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Limerick was given a grant of murage dated 10/8/1391.

This was in the form of:-

Concessio civitati de Lymerick custumae Cokett vocatae.
Rex dilecto sibi Johani White Majori civitatis Lymer' Salutem sciatis quod cum nos nuper per nostras patentes de Angl' in auxilium reparacionis & emendacionis murorum civitatis praedicte concesserimus vobis ac civibus nostris civitatis praedicte Cokettum nostram de civitate praedicta habend' ad certum terim in eisdem literis nostris contentum Et quia super hoc volumus quod altera pers sigilli nostri quod dicitur Coket in custodia vestra remaneat durante termino praedicto vobis mandamus quod alteram pertem sigilli nostri praedicti in portu Civitatis praedicte pro officio praedicto Deputat' durante termino illo debite custodiatis et custumas inde nobis debitas per indenturas inde inter vos et William Lang' & Thomam Spisor Cives Civitatis praedicte quos per literas nostras patentes similiter assignavimus contrarotulatores vestros in officio praedicto modo debito conficiend' levetis & literas nostras sub sigillo nostro praedicto illis quorum interest de tempore in tempus de summis per vos recipiend' fieri ac summas illas super reparacione & emendacione murorum praedictorum per supervisum & contra rotulationem debitas per idem tempus solvi & expendi fac' juxta formam concessionis nostre supradicte In cujus &c T' praefato Justic' apud Kylmehallok' x die Augusti.
10 Aug. 1391 Kilmallock
To John White, mayor of the city of Limerick.
Lately by letters patent the K. granted to John White, mayor of the K.'s city of Limerick, and the citizens of that city, his coket of that city to have for a certain term specified in those letters, in aid of the repair and improvement of the walls of the city of Limerick. As the K. wishes that one portion of his seal called Coket should remain in the mayor's custody, ORDER to keep the other portion of that seal in the port of that city and to levy the customs from it by indentures made between the said mayor and William Lang' and Thomas Spisour, citizens of that city, whom the K. has similarly appointed by his letters patent as the mayor's controllers in the said office, in due manner. And he is to receive those sums and cause them to be expended upon the repair and improvement of the said walls.
Attested: The Jcr.
Rex, concesso civitati Lym' coketto ibid' erga reparaionem muror', mand' Johani White majori ibi qd alteram pertem sigilli vocat' coket in portu dicte civit' custodiat et custumas inde debit' per indenturas inde int' imprime et Wil' Lang' et Tho' Spisour controtulatores suos levet. Kylmehallok, 10 Aug. V. p', N. 18

Granted by Richard II. (Regnal year 15). Granted at Kylmehallock. Granted by Justic'.
Primary Sources
Commissioners on the Public Records of Ireland, 1889 (prepared 1829-30), Chartae Privilegia et Immunitates, being transcripts of charters and privileges to cities, towns, abbeys and other bodies corporated, 18 Henry II. to 18 Richard II., 1171 to 1395 (Dublin; Irish Record Commission) p. 88 (Ref. E. Rot. Mem 15 Ric. II. m. 2.)
A Calendar of Irish Chancery Letters, c. 1244-1509, PR 15 Ric. II View CIRCLE record
Tresham, Edward (ed), 1828, Rotulorum patentium et clausorum cancellariae Hiberniae calendarium (Dublin; His Majesty's printers) p. 147 No. 15

Secondary Sources
Thomas, A., 1992, The Walled Towns of Ireland Vol. 2 (Irish Academic Press) p. 142-153

until 1370 - after which grants become more or less continuous (CPI 71, 74, 88). They involve grants of a custom known as 'cocket' (Thomas)

Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 04/04/2009. Last updated on 04/06/2012. First published online 5/01/2013.

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