Plymouth (Plymmouth) petitioned for a grant of murage in 12/11/1439.
\Pro hominibus de Plymmouthe./
32. Item, quedam alia peticio exhibita fuit eidem domino regi, in parliamento predicto, per prefatos communes, pro hominibus ville de Plymmouth ac aliis personis in eadem peticione specificatis, in hec verba:
Supplicat vestre regie celsitudini, communitas totius regni vestri Anglie, in presenti parliamento vestro congregata: quod cum villa de Sutton Pryour et decenna de Sutton Raf, ac parcella hameletti de Sutton Vautort, que villa, decenna et parcella, vulgariter nuncupantur Plymmouth, ac quedam parcella decenne de compton, infra comitatum Devon', tam prope litus et costeras maris situate existant, ac tanta et tam magna et communis applicatio classium, navium et vasorum, tam inimicorum quam aliorum, in portu ejusdem ville, decenne, parcellis hameletti et decenne de Compton adjacente, de tempore in tempus habeatur, quod villa, decenna et parcelle predicte, ante hec tempora multociens in magna parte earumdem, ob defectum clausure sive muracionis earumdem, temporibus inclitorum progenitorum vestrorum, sepius combuste et destructe; necnon habitatores earumdem, de bonis et catallis suis nocte dieque spoliati, multique eorumdem habitatorum per eosdem inimicos ad partes exteras educti, ibidem, quousque fines et redempciones fecerunt, diris carceribus miserabiliter mancipati extiterint; aliaque \mala/ deperdita et incommoda non modica eisdem ville, decenne et parcellis hameletti et decenne, ac habitatoribus eorumdem, tempore transacto multotiens evenerunt, multoque majora ibidem imposterum evenire formidantur, nisi relevamini, fortificacioni et melioracioni ville, decenne et parcellarum predictarum citius remedium provideatur oportunum. Super quo, premissis consideratis, vestra dignetur regia celsitudo prelibata, de consensu et assensu dominorum spiritualium et temporalium, ac communitatis regni vestri Anglie, in presenti parliamento existentium, auctoritate ejusdem parliamenti, pro malitie inimicorum vestrorum ibidem indies applicantium resistentia, ac salvacione ville, decenne et parcellarum predictarum, et ut habitatores earumdem se citius quo villa, decenna et parcelle predicte firmentur, includantur et fortificentur, melius, quietius et securius ibidem residere et permanere valeant; ordinare et stabilire, quod villa, decenna et parcelle predicte, sint de cetero liber burgus, incorporatus de uno majore, et una communitate perpetua, et burgus de Plymmouth pro perpetuo nuncupetur; iidemque major et communitas, sint unum corpus perpetuum in re et nomine, et habeant successionem perpetuam, ac major et communitas burgi de Plymmouth cunctis futuris temporibus nominentur, et sint persone habiles, et in lege capaces ad perquirendum sibi, heredibus et successoribus suis, in feodo et perpetuitate, seu ad terminum vite vel annorum, aut in alio statu quocumque, terras, tenementa, redditus, reversiones, possessiones et hereditamenta quecumque, de quibuscumque personis; habeantque commune sigillum, et per nomen majoris et communitatis de Plymmouth, in quibuscumque curiis vestris, heredum et successorum vestrorum, et aliorum quorumcumque, et coram quibuscumque cumque Judicibus, et in accionibus quibuscumque, placitare valeant, et implacitari. Et quod burgus predictus, per metas et bundas semper consistat subscriptas, videlicet, inter montem vocatem Wynrigg, per ripam de Sourpole, versus boriam, usque \ad/ le grete dyche alias dictus le grate diche, et exinde iterum versus boriam, ad Stokedamarleflete, et abinde per litus ejusdem flete, usque ad Millebrokebrigge inclusive, et deinde versus orientem, per le Middlediche de Houndescom, usque ad Houndescombrigge inclusive, et abinde usque ad Thornhilpark exclusive, et deinde usque ad Lypstonbrigge inclusive, et abinde per litus maris continue usque ad le Lare, ad le Caae de Hyngston Fysshtorre et Estkyng, et abinde usque dictum montem de Wynrigge, sicut mete et bunde undique erecte et fixe plenius et apertius demonstrant. Et quod predicti major et communitas, et successores sui, burgum illum habeant et teneant sibi, heredibus et successoribus suis predictis, de vobis, heredibus et successoribus vestris, ad feodi firmam. Reddendo inde annuatim quadraginta solidos ad scaccarium vestrum, et heredum vestrorum, ad terminos Pasche et Sancti Michaelis equaliter. Ac quod predicti major et communitas, heredes et successores sui, burgum predictum firmare et muris lapideis includere et circuire, et turres in eisdem muris pro fortificacione et defensione ejusdem burgi de novo construere et edificare, necnon eofdem muros et turres kernellare et batellare valeant licite et impune. Et quod dignetur vestra regalis magestas, Willelmum Ketrich, unum probiorum et magis discretorum hominum, infra metas et bundas predictas jam commorantium, in majorem burgi predicti creare et perficere; qui major burgi illius, usque festum Sancti Michaelis proximo futurum, ad eundem burgum bene et fideliter regendum et gubernandum existat. Et ulterius vestre regie celsitudini predicte placeat, de vestra gratia speciali, prefatis majori et communitati, auctoritate parliamenti predicti, graciose concedere, quod ipsi quolibet anno, in festo Sancti Lamberti martiris et episcopi, quandam personam de se ipsis, juxta corum sanas discretiones magis idoneam et discretam, pro sana et salubri gubernacione burgi illius, pro uno anno integro, in majorem ejusdem burgi eligere, et ipsum in festo Sancti Michaelis tunc proximo sequento, in ejusdem burgi majorem perficere possint. Et si predictus Willelmus, per vos in majorem burgi predicti creatus et perfectus, ante festum Sancti Michaelis proximo jam futurum, aut aliquis successorum suorum futurorum majorum ejusdem burgi, durante officio majoratus sui, decesserit, cut burgum illum minus juste aut incommode rexerit et gubernaverit, per quod dicta communitas, ipsum ab officio illo pro utilitate ejusdem burgi, aut rei publice merito censerit ammovendum; tunc eadem communitas, ipsum majorem sic delinquentem, ab officio majoratus ammovere, aliumque idoneum de se ipsis. Loco majoris sic decedentis aut delinquentis, ad idem officium eligere valeant et perficere in majorem; et sic totiens quotiens aliquis majorum burgi predicti ut prefertur decesserit, aut burgum illum minus juste vel incommode rexerit aut gubernaverit; ac quod hujusmodi major sic de novo eleccus et perfectus, sit major ejusdem burgi usque festum Sancti Michaelis tunc proximo sequentem, nisi consimiliter in officio illo fecerit quo ab eodem officio merito fuerit ammovendus. Et quod quilibet per dictam communitatem ad officium majoratus burgi predicti imposterum eligendus, et in festo Sancti Michaelis per dictam communitatem in majorem dicti burgi perficiendus, antequam officium ejusdem majoratus suscipiat, in guyhalda burgi predicti, coram communitate ejusdem, necnon coram priore de Plympton qui pro tempore fuerit, vel in ejus absencia, coram senescallo terrarum aut hospitii suorum, si idem prior vel senescallus suus predictus ibidem in eodem festo Sancti Michaelis, ante horam undecimam diei ejusdem festi, presens fore voluerit, alioquin coram dicta communitate tamen, presentia ipsius prioris aut senescalli sui ulterius illa vice non expectata, sacrum ad burgum illum bene, fideliter ac indifferenter regendo et gubernando; necnon ad omnia et singula ariticulos, redditus et appunctuamenta in presenti supplicacione contenta et specificata, priorem et conventum de Plympton concernencia, debite observanda, tenenda, solvenda et perimplenda, dum sic in officio majoratus hujusmodi steterit, prestet corporale. Et quod quilibet in majorem burgi predicti, post mortem aut ammocionem alicujus inde