There is associated evidence for murage, dated 28/1/1377, concerning Collection of murage for Kilkenny in Irishtown (a complaint by Bishop Ossory).
Quod Superior &c. de Kilkenn. infra libertatem villae de Irishtown non se intromittat.
R' Superiori & Preposito & comitati ville Kylkenñ salutem Monstravit nobis venerabilis pater A' Episcpus Ossorieñ ut cum ipse omnia temporalia sua teneaat de nobus in capite ipseque quoddam mercatum in villa sua del Iryshtoñ juxta Kylkenñ que est percella dictorum temporalium videlicit dei mercurii singleris septimanis optineat et licet idem Episcopus & predecessores sui nuper Episcopi loci praedicti mercatum suum praedictum ut praedictum est & libertatem suam infra Croc' Episcopatus praedicti libere & absque cumtumis aliquibus pro muragio dicte ville de kylkenñ de rebus venalibus ad dictem mercatum vel infra libertatem predictam venientibus absque assensu et voluntate dicti Episcopi & predecessorum suorum solvendis a tempore fundacionois ecclie ipsius Episcopi sancti Cannici de kylkenñ habere consueverunt vos tamen quasdam litteras nostras patentes ad certas custumas pro muragio dicte ville de kylkenñ de rebus venalibus ad eandem villam de kylkenñ & infra croc' praedictam venientibus percipiendas absque consensu sive notitia dicti Episcopi impetrastis & custumas habemus de rebus venalibus ad dictem mercatum & infra lebertatutem ipsius Episcopi praedictam venientibus pretextu dictarum litterarum nostorarum minus juste percepistis & indies percipe non desistitis in ipsius Episcopi ac ecclesie sue praedicte grave prejudicium dictique mercati ac libertatis sue praedicte perturbacionem & retraccionem manifestas ut dicit Super quo nobus supplicavit sibi remedium adhibere Et quia per quandam inquisicionem coram frere Wilhelmo Tany priore Hospitalis sancti Johanis Jerl'm in hibern Cancellar' nostro ibidem captam & in Cancellar' nostra Hibern remanentem est compertum quid dicte villa del Iryshtoñ est percella dictorum temporalium Et quid idem Episcipus & predecessores sui praedicti mercatum praedictem una cum libertate praedicta in forma praedicta hebere consueverunt Nolentes proinde quod praefato Episcipo in e parte pretextu dictarum litterarum nostrarum aliqualiter prejudicetur vobus & cuilibet vostram mandamus quid pretextu dictarum litterarum nostrarum de dicta villa del Iryshtoñ mercato aut libertate praedictis vel de custumis aliquibus pro muragio dicte ville de Kylkenñ de rebus venalibus ad dictem mercatum vel infra libertatem praedictam venientibus absque assenu & voluntate ipsius Episcopi decetero capiendis vos aut aliquem vostram nullatenus intromittatis sub periculo incumbenti T' praefato Justic' apud Dubliñ xxviii die Januar'Scilicet (anno r. n. tricesimo octavo)Vide etiam Rot. Pat. 3 & 4 Ph. & Mary m. 7. d.
28 Jan. 1377 Dublin
To the sovereign, provost and commonalty of the town of Kilkenny.
Alexander {Balscot}, bp Ossory, has shown that he held all his temporalities of the K. in chief and obtained a market in his town of Irishtown {del Iryshton} near Kilkenny, which is part of his temporalities, viz. every Wednesday. And although the bishop and his predecessors were accustomed to bring goods for sale to the market and to the liberty within the crosslands without paying any customs for the murage of the town of Kilkenny from the time of the founding of the church of St Canice in Kilkenny, the sovereign, provost and community of the town of Kilkenny have unjustly taken customs for the murage of Kilkenny on those goods without the bishop's consent, to the grave damage of the bishop and the disruption of his market and liberty. He seeks remedy. According to an inquisition held by William Tany, C. of Ire., and remaining in the chancery, it is agreed that Irishtown is part of the temporalities of the bishop and the bishop and his predecessors were accustomed to hold the market and liberty in that town. Not wishing prejudice to that bishop by reason of the K.'s letters, ORDER not to enter that market or liberty nor to take customs on goods entering the same without the assent of the bishop.
Attested: James Butler, e. Ormond, Jcr
Granted by Edward III. (Regnal year 51). Granted at Dublin.
Primary Sources
Irish Record Commission, 1829-30,
Chartae Privilegia et Immunitates p. 62 (ref. E Rot. Claus. 51 Edw.III.m.3d.)
A Calendar of Irish Chancery Letters, c. 12441509, CR 51 Edw. III
View CIRCLE recordTresham, E. (ed), 1828,
Rotulorum patentium et clausorum cancellariae Hiberniae calendarium (Dublin) p. 102 No. 76
For obscure reasons the CPI dates this as 1363 (38 Edw. III) although they clearly state the source as the close roll of 51 Edw. III.
Irishtown, the original settlement to the north, around the Cathedral, with the Norman borough of Kilkenny adjacent, but separated by a small stream. The politics of this situation with the church and towns temporal powers in conflict but overlaid by an ethnic element must have been complex.
Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 13/05/2012. Last updated on 19/01/2013. First published online 9/01/2013.