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There is associated evidence for murage, dated 20/1/1393, concerning Bayonne (a complaint by English merchants).

{Murage at Bayonne.}
23. \Marchauntes./ Item, suppliont voz poveres liges marchantz Engleys: qe come vous, tresredoute seignour, a la supplicacioun des gentz de Baion', compleignantz qe lour ville estoit overte nient clos des mures, a grant peril du dite ville si remede n'ent serroit mys, vous par voz lettres patentes par sys ans a durers, grantastes as ditz gentz de Baion', en eide del reparacioun des ditz mures, de prendre quatre deniers del livere de chescune manere marchandise qe serroit amesne en la dite ville par qeconqes estranges, et quatre deniers del livere de chescune manere marchandise amesne hors du dite ville: la quelle imposicioun ad este paie par voz ditz liges par autre manere qe solonc la fourme de voz dites lettres patentes, al volunte des coillours du dit subside, a grief damage de voz ditz liges, et arierissement de lour estat; et outre ceo, ils ont arestuz diverses niefs et barges et marchantz a Copbreton' pres de Baion', pur paier la dite imposicioun, de vins, rosins, et autres marchandises chargez a Copbreton', encontre l'effect de voz ditz lettres patentes, et encontre l'effect del juggement del treshonure seignour le duc de Guyen' et de Lancastre, alors lieutenant de Guyen'.
Qe plese considerer coment le terme de les dites lettres est bien pres finy, et qe la dite ville est pleinement ferme, et ordeiner qe les ditz suppliantz purront estre quitz de \ce/ enavant de tielle imposicioun, et qe recompensacioun lour soit fait de ceo q'ad este pris de eux a tort deinz le terme de voz ditz lettres patentes: considerantz, trespuissant seignour, qe remede en ceste cas fuist ordeine al conseille tenuz a Wyndesore darrein, pur les ditz compleignantz; a quelle ordinance faite par le dit conseille les ditz gentz de Baion' ne vuillent obeier en nulle manere.
Le roy voet q'al fyn del terme limitez en les dites lettres la dite imposition cesse tout outrement.

23. Merchants. Also, your poor lieges the English merchants pray that whereas you, very redoubtable lord, at the supplication of the people of Bayonne, complaining that their town was open and not enclosed by walls, to the great peril of the said town if remedy were not provided, by your letters patent to last for six years granted to the said people of Bayonne, to aid the repair of the said walls, to take four pence in the pound on every kind of merchandise which might be brought into the said town by any strangers, and four pence in the pound on every kind of merchandise taken out of the said town: which imposition has been paid by your said lieges in a form other than that of your said letters patent, at the will of the collectors of the said subsidy, to the grievous injury of your said lieges and ruin of their estate; and further, they have seized various ships and barges and merchants at Cap Breton near Bayonne, to pay the said imposition, on wine, raisins, and other merchandise loaded at Cap Breton, contrary to the tenor of your said letters patent, and against the judgment of the most honoured lord the duke of Guyenne and Lancaster, then lieutenant of Guyenne.
May it please you to consider that the term of the said letters is very nearly over, and that the said town is fully enclosed, and to ordain that the said supplicants may be quit from such imposition henceforth, and that they shall receive compensation for that which has been taken from them wrongfully during the term of your said letters patent: considering, most powerful lord, that remedy in this case was ordained for the said plaintiffs at the council last held at Windsor; which ordinance made by the said council the said people of Bayonne will not obey in any way.
The king wills that at the end of the term specified in the said letters the said impositions shall cease entirely.

Granted by Richard II. (Regnal year 16). Granted at Winchester.
Primary Sources
Given-Wilson, C. (ed), 2005, 'Richard II, 1393 January, Text/Translation', in The Parliament Rolls of Medieval England, ed. C. Given-Wilson et al., item 23. Internet version, at online copy, accessed on 23/04/2009. (Scholarly Digital Editions, Leicester)

Given date is start of parliament in which petition was presented.

Record created by Philip Davis. This record created 23/04/2009. Last updated on 22/01/2013. First published online 9/01/2013.

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