majoris, in forma predicta perficiendus, antequam officium majoratus hujusmodi suscipiat, in presencia, loco, forma et ordine superius limitatis, in die quem communitas dicti burgi ad hoc tunc limitaverit, debita premunicione priori de Plympton, qui adtunc fuerit ad prioratum suum, aut conventui ejusdem prioratus, in ejusdem prioris absencia, per tres dies ante diem sic limitatum facta, consimile sacramentum prestet corporale, ut predictum est. Et quod iidem major et communitas, heredes et successores sui, pro bono publico burgi predicti, burgenses ejusdem burgi, quotiens sibi placuerit, de tempore in tempus facere valeant et creare, auctoritate parliamenti supradicti. Et quod iidem major et communitas, habeant et teneant sibi, heredibus et successoribus suis, auctoritat hujus parliamenti, omnimoda terre, tenementa, redditus, servicia, molendina vocata Surpole Mylles, possessiones, ferias, nundinas, mercata, curias, franchesias, libertates, visus franciplegii, privilegia, ac alia proficua et emolumenta, temporalia et secularia, que fuerunt et nunc sunt prefatorum prioris et conventus, ut de jure ecclesie sue predicte, infra limites, metas et bundas predictas; ac infra dictum burgum de Plymmouth: salvis semper, exceptis et reservatis, prefatis priori et conventui, et successoribus suis, tribus mesuagiis et tribus gardinis eisdem mesuagiis adjacentibus, cum eorum pertinenciis, situatis in predicto burgo de Plymmouthe, quoram unum mesuagium situatur inter tenementum Johannis Jaybien in orientali parte, et tenementum Johannis Snellyng in occidentali parte, et terram heredis Rogeri Goold, ac terram prefati Johannis Jaybien in australi parte, et regiam viam vocatam Bylleburystrete in parte boriali. Et aliud mesuagium, jacet inter tenementum Thome Piers in orientali parte, et tenementum Willelmi Myleton in occidentali parte, et gardinum Willelmi Venour in boriali parte, et altam viam regiam vocatam Notestrete in australi parte. Ac tertium mesuagium, situatur inter tenementum Vincentii Hagge in parte orientali, et toft nuper Johannis Piers in parte occidentali, et tenementum Walteri Whytelegh in parte boriali, et regiam viam vocatam Stilmanstrete in parte australi. Salvis eciam, exceptis et reservatis, eisdem priori et conventui, et successoribus suis imperpetuum, tam advocacione ecclesie de Plymmouth', quondam vocata Sutton, quam ecclesiam in proprios usus habent et tenent, quam advocacione vicarie ejusdem ecclesie, ac quibuscumque decimis, oblacionibus, obvencionibus, emolumentis, rebus, juribus et proficuis, eidem ecclesie de Plymmouth qualitercumque spectantibus sive pertinentibus. Et quod predicta tria mesuagia sint imperpetuum extra franchesiam, libertatem et jurisdiccionem dictorum majoris et communitatis, ac dicti burgi de Plymmouth, et non parcellam ejusdem. Et quod dicti prior et conventus, et successores sui, ac eorum tenentes mesuagiorum predictorum, quovis modo imposterum non sint onerabiles, onerati nec taxati, ad aliquod onus, solucionem, exaccionem seu imposicionem quamcumque, cum burgensibus et inhabitantibus in dicto burgo de Plymmouth; set a solutione, exaccione et impositione alicujus oneris per dictos burgenses et inhabitantes solvenda aut portanda, sint quieti et exonerati imperpetuum: salvis eciam, eisdem priori et conventui, et successoribus suis, insula vocata Seint Nicholas Ilond, ac omnibus terris, tenementis et possessionibus suis, infra parochiam de Makre existentibus, cum omnibus pertinenciis et commoditatibus eisdem spectantibus, ac quibuscumque proficuis et avantagiis super aliqua eorumdem imposterum accidentibus five contingentibus: de quibus insula, terris, tenementis, possessionibus, proficuis et commoditatibus, prefati major et communitas, et eorum successores, seu eorum aliquis, quovis modo se non intromittent. Proviso semper, quod si aliquis pro felonia seu proditione fugerit in aliquem locum infra dicta tria mesuagia et gardina, seu ibidem permanserit, quod tunc bene liceat prefato majori, ac servientibus et ministris suis dicti burgi de Plymmouth pro tempore existentibus, in eadem mesuagia et gardina intrare, et illum sic ad aliquem locum infra cadem mesuagia et gardina ex causa predicta fugientem vel ibidem ex eadem causa permanentem capere, arestare et ad gaolam vestram in comitatu predicto ducere et cariare. Proviso eciam et ordinatum, quod dicti prior et conventus, ac eorum successores, ministri, servientes, officiarii et familiares eorumdem prioris et conventus, ac ejusdem prioris, et successorum suorum, libere possint venire ad dictum burgum de Plymmouth, ac singula loca infra metas, libertatem et jurisdiccionem ejusdem, cum quibuscumque suis vectilibus, carectis, summagiis et cariagiis; ac cum omnibus bonis, catallis, victualibus et mercandisis predicti prioris, et successorum suorum, ac eorumdem servientum, officiarum, ministrorum et familiarium suorum, et successorum suorum pro tempore existencium, et bona et catalla sua quecumque ibidem vendere, ac alia bona, catalla et mercimonia ibidem emere, sine aliquo tolneto, custuma, pycagio, pavagio, porttagio, muragio, stallagio, ac quibuscumque aliis oneribus, exaccionibus, imposicionibus et demandis, eisdem majori et communitate, aut successoribus suis solvenda, ex causa quacumque nunc imposita existenti seu imposterum futuro et imponendam, seu per vos vel heredes vestros imposterum concedendam. Et quod iidem prior et conventus, et successores sui, ac ministri, familiares, officiarii et servientes eorumdem, et successorum suorum, sint quieti imperpetuum et exonerati, infra dictum burgum, procinctum et jurisdiccionem ejusdem, de quibuscumque teoloniis, exaccionibus et oneribus supradictis, eisdem majori et communitati, et successoribus suis, ac eorum ministris solvendis. Proviso eciam et ordinato, quod nec prefati prior et conventus, nec eorum successores, nec familiares, servientes, officiarii, ministri, nec homines aut servientes eorumdem pro tempore existentes, quovis modo implbacitabuntur ex causa quacumque, coram majore dicti burgi de Plymmouth, nec successoribus suis, nec aliquibus ministris dictorum majoris et communitatis, et successorum suorum, nec per eorum corpora attachientur seu imprisonentur, aut per eorum bona et catalla distringantur seu attachientur, per ministros aliquos eorumdem majoris et communitatis, aut successorum suorum, ad respondendos aliquibus de populo vestro, virtute aliquarum querelarum, billarum, materiarum seu causarum affirmatarum, prosecutarum, seu affirmandarum, coram eisdem majore, et successoribus suis, aut eorumdem majoris et communitatis ministris quibuscumque qui pro tempore fuerint, nec virtute aliquarum presentacionum seu indictamentorum captorum coram eisdem majore, et successoribus suis, aut aliquibus officiariis, senescallis vel ballivis eorumdem majoris et communitatis, et successorum suorum, in aliquibus curiis, visibus franciplegii seu hundredis infra burgum predictum tentorum seu tenendorum; set ab omni jurisdiccione, potestate, arestacione et cohercione eorumdem majoris et communitatis, et successorum suorum, penitus sint exonerati, quieti et exempti imperpetuum. Et quod nec iidem prior et conventus, nec successores sui, nec eorum familiares, servientes, officiarii, ministri, nec homines eorumdem, seu tenentes trium mesuagiorum predictorum pro tempore existentes, quovis modo distringantur aut compellantur, ad faciendam aliquam sectam ad curias aliquas, coram dicto majore, et successoribus suis, aut ministris suis, infra burgum predictum, nec ad aliquos visus franciplegii aut hundreda infra eundem burgum tenendos. Et si coram eisdem majore, et successoribus suis, aut aliquibus ministris ipsorum majoris et communitatis, et successorum