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Notices of Ruined Towers in Northumberland circa 1715

About 1715 a survey of Northumberland was made by John Warburton, the herald, with the assistance of John Horsley, author of Britannia Romana. The resulting list of ruined towers, chaples etc. was transcribed by J.C. Hodgson and published in Archaeologia Aeliana in 1916. Below is an abridgement of this showing the references to the medieval fortifications.

Parish Place Transcription Modern Name
(click to view record)
Alnham Alnham Near to ye church is ye ruins of an ancient well built pile seemigly to have been a building of note, but, at present, claim'd by ye parson of ye vicaridge Alnham Vicars Pele
" Scranwood ... hath in it ye ruins of an old tower and belongs to Madam Horsley of Horsley Scrainwood Tower
Clayport, a strong blulwark (sic) leading west out of Alnwick to Hobberlaw. Bondgate, a strong fort at ye entrance from Newcastle. Pottergate leading to ye fell, by Mr. William Ord's Alnwick Town Wall
Alwinton with Holystone Chapelry Bidlestone, or Billesdun the seat of Tho. Selby, esqr., is a large well-situated structure, being defend d on ye north by hills and on ye west and east by a grove of trees. The house is built of freestone in ye figure of a cross, consisting of four severall wings or apartments: the middlemost tower-like with battlements, ye others more modern; it hath a good garden on ye south, good offices, outhouses, etc. Biddlestone Hall
" Clennill the seat of Luke Clennill esqr., is situated ina vale of ye little river of Clennill, allmost surrounded with hills; the east of ye house is an old tower; on ye west side of which is added a double wing, a small court on ye south and a handsom gateway. Clennell Hall
" Sharperton a small vill on ye east side river Coquet, in which is an old tower ... Sharperton Bastle, Harbottle
" Coteswall A vill of five houses and in it ye ruins of an old tower ... Cote Walls Tower, Biddlestone
" Harbottle castle is situated on ye top of a hill and on two sides incompast with ye river Coquet; it hath formerly been a stronghold but at present hath only its ruins to speak its grandure. Near to it is Harbottle, the seat of Thomas Gaskin, esq., who is the present owner thereof and ye aforemenconed castle ... Harbottle Castle
Bamburgh with Belford Chapelry Bamburgh castle which is yet standing, but in ruins, hath been large and strong ... In Bambrough is a regular and well built edifice, till of late ye seat of ye ancient family of ye Forsters Bamburgh Castle
" Shorston a large village near the sea belonging to Ld Crew; and in it an old tower bellonging to ... North Sunderland Tower
" Newtown a small village where are ye remains of an ancient pile; Ralph Brandling, esq. Warenmouth Tower
" Outchester ... in it an old house bellonging to Ld Derwentwatter Outchester Tower
" Belford Castle (now called ye West Hall), was formerly possessed by ye Armorers, now to Sr Robert Shafto. Belford Westhall Tower
" Middleton a small village with a handsome house; had formerly an old tower; Captain Gifford Middleton next to the sea Tower
" Detchon a small village with ye remains of an old tower therein bellonging to Nevill Gray, esq. Detchant Tower
" Elwick a small village not far from ye sea, with ye ruin of two ancient piles belonging to Lord Ossleston Elwick Tower of Thomas Elwyke
Elwick Tower of Thomas Bradforth
Bedlington Chopington ... in which is a large old tower belonging to the Bishop of Durham; lessee, George Bulman, merchant in Newcastle Choppington Tower
Bolam Belsey a beautiful edifice, ye east thereoff consists of a strong tower of stone with a circular dome at each corner and a piramid in ye middle; on the west is a new edifice erected with a double front ... Belsay Castle
Bothal with Hebburn Chapelry Cockley park ... an old pile bellonging to ye Dutches of Newcastle Cockle Park Tower
Chatton with Doddington Chapelry Nesbitt a small village bellonging to Nevell Gray, esq., the remains of an old tower in it. Nesbit Tower
" Humbleton a small village on the east side of Cheviot-hills in which is ye remains of an pile ... Humbleton Tower, Akeld
" Weetwood a small village on a good soil, in several hands, near ye river Till, with a handsome house in it bellonging to Lanc. Ord, esq. Weetwood Hall, Chatton
" Horton castle the seat of Nevell Gray, esq., an ancient edifice pleasantly situated, and till of late ye chief house of ye Grays, but at this time ruinous. Horton Castle, Chatton
" Hasslerigg a small village on ye south side of a hill; a good house in it built out of ye ruins of an old tower belonging to Ed. Haggerston ... to Ed. Haggerston and Francis Foster, esq. Hazelrigg Tower
" Fowberry a handsome house pleasantly situated on a rising ground in ye middle of a firtile vally, well planted about and good garden, bellonging to Mark Strother, esq., at present high sheriff of this county Fowberry Tower, Chatton
Chillingham Heburn a large village on a rising ground, and it a handsome house bellonging to Robert Heburn, esq. Hepburn Bastle, Chillingham
