Monségur (Mount Segur) petitioned for a grant of murage in {c. 1302-c. 1305}.
Petitioners: Jurors and commonalty of the town of Monsegur.
Addressees: King and council.
Places mentioned: Monsegur, {Guyenne, France}; Bazas diocese, {France}; Guyenne, {France}; Ste-Gemme, {Guyenne, France}; St-Vivien-de-Monsegur, {Guyenne, France}; Guilleragues, {Guyenne, France}; Lapujade, {Guyenne, France}; Forsetz (Fosses), {Guyenne, France}; St-Michel-de-Lapujade, {Guyenne, France}; Baleyssac, {Guyenne, France}; Juzixs (Jusix), {Guyenne, France}; La Reole, {Guyenne, France}; Bazas, {Guyenne, France}; River Garonne, {Guyenne, France}.
Other people mentioned: Jordanet del Isle; Bernard de Juzixs (Jusix); Pierre de Juzixs (Jusix); Gerard de Juzixs (Jusix); Bernyques de Turans; Bertrand de Juzixs (Jusix); Pierre de les Cazes; Guillaume Garsies of Jusix; Bertrand de Juzixs (Jusix); Arnaud de Juzixs (Jusix); Frozin de Juzixs (Jusix); Garsies de St Michel; Gerard de Tastes; Gaillard de Tastes; Pierre del Font; William Arnold; John de Hastings.
Nature of request: {Petition in 10 parts}.
1) The petitioners request action regarding murders and robberies by del Isle and his fellows.
2) They request that they and their town should always remain in the king's hands and protection.
3) The petitioners request permission to build four gates in the wall around their town, and further defences, partly at the king's expense, and they seek permission to take the necessary materials from the surrounding area.
4) They request that they be granted a piece of land {} to receive and shelter the poor of the town, the land lying between the land of William Arnold and the cemetery of the church of St Michael on the one part and the royal highway on the other.
5) They request that they be granted a place on the Garonne to charge and discharge their wine and other merchandises.
6) They have a great shortage of woodland and request a licence to nourish and hold in defence a 'concade' of woodland in their own land.
7) They request that the provost is able to distrain debtors of debts made in contract by public charter by their body and chattels of all that he is able to find in his jurisdiction.
8) It is requested that each burgess of the vill be taxed according to the quantity of his goods as there has been debate between rich and poor in the town.
9) They request that various parishes, taken into the king's hands by Hastings, be returned to their jurisdiction.
10) The petitioners request that they be granted similar privileges in their town as claimed by the clergy with regard to payments due upon their houses and other inheritances.
Endorsement: {On face}.
1) Let it be ordered to the seneschal that he call those who are to be called and that he do justice.
2) The king does not have any intention of giving the same town out of his hand.
3) Entered amongst the petitions Coram Rege. It is answered that the king has ordained all the issues of Gascony to the people of Gascony for these matters, and when they are paid the king will have good regard towards them.
4) Let the seneschal be commanded to enquire of the damages or profit to the king or any other, and certify the king and his council.
5) Let the seneschal be commanded to enquire of the damages or profit to the king or any other, and certify the king and his council.
6) Let the seneschal be ordered to allow this if it is not to the king's prejudice or any other's.
7) Let the seneschal be ordered to allow this if it can be done according to the usage of the country.
8) Let the seneschal be commanded to do this.
9) Let the seneschal be ordered to put them in the same estate that they had at the day when the land was delivered to the king of France.
10) Let the seneschal be ordered to maintain them in their right according to the usages that were used before this time in that country.
Petitioners: Jurats of the community of Monsegur.
Addressees: .
Places mentioned: Mount Segur (Monsegur), {Guyenne, France}; Basades (Bazas), {Guyenne, France};
Other people mentioned: {John de Havering}, Seneschal of Gascony.
Nature of request: The people of Monsegur request permission to build four gates in the wall surrounding their town, at the King's expense, and a wall to enclose the castle and surrounds, and they will enclose the rest of the town at their own cost. They also ask that they may be allowed to take the necessary material from the surrounding area, and may keep the wood from the barriers being replaced.
Endorsement: Order to the seneschal that, if this is not to the damage of the King, he should allow them to take stone and gravel to build the wall, and that, after the stone walls have been built, they may take the timber. And because the King ought to make such payments, he should allow them {the money} to make the gateways. Entered in the King's roll.
Order to the seneschal that, if this is not to the damage of the King, he should allow them to take stone and gravel to build the wall, and that, after the stone walls have been built, they may take the timber. And because the King ought to make such payments, he should allow them {the money} to make the gateways. Entered in the King's roll.
Details of the murage grant which resulted from this petition can be seen
at this link. 
Primary Sources
National Archive SC 8/161/8050
National Archive SC 8/125/6241 Former Reference - Parliamentary Petition 5500
Secondary Sources
Beresford, M., 1967, New Towns of the Middle Ages (London) p. 597-8
Another petition relating to the third of these requests, the building of gates and further walls around the town of Monsegur, was submitted and granted in 1305. This petition is probably slightly earlier, as it refers to parishes taken into the king's hands by John de Hastings (seneschal of Gascony in 1302-4), but does not refer to him as former seneschal. (National Archive note)
The resultant writ to the seneschal of Gascony was issued on 3 April 1305. Champollion-Figeac's edition is mis-dated, and contains a number of transcription errors. (National Archive note)
Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 23/02/2009. Last updated on 22/03/2012. First published online 6/01/2013.