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In 1268 June 8, patri G. Wigorn. electo (Bishop Godfrey Giffard) was granted, by Henry III, (In year 52 of his reign) a Royal licence to crenellate Hertlebury (Hartlebury Castle)
Henricus, Dei gratia, rex Anglie, dominus Hibernie, et dux Aquitanie, archiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, prioribus, comitibus, baronibus, justiciariis, vicecomitibus, prepositis, ministris, et omnibus ballivis, et fidelibus suis, salutem. Cum bone memorie Walterus quondam Wigorn. episcopus, quoddam castrum fossato et muro de petra et calce firmare inceperit, apud manerium suum de Hertlebury, in comtatu Wigorn. nos venerabili patri G. Wigorn. electo, cancellario nostro, gratiam facere volentes in hac parte specialem, concessimus, ei pro nobis et heredibus nostris, quod prefatus G. Wigorn. electus, et successores sui castrum suum predictum fossato et muro de petra et calce includere, firmare, kernellare, emendare, et afforciare possint, ad voluntatem suam, et castrum illud sic clausum, firmatum, et kernellatum, tenere sibi et successoribus suis, sine occasione vel impedimento nostri, vel heredum nostrorum, imperpetuum, sicut predictum est. Hiis testibus, venerabile patre W. Ebor. archiepiscopo Anglie primate, Rogero de Leyburne, Roberto Waleraund, Roberto Aquilun, Willielmo de Atite, Willielmo Belet, Petro de Chaumpnent, Johanne de Trublevil, Stephano de Eddeworth, et aliis. Dat' per manum nostram apud Windesore octavo die Junii, anno regni nostri quinquagesimo secundo (Lib. alb. episc. Wig. intitulat. Extenta et Chart. f. 45. b.). (Transcribed from Thomas)

Granted at Windsor. Grant by per manum.


This licence is not entered in the royal rolls. Does the original survive? Thomas's source (Lib. Alb. Episc. Wig.) is probably an early or contemporary copy done for the cathedral. The detail is such that, even though the licence is not enrolled, it is certain this was granted.

Original source is;

(In fact, the original source given is usually a transcription/translation of what are precious medieval documents not readily availably. It should be noted that these transcription/translations often date to the nineteenth or early twentieth centuries and that unwitting bias of transcribers may affect the translation. Care should also be taken to avoid giving modern meaning to the medieval use of certain stock words and terms. Licentia is best translated as 'freedom to' not 'permission'.)

Significant later sources are;

Giffard, Godfrey (1235?–1302)
Godfrey Giffard, (c. 1235 – 1302) was Chancellor of the Exchequer of England, Lord Chancellor of England and Bishop of Worcester.

Biographical source include;

More information about licences to crenellate can be found here.

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Record created by Philip Davis. This record last updated on Sunday, October 4, 2015.
