Warwick petitioned for a grant of murage in {1305}.
64. original petition: SC 8/276, no.13751
Gwy de Beauchamp, counte de Warwyk, prie a nostre seignor le roy ke il ly voille graunter murage e pavage en sa vile de Warwyk a durer caunt come plest a nostre seignor le roy.
Habeat per septennium.
Guy de Beauchamp, earl of Warwick, prays our lord the king that he will grant him murage and pavage in his town of Warwick to last for as long as is pleasing to our lord the king.
He is to have them for seven years.
It is enrolled.
related material
The grant made on 18 March 1305 was enrolled on the Patent Roll: CPR 1301-7, 318
As enrolled
64 (63). Ad peticionem Guydonis comitis Warr', supplicantis domino regi quod velit ei concedere muragium et pavagium in villa {Warr' duratura} quam diu regi placuerit etc., ita responsum est: habeat per septennium.
{Petition of Guy, earl of Warwick, requesting a grant of murage and pavage in his town of Warwick}.
64 (63). Warwick. To the petition of Guy earl of Warwick, requesting the lord king that he might be pleased to grant him murage and pavage in the town of Warwick, to last for as long as it pleases the king etc., this answer is given: he is to have it for seven years.
He is to have it for seven years.
Details of the murage grant which resulted from this petition can be seen
at this link. 
Primary Sources
National Archive SC 8/276/13751
Brand, P. (ed), 2005, 'Edward I: Roll 12' Text/Translation, in
The Parliament Rolls of Medieval England ed. C. Given-Wilson et al., item 64. Internet version, at
http://www.sd-editions.com/PROME, accessed on 21/04/2009. (Scholarly Digital Editions, Leicester)
Dated to 1305 since it is included with the petitions for this year in the Roll of Parliament (Rot. Parl., vol. I, p. 163a). (National Archive note)
Record created by Philip Davis. This record created . Last updated on 22/03/2012. First published online 6/01/2013.