Dublin (Dublin) may have been given a grant of murage dated 24/1/1320.
This was in the form of:-
127.-Writ from Edward II., York, 8 June, 1319, to treasurer and barons of the exchequer, Dublin :
i. -The Mayor and commonalty of Dublin by petition to the King and council have stated that, by an ordinance of the council in Ireland after the arrival there incursion of the hostile Scotch and rebels, it was, for the safety of the city, decided that if they should approach it the Mayor and commonalty should cause the suburb to be burned and prostrated, lest the enemies might be harboured there. The Mayor and commonalty, apprized of the approach of the enemies and rebels within three leagues of the city, prostrated and burned the suburb, which, with the city, they hold from the crown at an annual rent of two hundred marcs. From the suburb they previously received the greater part of the crown rent, but, by the execution of the ordinance above referred to throughout the four parts of the city, they are unable to pay the entire amount. The King, considering the great losses sustained by the citizens in their own rents and goods, in consequence of the prostration and burning, is willing to remit one-half or some portion of the rent. He desires to be certified as to how much of the rent, which the Mayor and commonalty have been accustomed to receive, has been lost by the prostration and burning of the suburb, and whether those acts were in compliance with the ordinance in consequence of the approach of the enemies or for any other cause. His Majesty directs an inquisition by oath of good and lawful men to be held on all these matters. The result is to be certified to him without delay under the seal of his exchequer in Ireland. Meanwhile, the levvyng of a moiety of the rent is to be respited until the ensuing festival of All Saints {Nov. 1}. This writ was delivered to the treasurer and barons of the exchequer within three weeks from {Sept. 29} the day of St. Michael, 1319.
ii.-Dublin, Friday {Nov. 23}, the festival of St. Clement, Pope, 1319 : Inquisition before the treasurer and barons of the exchequer, in relation to the matters in preceding writ: Jurors: Sir Robert Bagod, knight, Sir William Comyn, knight, Richard Tyrell of Castlenock, Ririth Fitz John, Richard le Blound of Arclo, Nicholas de Cruys, Reginald de Berneval, Robert Lanhary, Robert de Bristol, John de Kerdif, Warin Oweyn, Walter de Montgomery, Philip de Rennevill, William de la Felde, Robert Lengleys, Thomas le Josne, Walter Fox, John le Hunte, Richard Kyssok, Thomas de Wycomb, Maurice Prodom, Richard Beg de Tassagard,
Fromund leBrun, Nicholas Callan de Tassagard, Richard de Balithermot, Richard Talebot de Feltrim, Robert de Cruys, William le Chaumberleyn, and Geoffrey de Brendewode.
Verdict : The amount hitherto levied to pay the city rent to the crown has been diminished to the extent of one hundred pounds seventeen shillings and two pence farthing annually, in consequence of the prostration and burning of the suburb, whence the receipts were mainly derived. This diminution is exclusive of the great losses of the private rents of the citizens in the suburb to the extent of five hundred marcs, and also not inclusive of the heavy losses and immense damage of the private goods and chattels of the citizens there, estimated at ten thousand pounds. By the council of the King in Ireland, after the hostile incursion of the Scots, it was ordained, for the safety of Dublin, that if the enemy should approach the city, the Mayor and commonalty might pull down and burn the suburb. It was burned and prostrated when the Mayor and commonalty ascertained that the Scots were within two leagues and a half of Dublin. The sole object of the burning and prostration was to protect the city and to prevent the Scots from occupying the suburb.
The inquisition, under seal of the exchequer, and with the seals of the jurors, was delivered to Elias de Assheburne at Dublin on 24th January, 1319-20, in prosecution of the claim in the Parliament in England, at which time he sailed from Ireland for that purpose.
Edwardus, Dei gratia, rex Anglie, dominus Hibernie, et dux Aquitanie, thesaurario et baronibus suis de scaccario Dublin salutem.
