York petitioned for a grant of murage in {1305}.
Nature of request: The citizens of York request that whereas the Friars Minors of York have raised a wall on one side of the Ouse to the damage of the citizens of North Street and Skeldergate on the other side of the river, that they be granted murage to build a quay on the opposite side of the water for the safety of the said streets and their citizens.
1) Endorsement: York.
2) Before the King's council.
3) It should be taken to the treasurer.
4) Done for a fine of 100s, provided that there be an ordinance that whatever results from such murage is faithfully built.
5) For the citizens of York concerning murage.
99. Peres Turgys.
The text of the following entry has been corrected from the text of the surviving original petition: SC 8/10, no. 489.
{petition of Peter Turgys on behalf of the poor men of York, asking for the building of a river wall on the Ouse to protect Skeldergate.}
Membrane 489
A nostre seygnur le roy e a son cunsayl moustre Peres Turgys pur ces povres genz de Everwyk' qe, la ou les freres menours unt fet un mur desuts la ryvere de Use, issint {ke} kaunt les graunt cretynes de ewe survenent, tote la rue de Skeldergate est apoy enfoundre e ses genz neez; prient al roy, pur Deu, e a soen cunsayl qe yl vousisent assigner akun prodomme e leal qe porroyt ordeyner e parfere un autel mur deautrepart de la ryvere de le murage de meme la vile qe yl unt eu e leve ces set auns, e qe est en nul leu ezplaye, e la cyte serra amende de graunt chose par an e ses genz serrount savez e la ryvayle des nefs mout amende.
Membrane 489 dorse
Et assignentur magister Willelmus de Sheldergate et Rogerus Basy junior in forma peticionis. Et mandetur breve majori et ballivis etc.
Membrane 489
Peter Turgys shows our lord the king on behalf of the poor men of York that, whereas the Franciscans have made a wall on the banks of the Ouse, so that when the big floods occur, the whole street of Skeldergate is soon flooded and its men drowned; and so they pray, for God's sake, of the king and his council that they will assign some wise and lawful man who can design and execute a similar wall on the other bank from the murage of the same city that they have had and levied these seven years, which has not been expended anywhere, and the city will be improved to a significant amount each year and his men saved and the docking of ships much improved.
Membrane 489 dorse
Let it be done.
And master William of Skeldergate and Roger Basy are to be assigned on the terms requested in the petition. And a writ is to be sent to the mayor and bailiffs etc.
Done for a fine of 100s, provided that there be an ordinance that whatever results from such murage is faithfully built.
Details of the murage grant which resulted from this petition can be seen
at this link. 
Primary Sources
National Archive SC 8/277/13845*
National Archive SC 8/10/489 Former Reference - Parliamentary Petition 8185
Brand, P. (ed), 2005, 'Edward I: Petition 3, Text/Translation and appendix', in
The Parliament Rolls of Medieval England ed. C. Given-Wilson et al., item 99. Internet version, at
http://www.sd-editions.com/PROME, accessed on 23/04/2009. (Scholarly Digital Editions, Leicester)
Dated on the guard to 1305, with reference to CPR 1301-7, p. 387, a mandate to raise a wall by the side of the Ouse in accordance with this petition. (National Archive note)
Two petitions regarding this matter, the ?second of which also petitions for additional murage. The damage done to the citizens is a loss of trade, the murage is to build a quay (a riverside dock), the 'safety' of the streets might be some flood protection but really seems to be economic, rather than physical, security.
Record created by Philip Davis. This record created . Last updated on 22/03/2012. First published online 6/01/2013.