suorum pro tempore existentibus, in contrarium hujus ordinacionis aliquid fiat, procedatur seu attemptetur, contra prefatos priorem et conventum, aut successores suos, aut eorum familiares, servientes, officiaros, ministros, aut homines eorumdem, seu tenentes trium mesuagiorum predictorum pro tempore existentes; quod tunc processus ille ipso jure sit nullus, ac ut processus coram non judice factum habeatur. Et quod dicti prior et conventus, et eorum successores, ac eorum familiares, servientes, officiarii, ministri, et homines eorumdem pro tempore existentes, possint implacitare dictos majorem et communitatem, et successores suos, ac quoscumque burgenses burgi predicti pro tempore existentes, et alios quoscumque, coram vobis, et heredibus vestris, ac in quibuscumque curiis vestris, et heredum vestrorum, pro quacumque re et causa infra dictum burgum emergente, aliqua franchesia, libertate et jurisdiccione eisdem majori et communitati, aut eorum successoribus, per vos aut heredes vestros imposterum concedenda non obstantibus. Et ulterius, auctoritate predicta, sit ordinatum et stabilitum, quod dicti major et communitas, et eorum successores imperpetuum, reddent et solvent prefatis priori et conventui, et eorum successoribus in prioratu predicto, annuatim, a festo Sancti Michaelis Archangeli ultimo preterito,, ad quatuor anni terminos, videlicet, ad festa natalis Domini, Pasche, nativitatis Sancti Johannis Baptiste, et Sancti Michaelis Archangeli, per equales porciones: et si idem redditus vel ejus aliqua pars a retro fuerit non soluta prefatis priori et conventui, aut eorum successoribus, per .xv. dies post aliquem terminum solucionis supradictum, quod tunc bene liceat eisdem priori et conventui, et successoribus suis, et eorum ministris, distringere in dicto burgo de Plymmouth et nomine districcionis capere omnia bona et catalla dict' majoris et communitatis, et quorumcumque burgensium burgi illius, et aliorum in eodem residentium et commorantium, infra eundem burgum et procinctum ejusdem inventa; et quamcumque inde parcellam et districciones illas sic captas, abinde asportare, abducere, imparcare et retinere in quocumque loco eis placuerit, quousque eis de redditibus sic aretro existentibus plenarie fuerit satisfactum. Et si contingat dictum redditum, vel aliquam ejus parcellam, aretro esse non solutum per sex septimanas post aliquem terminum solutionis supradictum, vel si iidem major et communitas, aut aliquis burgensis burgi predicti, aut aliquis ibidem residens et commorans, aliquas districciones pro redditu predicto sic aretro existenti captas replegiaverint vel replegiaverit, aut rescussum inde fecerint vel fecerit, quod tunc iidem major et communitas, et successores sui, solvent et reddent prefatis priori et conventui, et successoribus suis, centum solidos, nomine pene, percipiendum tociens quociens contigerit dictum redditum, vel ejus parcellam, aretro esse non solutum per hujusmodi sex septimanas, aut districciones sic captas in forma predicta replegium aut inde rescussum fieri. Et si contigerit dictum redditum, vel ejus parcellam, aretro esse non solutum per unum quarterium anni post aliquem terminum solucionis supradictum, quod tunc iidem major et communitas, et successores sui, solvent prefatis priori et conventui, et eorum successoribus,, nomine pene, solvendas eis tociens quociens contigerit eundem redditum, vel ejus parcellam, aretro esse non solutum per hujusmodi quarterium anni post aliquem terminum solucionis supradictum. Et bene liceat eisdem priori et conventui, et successoribus suis, distringere infradictum burgum et procinctum ejusdem in forma predicta, tam pro redditu illo sic aretro existenti, quam pro predicta .c. s., necnon pro predictis, nomine pene in forma supradicta solvendas: et si contingat dictum redditum, vel ejus aliquam parcellam, aretro esse non solutum per unum annum integrum post aliquem terminum solucionis supradictum, quod tunc iidem major et communitas, et successores sui, solvent et reddent annuatim imperpetuum, dictis priori et conventui, et successoribus suis in prioratu predicto, ad terminos supradictos, ultra dictum annum redditum, et sic in toto per annum LXIli. imperpetuum tunc solvendas. Et si contingat eundem redditum, vel ejus aliquam parcellam, in forma supradicta aretro esse non solutum per sex septimanas post aliquem terminum solucionis ejusdem, quod tunc iidem major et communitas, heredes et successores sui, solvent eisdem priori et conventui, et successoribus suis, centum solidos, nomine pene, habendos et percipiendos eisdem priori et conventui, et successoribus suis, tociens quociens contigerit aliquam parcellam ejusdem redditus sexaginta et unius librarum aretro esse non solutam per hujusmodi sex septimanas. Et quod bene liceat eisdem priori et conventui, et successoribus suis, distringere in forma predicta, infra burgum predictum et procinctum ejusdem, pro redditu illo sic aretro existenti, ac pro eisdem .c. s. nomine pene solvendis. Et quod ulterius, auctoritate supradicta, sit ordinatum et stabilitum, quod dicti prior et conventus, et eorum successores, gaudere, habere et optinere possint, omnes predicta redditus et penas, in forma predicta, eis et eorum successoribus in forma predicta concessa, secundum modum, formam et condicionem superius expressata, aliquibus statutis aut ordinacionibus in contrarium factis in aliquo non obstantibus. Et quod eadem auctoriate, breve vestrum, et heredum vestrorum, de fieri facias, ad prosecucionem dicti prioris, et successorum suorum, emanare posset et debeat de scaccario vestro, et heredum vestrorum, tociens quociens eisdem priori, et successoribus, videbitur expediens et oportunum, dirigendum vicecomiti Devon' pro tempore existenti, eidem vicecomiti precipiendum, quod non omittat, propter aliquam libertatem, quin idem vicecomes fieri et levari faciat, de terris et catallis dictorum majoris et communitatis, et cujuslibet burgensis burgi illius, et quorumcumque aliorum residencium et commorancium infra eundem burgum, denarios quos de redditu aut penis predictis in futurum aretro fore contigerit, et denarios illos predicto priori qui adtunc fuerit deliberet, nisi iidem major et communitas, et successores sui, eidem vicecomiti monstraverint sufficientes aquietancias, sub sigillo ejusdem prioris, de solucione eorumdem denariorum sic aretro fore suppositorum; et quamvis imposterum ex aliqua causa emergente contingat dictum burgum de Plymmouth', vel dictas franchesias, libertates aut possessiones, dictorum majoris et communitatis, aut successorum suorum, vel aliquam eorum parcellam, capi vel seisiri in manus vestras, vel heredum vestrorum, quod eisdem capcione et seisina non obstantibus, dicti redditus et pene in forma et condicione predictis sint bene et fideliter persolut, dictis priori et conventui, et successoribus suis, ad terminos et locum supradictos. Proviso semper, quod omnes homines et tenentes dictorum prioris et conventus, et successorum suorum, pro tempore existentium, libere possint infra dictum burgum de Plymmouth et procinctum ejusdem emere seu vendere, omnia bona, catalla, mercimonia et mercandisas omnimoda ad opus et usum eorum proprium, sine tolloneo, custuma, picagio, pavagio, stallagio, muragio, et ab omni tali exaccione, imposicione et inquietacione in forma predicta quieti sint et exonerati imperpetuum. Et preterea, cum abbas de Bokelond, in predicto comitatu Devon', seisitus existat in dominico suo ut de feodo, et jure ecclesie sue Beate Marie de Bokelond, de hundredo de Rouburgh cum pertinenciis, infra quod hundredum predicte villa de Sutton' priour, decenna de Sutton' Raf, parcella hameletti sive decenne de Sutton' Vautort, et parcella decenne