Peticione coram nobis et consilio nostro, ex parti maioris et communitatis civitatis nostre Dublin, exhibita nobis exitit supplicatum quod cum, de communi consilio terre nostre Hibernie, post aggressum Scotorum, inimicorum et rebellium nostrorum, in eadem, pro salvatione dicte civitatis, ordinatum extitisset quod si iidem inimici et rebelles nostri dictam civitatem appropinquassent, prefati maior et communitas suburbium ejusdem civitatis, ne prefati inimici et rebelles nostri in eodem hospitarentur, comburere et prosternere facerent. Et iidem maior et communitas, incessum dictorum inimicorum et rebellium nisi per tres leucas a predicta civitate versus eandem civitatem advertentes, dictum suburbium, quod unacum civitate predicta, pro ducentis marcis, nobis, ad scaccarium nostrum predictum, annuatim reddendis, de nobis ad feodi tirmam tenent; et de quo suburbio redditum illum, pro maiori parte, levare solebant, pretextu ordinacionis illius, per quatuor partes ejusdem civitatis prostrassent, et combussissent, per quod redditum illum integraliter nobis solvere non possunt, velimus eis, habita consideracione ad jacturas, non modicas, propriorum reddituum et bonorum suorum, que, preter prostracionem et combustionem predictas, ibidem sustinuerunt, medietatem predicti redditus ducentarum marcarum,vel saltem aliquam partem ejusdem, pro voluntate, nostra, remittere. Nos volentes dicte supplicacioni in hac parte condescendere et, ea occasione, quantum de predicto redditu quem iidem maior et communitas percipere consueverunt per prostracionem et combustionem predictas in eodem suburbio immunuitur; et si predicte prostratio et combustio, pretextu ejusdem ordinacionis, propter incessum dictorum inimicorum et rebellium nostrorum, facte fuerunt, ut predictum est, an alia de causa, et si alia de causa tunc ex qua causa, et qualiter, et quomodo, volentes per vos plenius cerciorari, vobis mandamus, quod, per sacramentum proborum et legalium hominum, de terra predicta, per quos rei veritas melius sciri potent, diligentem super premissis omnibus et singulis, et ea tangentibus, faciatis inquisicionem, et nos inde, sub sigillo scaccarii nostri predicti, distincte et aperte sine dilacione reddatis certiores. Et levacioni medietatis redditus illius usque ad festum Omnium Sanctorum, proximo futurum, supersedeatis, hoc breve nobis remittendo. Teste, meipso, apud Eboracum, octavo die Junii, anno regni nostri duodecimo {1319}. Per peticionem de consilio.1 Venit hie decimo octavo die Octobris, anno decimo tercio.
Pretextu cujus mandati, per ipsum thesaurarium et barones, preceptum fuit vicecomiti Dublin quod venire faciat hic, die Mercurii, proxima post octabas Sancti Martini, viginti et quatuor, tam milites quam alios, etc., per quos, etc.; et qui maiorem et communitatem predictoa nulla affinitate, vel alio modo, attingant, ad certificandum prefatos thesaurarium et barones, etc., super premissis, et ad ulterius faciendum, etc.
Ad quem diem juratores venerunt; et similiter maior et communitas civitatis predicte. Et per ipsum thesaurarium et barones datus est eis hinc inde dies, certis de causis, usque diem Veneris, in festo Sancti Clementis, Pape, proximo sequentem, etc.
