Towns of the Middle Ages (London) p. 595
Despite Edward II's promise to provide the town with gates there were none when it was pillaged in 1337-38 and it is not certain whether the money raised by the ten-year subsidies of 1342 and 1351 was spent on more than defensive ditches (SC8/262/13083; C61/54 mm. 6, 8 and 12; C61/63 m.1). (Beresford)
The instructions to the Seneschal on m.6 of C 61/54 are dated 5 July 16 Edward III (1342), but the hand seems earlier. The petition must however date from after John de Haustede's period of office as Seneschal of Gascony (1327-1332). (National Archive note for SC8/262/13083)
Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 21/04/2009. Last updated on 09/05/2012. First published online 5/01/2013.