de Compton', que modo faciunt predictum burgum de Plymmouth, existunt et a toto tempore cujus contrarii memoria hominum non existit, fuerunt parcelle ejusdem hundredi: dignetur jam vestra regia celsitudo, auctoritate presentis parliamenti, concedere et ordinare, quod amodo predicti major et communitas, habeant sibi, heredibus et successoribus suis imperpetuum, omnimoda jura, libertates, franchesias, jurisdicciones, potestates, hereditamenta et alia quecumque proficua, que predictus abbas infra procinctum predicti burgi habet aut habere debuit, ut in jure ecclesie sue predicte quoquo modo. Et quod predicti major et communitas, habeant sibi, heredibus et successoribus suis, curiam suam semel in quolibet mense, cum idem major eam assignare voluerit, coram eodem majore, in guyhalda ejusdem burgi tenendam. Et quod in curia illa, omnes defectus, excessus, transgressiones, articuli, visus franciplegii, ceteraque omnia que infra procinctum dicti burgi fient et accident in futurum, et que in aliquibus curiis predicti abbatis infra hundredum predictum tenendis presentari, emendari, corrigi aut puniri debuerunt, si presentis parliamenti auctoritas non fuisset, in predicta curia, coram predicto majore ut predicitur tenenda, decetero presententur, emendentur, corrigantur et puniantur, eisdem mediis, viis, modis et formis quibus in predicta curia predicti abbatis presentari, emendari, corrigi et puniri debuerunt aut consueveruht. Et quod omnes qui racione terrarum et tenementorum, aut possessionum suarum, infra procinctum dicti burgi existentium, aut racione residentie sue infra eundem procinctum, sectam, servicium, prestacionem, redditum certum, aut quodvis aliud commodum ad aliquas predictarum curiarum predicti abbatis facere, reddere, solvere aut presentare debuerunt, imposterum eadem sectam, servicium, prestacionem, redditum et commodum ad predictas curias predictorum majoris et communitatis, heredum et successorum suorum, faciant, reddant, solvant et presentant imperpetuum. Salvis semper et reservatis, predicto abbati et successoribus suis, auctoritate predicta, omnibus juribus, franchesiis, libertatibus, commoditatibus, jurisdiccionibus, potestatibus, hereditamentis et proficuis suis quibuscumque, in toto residuo hundredi sui predicti, extra procinctum burgi predicti existenti, sicut idem abbas ante hec tempora ea habuit et habere debuit. Et dignetur vestra celsitudo, auctoritate predicta ordinare, quod predicti major et communitas, heredes et successores sui imperpetuum, reddant et solvant apud Bathe in comitatu Somers', Willelmo priori de Bathe, et successoribus suis, decem marcas annuatim, ad festa Pasche et Sancti Michaelis Archangeli, per equales porciones. Et si contingat easdem mecem marcas annuas, aut aliquam inde parcellam, aretro fore infuturum, ad aliquod festum festorum predictorum, extunc bene liceat eidem priori de Bathe, et successoribus suis, in toto predicto burgo, per omnia bona et catalla in eodem inventa distringere, et districciones sic captas ubicumque sibi placuerit asportare, abducere et penes se retinere, quousque sibi de omnibus arreragiis predictarum decem marcarum annuarum, una cum omnibus misis et costagiis suis, que occasione non solucionis ejusdem sustinuerunt, plenarie fuerit satisfactum. Et quod idem prior, et successores sui, habeant brevia de scaccario vestro, et heredum vestrorum, de fieri facias, vicecomiti Devon' directum, et in lege sufficienti ad levandum, de terris et catallis omni infra dictum burgum commorancium, singulos denarios quos de predictis decem marcis annuis aretro fore contigerit infuturum, quociens predicto nunc priori, aut successoribus suis, hoc expediens videbitur aut oportunum. Et cum predictus prior de Bathe seisitus jam existat, ut de feodo, et jure ecclesie sue apostolorum Petri et Pauli de Bathe, de advocacione ecclesie parochialis de Baunton in comitatu Devon', quod predictus abbas ecclesie Beate Marie de Bokelond, auctoritate presentis parliamenti, amodo habeat advocacionem illam sibi et successoribus suis imperpetuum. Et quod, eadem auctoritate, liceat sibi et successoribus suis, eandem ecclesiam sibi appropriare, et eam in proprios usus tenere sibi, et successoribus suis imperpetuum, aliquibus statutis incontrarium editis, aut eo quod predictus prioratus de Bathe est de fundacione progenitorum vestrorum, aut de patronatu vestro existat, in aliquo non obstantibus. Salvis semper dictis priori de Bathe, et successoribus suis, omnibus pensionibus et annuitatibus suis, de dicta ecclesia de Baunton, aut de rectoria ejusdem debitis. Et quod predictos abbas, et successores sui, servientes, officiarii, familiares, tenentes, ac ministri ejusdem abbatis, et successorum suorum, de cetero sint exonerati et quieti imperpetuum, de quibuscumque tolnetis, custumis, picagiis, pavagiis, portagiis, pontagiis, muragiis, ac quibuscumque oneribus, exaccionibus et demandis, prefatis majori et communitati, et successoribus suis imposterum solvendis, pro quibuscumque mercandisis, victualibus, seu aliis rebus quibuscumque, per prefatum abbatem, et successores suos, servientes, officiarios, familiares, tenentes, ac ministros ejusdem abbatis, et successorum suorum, infra burgum predictum et libertatem ejusdem, de cetero emendis, vendendis, seu quovis modo providendis, aliquibus concessionibus inde prefatis majori et communitati, per vos seu heredes vestros imposterum concedendis, non obstantibus. Salvis semper et reservatis, vobis, heredibus et successoribus vestris, omnibus possessionibus, libertatibus, franchesiis, jurisdiccionibus, curiis, proficuis, hereditamentis, escaetis, forisfacturis et juribus vestris, ac omnibus ligeis vestris, et heredum vestrorum, omnibus possessionibus, libertatibus, franchesiis, jurisdiccionibus, curiis, proficuis, hereditamentis, foristacturis, escaetis et juribus suis quibuscumque, que in presenti actu prefatis majori et communitati, aut predictis aliis personis in eodem actu nominatis, superius specialiter et expresse non conceduntur.
Qua quidem peticione, in parliamento predicto lecta, audita et plenius intellecta, eidem peticioni, de avisamento et assensu predictis, taliter fuit responsum:
The kyng will, that it be as it is desired by this peticion. Provided alway, that this present act and ordinance, extende hem noght to the manoir of Trematon, the burgh of Saltayssh, to the water of Tamer, nor to non other possessions, franchesies, libertees, waters, fisshynges, rentys, services, courtes, jurisdiccions, offices, enheritances, forfaites, eschetes, other ony other lssues, profites or commoditees, the which Sir John Cornewaill lorde of Faunhope holdyth terme of his lyve, the reversion thereof to the kyng belongyng. {PRO C49/23/10; E175/4/7.}
On behalf of the people of Plymouth.
32. Item, another petition was presented to the same lord king in the aforesaid parliament by the aforesaid commons on behalf of the people of the town of Plymouth and other persons specified in the same petition, in these words:
The commons of all your realm of England assembled at your present parliament request your royal highness: whereas the town of Sutton Prior, the tithing of Sutton Raf and part of the hamlet of Sutton Vautort, which town, tithing and part are commonly called Plymouth, and a certain part of the tithing of Compton within the county of Devon, are situated so near to the shore and sea coast, and so great and so large and common a mooring of fleets, ships and vessels of both enemies and others occurred from time to time in the port of the same town, tithing and part of the hamlet and adjacent tithing of Compton, that the aforesaid town, tithing and part, previously in a large part of the same, were often burned and destroyed for default of the enclosure or fortification of the same in the times of your renowned progenitors; and also the inhabitants of the same and their goods and chattels were damaged day and night, and many of the same inhabitants of that place were carried away to foreign parts by their enemies, and were miserably committed to fearful prisons until they had made fines and redemption. And a great deal of other serious destruction and misfortune often occurred to the same town, tithing and part of the hamlet and tithing, and the inhabitants of the same in past times, and many major events are feared to take place in the future, unless a suitable remedy is swiftly provided for the alleviation, fortification and improvement of the town, tithing and aforesaid parts. Whereupon, having considered the foregoing, your aforesaid royal highness should deem it worthy, with the consent and assent of the lords spiritual and temporal and the commons of your realm of England being in the present parliament, by the authority of the same parliament, for the resistance of the malice of your enemies who daily moor there, and for the salvation of the aforesaid town, tithing and parts, and so that the inhabitants of the same may strengthen, enclose and fortify more quickly the town, tithing and parts, and be able to live and reside there more comfortably, quietly and securely, to ordain and establish that the aforesaid town, tithing and parts shall henceforth be a free borough, incorporated under one mayor and with one perpetual community, and shall be called the borough of Plymouth forever. And the same mayor and commons shall be one body forever in fact and name, and shall have perpetual succession, and shall be called the mayor and commons of the borough of Plymouth in all future times, and shall be competent persons and able in law to acquire for themselves, their heirs and successors, in fee and perpetuity, or for a term of life or years, or in any other state whatsoever, any lands, tenements, rents, reversions, possessions and hereditaments whatsoever from any persons whatsoever. And they shall have a common seal, and in the name of the mayor and commons of the borough of Plymouth shall be able to plead and implead in any of your courts, and those of your heirs and successors, and of any others whatsoever, and in the presence of any justices whatsoever, and in any action whatsoever. And that the aforesaid borough shall always observe the limits and boundaries below written, namely, between the hill called Wynrigg {unidentified} along the bank of Millbay northward up to the great ditch commonly called the great ditch, and from there again northward to Stoke Damarel fleet, and from there along the shore of the same fleet up to Millbrook bridge inclusively, and from there eastward along the Middeldiche {unidentified} of the Houndiscombe up to the Houndiscombe bridge inclusively, and from there up to Thorn Park exclusively, and from there up to Lipson bridge inclusively, and from there along the sea shore continually up to the Laira, to the quay of Hyngston Fysshtorre {unidentified} and Estkyng {unidentified}, and from there up to the said hill of Wynrigge, just as the limits and boundaries erected and affixed on all sides show more fully and openly. And that the aforesaid mayor and commons, their heirs and successors, shall have and hold that borough to themselves and their aforesaid heirs and successors from you, your heirs and successors, as a fee farm, thence rendering 40 s. annually to your exchequer, and that of your heirs, at the terms of Easter and Michaelmas equally. And that the aforesaid mayor and commons, their heirs and successors, can lawfully and without punishment strengthen the aforesaid borough and enclose and surround it with stone walls, and newly construct and build towers in the same walls for the fortification and defence of the same borough, and also crenellate and fortify the same walls and towers. And that your royal majesty shall deem it worthy to create and make William Ketrich, one of the good and very discreet men now residing within the aforesaid limits and boundaries, mayor of the aforesaid borough; which mayor of that borough should well and faithfully rule and govern the same borough until Michaelmas next coming {29 September 1440}. And finally may it please your aforesaid royal highness, of your special grace, graciously to grant to the aforesaid mayor and commons, by the authority of the aforesaid parliament, that they themselves, each year at the feast of St Lambert the martyr and bishop {17 September}, can elect a certain suitable and discreet person from among themselves as mayor of the same borough, according to their sound discretion, for the sound and beneficial governance of that borough for one whole year, and to make him mayor of the same borough at Michaelmas then next following. And if the aforesaid William, created and appointed mayor of the aforesaid borough by you, before Michaelmas next following, or any of his successors as future mayors of the same borough, should die while in the office of mayoralty, or should rule and govern that borough unjustly and inconveniently, whereby the said commons should propose that he be removed from that office for the benefit of the same borough or for the well-being of public affairs; then the same commons can remove the same inadequate mayor from the office of the mayoralty, and can elect and appoint another suitable person from among themselves to the same office of mayor, in place of the mayor so dying or inadequate; and thus as often as any mayor of the aforesaid borough should die as aforesaid, or should rule or govern that borough unjustly or inconveniently. And that this mayor thus newly elected and appointed should be mayor of the same borough until Michaelmas then next following, unless he should do such things in that office by which he was justly to be removed from that office. And that anyone elected to the office of the mayoralty of the aforesaid borough by the said commons in the future, and appointed mayor of the said borough by the said commons at Michaelmas, before he accepts the office of his mayoralty, should swear a corporal oath to that borough in the guildhall of the aforesaid borough, in the presence of the same commons, and also in the presence of the prior of Plympton at the time or, in his absence, in the presence of the steward of his lands or hospital, if the same prior or his aforesaid steward should wish to be present there at the same Michaelmas before the eleventh hour of the day of the same feast, otherwise in the presence of the said commons only, the presence of the prior himself or his steward not expected beyond that time, to rule and govern well, faithfully and impartially, and also to observe, hold, pay and carry out all and singular the articles, rents and agreements contained and specified in the present request concerning the prior and convent of Plympton while he shall remain thus in the office of the mayoralty. And that anyone appointed mayor of the aforesaid borough, after the death or removal of any mayor thence in the aforesaid form, before he accepts this office of the mayoralty in the presence, place, form and order limited above, on the day on which the commons of the said borough have determined for this, with due warning to the prior of Plympton at the time at his priory, or to the convent of the same prior in the same prior's absence, made three days before the day thus determined, shall in like manner corporally swear an oath, as is aforesaid. And that the same mayor and commons, their heirs and successors, for the public good of