Ad quem diem juratores, juxta retornum vicecomitis, etc., venerunt hic, et similiter maior et communitas predicti, in quorum presencia prefati thesaurarius et barones, pretextu mandati predicti, processerunt ad inquisicionem super premissis capiendam in forma que sequitur:
Inquisicio facta coram thesaurario et baronibus de scaccario Dublin, die Veneris, in festo Sancti Clementis, anno regni regis Edwardi, filii regis Edwardi, tertiodecimo, apud Dublin, pretextu brevis ipsius domini, regis, sub sigillo suo Anglie, eisdem thesaurario et baronibus inde directi, ad inquirendum videlicet,quantum de redditu ducentarum {marcarum} quem maior et communitas civitatis Dublin, pro eadem civitate et suburbio civitatis ejusdem, quod ipsi, unacum eadem civitate, pro predictis ducentis marcis, prefato domino, regi, ad scaccarium suum predictum annuatim reddendis de ipso domino, rege, ad feodifirmam tenent; et de quo suburbio redditum illum pro maiori parte iidem maior et communitas levare solebant.occasione prostracionis et combustionis quas dicti maior et communitas in eodem suburbio nuper fecerunt, pretextu adventus Scotorum, inimicorum et rebellium domini regis, versus eandem eivitatem in eodem suburbio jam minuitur.
Et {similiter ad inquirendum} si de cominuni consilid terre Hibernie, post aggressum predictorum Scotorum in eadem, pro salvacione civitatis predicte, ordinatum extiterit quod, si iidem Scoti, inimici et rebelles domini, regis, dictam eivitatem appropinquassent prefati maior et communitas suburbium civitatis ejusdem; ne predicti Scoti; inimici et rebelles domini, regis, in eodem hospitarentur, comburere facerent et prosternere. Et si predicte prostracio et combustio; pretextu ordinacionis illius, propter incessum dictorum Scotorum, inimicoruin et rebellium domini, regis, versus predictam eivitatem peripsos maiorem et communitatem facte fuerunt an alia de causa; et si alia de causa tunc ex qua causa, et qualiter et quomodo; per juratores subscriptos videlicet:
Robertum Bagod, Willielmum Comyn, milites; Ricardum Tirell de Castroenock, Ririth, filium Johannis, Ricardum le Blound de Arcloo, Nicholaum de Cruys, Reginaldum de Berneuale, Fromundum le Brun, Willielmum le Chaumberleyn, Robertum de Bristol, Johannem de Kerdiff, Warinum Oweyn, Walterum de Mountgomery, Ricardum de Balytermot, Philllppum de Reynevile, Willielmum de la Felde, Robertum Lengleis, Thoman le Joeuen, Ricardum Talebot de Feldroim, Walterum Fox, Johannem le Hunte, Ricardum de Kisshok, Thomam de Wycoumbe, Robertum de Cruys, Mauricium Prodhome, Ricardum Beg de Tassagard, Robertum Landhary de eadem, Galfridum de Barnwod, et Nicholaum de Callan de eadem.
Qui juratores dicunt super sacramentum suum quod de predictd redditu ducentarttin marcarum, quem predicti maior et communitas, pro predicta civitate et ejus suburbio, domino, regi annuatim hucusque solvere consueverunt et quemquidem redditum ducentarum marcarum iidem maior et communitas, pro maiori parte, in predicto suburbio levare solebant, occasione prostracionis et combustionis quas dicti maior et communitas in eodeni suburbio nuper fecerunt, pretextu adventus predictorum Scotorum, versus eandem civitatem, minuitur ibidem jam, per annum, c.li.xvii.s. ii.d; qa., preter jacturas non modicas propriorum reddituum civium civitatis predicte, in suburbio predicto, quas, usque ad summam quingentarum marcarum; necnon et preter jacturas, et dampna immensa propriorum bonorum et catallorum civium eorundem in predicto suburbio, que usque ad summam decem mille librarum et amplius, cives predicti, preter prostracionem et combustionem predictas in eodem suburbio, occasione prostracionis et combustionis predictarum, ibidem sustinuerunt, ut dicitur.
Preterea dicunt, super sacramentum suum, quod de communi consilio doinini, regis, in Hibernia, post aggressum predictorum Scotorum in eadem terra, pro salvacione predicte civitatis, ordinatum fuit et concordatum quod si iidem Scoti dictam civitatem appropinquassent prefati maior et communitas suburbium civitatis predicte, ne predicti Scoti in eodem suburbio hospitarentur, prosternere facerent et comburere.