the aforesaid borough, shall from time to time, as often as it pleases them, have power to make and create burgesses of the same borough, by the authority of the aforesaid parliament. And that the same mayor and commons should have and hold to themselves, their heirs and successors, by the authority of this parliament, all manner of lands, tenements, rents, services, the mills called Millbay, possessions, fairs, marketplaces, markets, courts, franchises, liberties, views of frankpledge, privileges and other profits and emoluments, temporal and secular, which did and now do belong to the aforesaid prior and convent as by right of their aforesaid church within the aforesaid limits, bounds and boundaries and within the said borough of Plymouth. Always saving, excepting and reserving to the aforesaid prior and convent and their successors three messuages and three gardens adjacent to the same messuages with their appurtenances situated in the aforesaid borough of Plymouth, of which one messuage is situated between the tenement of John Jaybien on the east, and the tenement of John Snelling on the west, and the land of the heirs of Roger Goold and the land of the aforesaid John Jaybien on the south and the king's highway called Bilbury Street on the north. And another messuage lies between the tenement of Thomas Piers on the east and the tenement of William Milton on the west and the garden of William Venour on the north and another king's highway called Nutte Street on the south. And the third messuage is situated between the tenement of Vincent Hagge on the east and the toft formerly belonging to John Piers on the west, and the tenement of Walter Whitelegh on the north and the king's highway called Stillman Street on the south. Also saving, excepting and reserving to the same prior and convent and their successors forever, not only the advowson of the church of Plymouth once called Sutton which they have and hold to their own proper use, but also the advowson of the vicarage of the same church and any tithes, oblations, obventions, emoluments, affairs, rights and profits whatsoever belonging or pertaining to the same church of Plymouth in any way whatsoever. And that the aforesaid three messuages shall be forever outside the franchise, liberty and jurisdiction of the said mayor and commons and of the said borough of Plymouth, and not be part of the same. And that the said prior and convent and their successors, and their tenants of the aforesaid messuages, henceforth shall not be liable, charged or taxed in any way whatsoever with any charge, payment, exaction or imposition whatsoever by the burgesses and inhabitants of the said borough of Plymouth, but they shall be quit and exonerated from the payment, exaction and imposition of any charge to be paid or borne by the said burgesses and inhabitants, forever. Also saving to the same prior and convent and their successors the island called Drake's Island and all its lands, tenements and possessions within the parish of Maker with all appurtenances and commodities belonging to the same, and any profits and advantages whatsoever happening or touching on any of the same forever; with which island, lands, tenements, possessions, profits and commodities the aforesaid mayor and commons and their successors, or any of them, shall not concern themselves in any way whatsoever. Provided always that if anyone should flee for felony or treason into any place within the said three messuages and gardens, or remain there, that then it will be lawful for the aforesaid mayor and his servants and officials at the time of the said borough of Plymouth to enter into the same messuages and gardens and to capture and arrest the person thus fleeing to any place within the same messuages and gardens for the aforesaid reasons or remaining there for the same reasons, and to lead and carry them to your jail in the aforesaid county. Also provided and ordained that the said prior and convent and their successors, officials, servants, officers and the household of the same prior and convent, and or the same prior and his successors, shall be able to come freely to the said borough of Plymouth, and to each place within the bounds, liberty and jurisdiction of the same, with any of their wagons, carts, horse-loads and carriages whatsoever, and with all the goods, chattels, victuals and merchandise of the aforesaid prior and his successors, and of their servants, officers, officials and household at the time, and their successors, and to sell any of their goods and chattels whatsoever there, and to buy other goods, chattels and merchandise there, without paying any tolls, customs, pickage, pavage, porterage, murage, stallage and any other charges, exactions, impositions and demands whatsoever to the same mayor and commons or to their successors, except any whatsoever now imposed or to be imposed hereafter in the future, or granted by you or hereafter to be granted by you or your heirs. And that the same prior and convent and their successors, and their ministers, household, officers and servants and their successors, shall be forever quit and exonerated within the said borough, precinct and jurisdiction of the same from any of the aforesaid tolls, exactions and charges whatsoever to be paid to the same mayor and commons and their successors and their officials. Provided also, and it is ordained, that neither the aforesaid prior and convent nor their successors, nor their household, servants, officers, official at the time, nor their men or servants, shall be impleaded in any way as a result of any cause whatsoever, in the presence of the mayor of the said borough of Plymouth, or his successors, nor shall their bodies be seised or imprisoned by them, or their goods and chattels distrained or seised by them or by any ministers of the same mayor and convent or their successors, to answer to any of your people, by virtue of any quarrels, bills, matters or causes affirmed, prosecuted or to be affirmed, in the presence of the same mayor and his successors, or any officials whatsoever of the same mayor and commons, nor by virtue of any presentations or indictments taken in the presence of the same mayor and his successors, or any officers, stewards or bailiffs or the same mayor and commons and their successors, in any courts, views of frankpledge or hundreds held or to be held within the aforesaid borough, but they shall be wholly exonerated, quit and exempt forever from all jurisdiction, power, arrest and coercion of the same mayor and commons and their successors. And that neither the same prior and convent nor their successors, nor their household, servants, officers, ministers, nor the same men or the tenants of the aforesaid three tenements at the time, shall in any way be distrained or compelled to make any suit at any court, in the presence of the said mayor or his successors or his ministers within the aforesaid borough, nor to hold any view of frankpledge or hundred within the same borough. And if anything is done, performed or attempted in the presence of the same mayor and his successors or any of the officials of the same mayor and commons at the time and their successors contrary to this ordinance, against the aforesaid prior and convent or their successors or their household, servants, officers, ministers or their men, or the tenants of the aforesaid three messuages at the time, that then that process shall be unlawful and had as a process made unlawfully. And that the said prior and convent and their successors, and their household, servants, officers, officials and their men at the time, shall be able to implead the said mayor and commons and their successors and any burgesses of the aforesaid borough at the time whatsoever, and any others whatsoever, in the presence of you and your heirs and in any of your courts whatsoever, and those of your heirs, for any matter and cause whatsoever occurring within the said borough, notwithstanding any franchise, liberty and jurisdiction of the same mayor and commons or their successors to be granted by you or your successors hereafter. And furthermore, by the aforesaid authority, it shall be ordained and established that the said mayor and commons and their successors forever shall render and pay to the aforesaid prior and convent and their successors in the aforesaid priory annually, from Michaelmas last past, £41 at four terms of the year, namely, at Christmas, Easter, the Nativity of St John the Baptist and Michaelmas by equal portions. And if the same rent of £41 or any part of the same should be in arrears and not paid to the aforesaid prior and convent or their successors for five days after any aforesaid term of payment, that then it shall be truly lawful for the same prior and convent and their successors and their ministers to make distraint in the said borough of Plymouth, and in the name of distraint to take all goods and chattels of the said mayor and commons and of any burgess of that borough whatsoever, and of others residing and staying in the same, found within the same borough and the precincts of the same, and any part whatsoever thereof, and to carry off and take away from there those distraints thence taken, and to secure and retain them in whatever place pleases them, until full satisfaction is made to them for the said rent thus in arrears. And if the said rent, or any part thereof, happens to be in arrears and unpaid for six weeks after any aforesaid term of payment, or if the same mayor and commons or any burgess of the aforesaid borough, or anyone residing or staying there, should make replevin of any distraints taken for the aforesaid rents thus being in arrears, or make forcible recovery thereof, that then the same mayor and commons and their successors shall pay and render 100 s . to the aforesaid prior and convent and their successors as penalty, to be taken as often as the said rent, or any part thereof, should happen to be in arrears and unpaid by these six weeks, or distraints thus taken in the aforesaid form replevied or thence rescued. And if the said rent, or any part thereof, should happen to be in arrears and unpaid for one quarter of a year after any aforesaid term of payment, that then the same mayor and commons and their successors should pay £10 to the aforesaid prior and convent and their successors as penalty, to be paid to them as often as the same rent, or any part thereof, should happen to be in arrears and unpaid for this quarter of a year after the aforesaid term of payment. And it shall be truly lawful for the same prior and convent and their successors to make distraint within the said borough and its precincts in the aforesaid terms, both for that rent so being in arrears and for the aforesaid 100 s ., and also for the said £10 to be paid as penalty in the aforesaid terms. And if the said rent, or any part thereof, happens to be in arrears and unpaid for one whole year after any aforesaid term of payment, that then the same mayor and commons and their successors shall pay and render annually forever to the said prior and convent and their successors in the aforesaid priory at the aforesaid term £20 beyond the said annual rent of £41, and thus in total £61 then to be paid each year forever. And if the same rent of £61, or any part thereof, should happen in the aforesaid terms to be in arrears and unpaid for six weeks after any term of payment of the same, that then the same mayor and commons and their successors should pay 100 s . to the same prior and convent and their successors as penalty, to have and receive to the same prior and convent and their successors as often as any part of the same rent of £61 should happen to be in arrears and unpaid for these six weeks. And that it shall be truly lawful for the same prior and convent and their successors to make distraint in the aforesaid terms within the aforesaid borough and its precincts for that rent thus being in arrears and for the same 100 s . to be paid as penalty. And that furthermore, by the aforesaid authority, it shall be ordained and established that the said prior and convent and their successors should be able to use, have and possess all the aforesaid rents and penalties in the aforesaid terms, granted to them and their successors in the aforesaid terms, according to the manner, terms and condition expressed above, notwithstanding any statutes or ordinances made to the contrary in any part. And that, by the same authority, your writ of fieri facias, or that of your heirs, for the prosecution of the said prior and his successors, can and ought to issue from your exchequer, and that of your heirs, as often as seems expedient and opportune to the same prior and successors, to be directed to the sheriff of Devon at the time, to be received by the same sheriff, which he should not disregard on account of any liberty, but rather that the same sheriff should cause the money which should happen to be in arrears from the aforesaid rents or penalties in the future to be produced and levied from the lands and chattels of the said mayor and commons, and of each burgess of that borough, and of anyone whatsoever residing and staying within the same borough, and should deliver that money to the aforesaid prior at the time, unless the same mayor and commons and their successors should show sufficient quittance to the same sheriff, under the seal of the same prior, of the payment of the same money thus supposed to be in arrears, and however much henceforth arising from any other cause should appertain to the said borough of Plymouth, or to the said franchise, liberties or possessions of the said mayor and commons or their successors, or any part of them, to be taken or seised in your hands or those of your heirs, that notwithstanding the same taking and seizing, the said rents and penalty in the aforesaid terms and condition should be well and faithfully paid to the said prior and convent and their successors at the aforesaid terms and place. Provided always that all men and tenants at the time of the said prior and convent and their successors can freely buy or sell all goods, chattels, trade and merchandise of every kind within the said borough of Plymouth and its precincts to their own use and benefit, without toll, custom, pickage, pavage, stallage or murage, and shall be forever exonerated and quit from all such exaction, imposition and disturbance in the aforesaid terms. And moreover, whereas the abbot of Buckland in the aforesaid county of Devon is seised in his demesne as of fee and right of his church of the Blessed Mary of Buckland of the hundred of Roborough with appurtenances, within which hundred the town of Sutton Prior, the tithing of Sutton Raf, the part of the hamlet or tithing of Sutton Vautort, and the part of the tithing of Compton, which now make up the aforesaid borough of Plymouth, are and were part of the same hundred from time immemorial, now may your royal highness deem it worthy, by the authority of the present parliament, to grant and ordain that henceforth the aforesaid mayor and commons should have to themselves, their heirs and successors forever all manner of rights, liberties, franchises, jurisdictions, powers, hereditaments and any other profits whatsoever which the aforesaid abbot has or used to have within the precinct of the aforesaid