Dicunt eciam, super sacramentum suum, quod prostracid et combustio predicti suburbii, pretextu ordinacionis predicte propter incessum dictorum Scotorum; quos predicti maior et communitas, tempore prostracionia et combustionis predictarumnisi per duas leucas et dimidium a predicta civitate distare versus eandem advertebant per ipsos maiorem et communitatem pro salvacione civitatis predicte facte fuerunt in eodem suburbio, ne predicti Scoti in eodem suburbio hospitarentur, ut predictum, est, et non ex aliqua alia causa. In cujus rei testimonium huic inquisicioni juratores predicti sigilla sua apposuerunt
Et sciendum quod prefati thesaurarius et barones predictum breve indorsatum in forma que sequitur, videlicet: Pretextu istius mandati super hiis que in eodem mandato continentur necnon et ea tangentibus diligentem fieri fecimus inquisicionem, quam sub sigillis eorum per quos eadem inquisicio facta fuit huic mandato consutam, vobis mittimus, sub sigillo scaccarii Dublin, secundum tenorem ejusdem mandati.
Et quoad levacionem medietatis redditus civitatis Dublin usque ad diem in mandato isto contentum, supersedimus, prout mandatum istud requirit, etc., unacum inquisicione predicta miserunt domino, regi, in Anglia, secundum tenorem predicti brevis, etc.
Et liberata fuerunt predictis maiori et communitati ad deferenda, etc.
Et quia predictus Ricardus le Blound {de Arclo}, unus juratorum predictorum, antequam sacramentum suum prestitit, etc., pro se allegavit, coram thesaurario et baronibus, hic, etc., quod ipse in inquisicione hujusmodi seu juratis aliquibus poni non debet, contra voluntatem suam, prout in charta domini, regis, nunc inde sibi confecta ct quam inde ostendit in curia, hie, etc., pleuius continetur, per ipsos thesaurarium et barones concessum est eidem Ricardo, quod hec ejus prestacio sacramenti in inquisicione predicta non trahatur, de cetero, in consequenciam, nec eidem Ricardo, de cetero, cedat in prejudicium, nec in evacuacionem libertatis sue, quam predictus dominus, rex, ei inde concessit, per chartam suam predictam, contra tenorem charte predicte, coram eisdem thesaurario et baronibus, in scaccario predicto, seu alibi coram eisdem, etc.
Granted by Edward II. (Regnal year 13).
Details of the petition which resulted in this grant can be seen
at this link. 
Primary Sources
Gilbert, J.T. (ed) et al, 1889,
Calendar of the ancient records of Dublin Vol. 1 p. 149-
online copyGilbert, J.T. (ed), 1870,
Historic and Municipal Documents of Ireland, 1172-1320 (Rolls Series 53) p. 407-412 (Full latin transcription)
online copy (Ref. Dublin White Book, fol. 97)
Secondary Sources
Thomas, A., 1992, The Walled Towns of Ireland Vol. 2 (Irish Academic Press) p. 79-93
Edward II. directs his treasurer and barons of exchequer in Ireland to hold inquiry respecting the statements in the petition of the mayor and commonalty of Dublin, praying remission of part of their rent in consideration of losses by having prostrated and burned the suburb on the approach of the Scots; meanwhile to postpone levying the moiety of their rent. The jurors return that the burning and prostration of the suburb were in accordance with the direction of the king's council in Ireland, and executed when the Scots were within two leagues and a half of the city; that hence the rent received by the city from the suburb is diminished annually to the extent of one hundred pounds seventeen shillings and two pence farthing, exclusive of the loss to citizens of private rents from the suburb and their other great damages and expenses to the sum of ten thousand pounds and upwards. The return of the inquisition is sent under the seal of the exchequer to the king, and the levy of the moiety of the rent is deferred, . . . (HMD p. lxxvii)
Included by Thomas as evidence of murage but seems to have nothing to do with town walls, other than a very secondary association with an attack on the city.
Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 31/03/2009. Last updated on 04/06/2012. First published online 5/01/2013.