borough, as in right of his aforesaid church in any way. And that the aforesaid mayor and commons should have to themselves, their heirs and successors their court once a month when the same mayor should wish to assign it, to be held in the presence of the same mayor in the guildhall of the same borough. And that in that court all defaults, excesses, transgressions, articles, views of frankpledge and all other matters which should happen and arise in the future within the precinct of the said borough, and which ought to be presented, emended, corrected or punished in any courts of the aforesaid abbot held within the aforesaid hundred, if not for the authority of the present parliament, shall be held in the aforesaid court in the presence of the aforesaid mayor as aforesaid, henceforth presented, emended, corrected and punished by the same means, ways, manners and forms in which they were accustomed to be or should be presented, emended, corrected and punished in the aforesaid courts of the aforesaid abbot. And that all who by reason of their lands and tenements or possessions within the precinct of the said borough, or by reason of their residency within the same precinct, should make, render, pay or present suit, service, payment, fixed rent or any other advantage to any of the aforesaid courts of the aforesaid abbot henceforth shall make, render, pay and present the same suit, service, payment, rent and advantage to the aforesaid courts of the aforesaid mayor and commons, their heirs and successors forever. Always saving and reserving to the aforesaid abbot and his successors, by the aforesaid authority, all his rights, franchises, liberties, commodities, jurisdictions, powers, hereditament and profits whatsoever in all the residue of his aforesaid hundred being outside the precinct of the aforesaid borough, just as the same abbot previously had and ought to have. And may your highness deign, by the aforesaid authority, to ordain that the aforesaid mayor and commons, their heirs and successors forever should render and pay at Bath in the county of Somerset to William, prior of Bath, and his successors 10 marks annually at Easter and Michaelmas by equal portions. And if it should happen that the same annual 10 marks, or any part thereof, should be in arrears in the future at any feast of the aforesaid feasts, then it is rightly lawful for the same prior of Bath and his successors to make distraint on all goods and chattels found in the whole aforesaid borough, and to carry, take away and retain the distraints thus taken as penalty wherever it pleases him, until satisfaction is fully made to him of all arrears of the aforesaid annual payment of 10 marks, together with all his expenses and costs which were sustained because of the non-payment of the same. And that the same prior and his successors should have a writ of fieri facias from your exchequer or that of your heirs, directed to the sheriff of Devon and sufficient in law for levying from the lands and chattels of all staying within the said borough every single coin which should happen to be in arrears from the aforesaid annual payment of 10 marks in the future, as often as seems expedient or opportune to the aforesaid prior at the time or his successors. And whereas the aforesaid prior of Bath now is seised as of fee and right of his church of the apostles Peter and Paul of Bath from the advowson of the parish church of Bampton in the county of Devon, that the aforesaid abbot of the church of the Blessed Mary of Buckland, by the authority of the present parliament, henceforth shall have that advowson to himself and his successors forever. And that, by the same authority, it is lawful for him and his successors to appropriate the same church for themselves, and to hold it in their own proper use and that of their successors forever, notwithstanding in any way any statute ordained to the contrary, or the fact that the aforesaid priory of Bath is of the foundation of your progenitors or lies within your patronage. Saving always to the said prior of Bath and his successors all his pensions and annuities owed from the said church of Bampton or from the rectory of the same. And that the aforesaid abbot and his successors, the servants, officers, household, tenants and ministers of the same abbot and his successors henceforth shall be exonerated and quit forever from all tolls, customs, pickages, pavages, porterages, pontages and murages whatsoever and from all other charges, exactions and demands whatsoever to be paid henceforth to the aforesaid mayor and commons and their successors for all merchandise, victuals or other things whatsoever by the aforesaid abbot and his successors, the servants, officers, household, tenants and ministers of the same abbot and his successors within the aforesaid borough and the liberty of the same, henceforth to be bought, sold or otherwise provided; notwithstanding any concessions thence granted to the aforesaid mayor and commons by you or your heirs. Saving always and reserving to you, your heirs and successors, all your possessions, liberties, franchises, jurisdictions, courts, profits, hereditaments, escheats, forfeitures and rights and all your lieges, and all possessions, liberties, franchises, jurisdictions, courts, profits, hereditaments, forfeitures, escheats and rights whatsoever of your heirs which are not above especially and expressly granted to the aforesaid mayor and commons in the present act or to the aforesaid other persons named in the same act.
Which petition having been read, heard and fully understood in the aforesaid parliament, with the aforesaid advice and assent, was answered thus:
The king wills that it be as it is desired by this petition, provided always that this present act and ordinance does not extend to the manor of Trematon, the borough of Saltash, to the water of the Tamar or to any other possessions, franchises, liberties, waters, fishings, rents, services, courts, jurisdictions, offices, inheritances, forfeits, escheats or any other issues, profits or commodities which Sir John Cornwall, Lord Fanhope, holds for the term of his life, the reversion of which belongs to the king. {PRO C49/23/10; E175/4/7.}
Primary Sources
Curry, A. (ed), 2005, 'Henry VI, 1439 November, Text/Translation', in
The Parliament Rolls of Medieval England ed. C. Given-Wilson et al., item 32. Internet version, at, accessed on 14/05/2009. (Scholarly Digital Editions, Leicester)
National Archives C 49/23/7 - formerly Parliamentary Petitions 6727
National Archives C 49/23/8 - formerly Parliamentary Petitions 2307 {Fair copy of C 49/23/7printed in
Rotuli Parliamentorum V, p. 9}
It was at this parliament that the borough of Plymouth was established. The bill to this end was presented by the commons on behalf of the inhabitants (item 32, see also Parliament of 1439, Appendix item 12 ). Earlier in the roll, it was noted that, with the advice and assent of the lords and commons, the king had willed that the lords of the council and the chief justices should be given power to deal with any outstanding issues in the matter (item 20). It is interesting to note that the rights of the existing nearby borough of Plympton were also apparently confirmed at the same parliament on 12 February although the matter was not enrolled (Parliament of 1439, Appendix item 6 {Ref to C 49/23/7}). The date of the latter confirmation may imply that 'the Plymouth matter' was dealt with early in second session of the parliament. (Curry - 'Henry VI, 1439 November, Introduction' PROME)
Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 14/05/2009. Last updated on 22/03/2012. First published online 6/01/2013.