Chollerton with Birtley Chapelry Chipchace A long squar tower with a cirq. turret at each corner corner; to which hath been added a new front ... three stories. It is built after ye maner us'd in Queen Eliz. time, with cimy-cirqular windows, and round round every of them bellconies. The rooms very large and lofty and severall of ye chimney peces carv'd after a curious manner. At ye entrance is a handsome gate leading into a large court. Chipchase Castle
" Gunerton hath in it ye remains of an ancient pile and chaple without a stipend and formerly belong d to ye Fenwicks of Wallington. Gunnerton Tower, Chollerton
" Swinburn castle an ancient pile Great Swinburne Castle
Edlingham Edlingham ... situated in a vale, had formerly a castle of note, but now in ruins. Edlingham Castle
" Newtown a mean village on an eminence and in it an old pile possest by Madam Howard Newtown Tower, Edlingham
" Old Beawick a village on an assent, with a large ruinous tower therein, bellonging to Mrs. Mary Williamson, ye only daughter of ... Ramsey possessor of this place Old Bewick Tower
Eglingham East Didgburn a small village on arising ground belonging to Carrs of Lesbury and Collingwood of Biker(?); an old tower East Ditchburn Tower
" Crawley a large ruinous tower on a high hill formerly possest by ye Herrons, now by by ye Browns of Bolton Crawley Tower
" Tittlington a small villag in a low vale, with an tower formerly possest by ye Reid, now to Jacob Peirson, gent. Titlington Tower
Ford Etall a large and pleasant village - 60 houses - on ye south side of ye river Till, in which is ye remains of ancient pile formerly belonging to ye Collingwoods of Branckston, now to ... Carr, esq., who resides nere. Etal Castle
Haltwhistle Fetherstonehaugh castle an ancient and well built structure ... a ruinous chapell adjoyning. Featherstone Castle
" Bellister castle a ruinous building on ye south banks of ye river Tyne. Bellister Castle
" Blenkinsop castle an ancient structure tho' now in ruins. Blenkinsopp Castle
Hartburn with Netherwitton Chapelry Netherwitton ye seat of John Thornton, esqr., a neat regular freestone building ... erected ano. 1698. On the north east side is some remains of an ancient tower formerly ye mansion house. Netherwitton Castle
" Roadley in which is ye remains of an old pile. Rothley Tower
" North Middleton in which is ye remains of an old pile. North Middleton Tower
Holy Island with Kyloe, Ancroft and Duddoe Chapelries Haggerston a large, ancient and beautiful edifice pleasantly situated on a level ground not far from ye sea, hath good gardens, etc., and domestic chapel adjoining but ruinous Haggerston Castle
" Kilo a small village on ye side of a hill and an old tower in it. Kyloe Tower
" Buckton a handsome village with a good house at the north end of it bellonging to Edw. Haggerston Buckton Tower
Howick Howick a pleasant village in a good soil near the sea and in it the seate of Hen. Gray, esq., a most magnificent freestone edifice in a square figure, flat roof'd, and embattled on ye top, a handsome court and gateway on ye front, with good gardens, plantations Howick Hall
Kirkharle Kirkharle a small village and in it ye seat of Wm. Loraine, esq. ... The building consists of quadrangular tow'r with ye addition of a more modern building. Kirkharle Hall
Ilderton Ilderton a small village, and in it ye seat of George Ilderton, a mean edifice at present, ye tower, which was ye ancient mansion house, being in ruins. Ilderton Tower
Kirkhaugh Whitley a discontinued village on arising ground near ye meeting of ye River Gelt and Tine, and in several hands, in which is ye ruins of an old castle. Whitley Tower
Kirknewton with Carham Chapelry Kirknewton village ... hath in it ye ruuing of a large tower with a quadrangar wall and circular towers about it, belonging to Mark Strother, esq. Kirknewton Tower
" Lanton a small village on ye north side ye river Glen and in it ye ruin of an old tower, belonging to Mark Strother, esq. Lanton Towers
" Cowpland a small village on ye north side ye river Glen in which is an ancient pile, of late bellonging William Wallace, esq., but now possest by ... Ogle, esq., of Newcastle; most part to Nevell Gray, esq. Coupland Castle
" Howtell a village in a vale near ye river Bowmont with ye remains of an ancient pile belonging to William Burrell, gent., whose posterity (sic) hath long enjoyed it Howtell Tower
Lambley Harper Town a small village on ye west side ye river Tine bellonging to Robt. Allgood, esq., near to which is a mount or platform called Castle Hill Lambley Round Hill
Long Horsley Staton the seat of John Fenwick, esq., is pleasantly situated on ye east side of ye river Font; the house is large and well built ... Stanton Old Hall, Netherwitton
" Witton Shield a large old building bellonging to Jon. Thornton, esq. Witton Shields Tower
Norham with Cornhill Chapelry Heton a village of 40 houses in which is an ancient pile belonging to ye Lord Osleston being the [most] ancient bilding that lord hath. Castle Heaton Castle
" Duddo a village of about 40 houses on ye banks of a rivulet of ye same name; in it an ancient pile belonging ... Claverin of Callely. Duddo Tower
Rothbury Whitton a small village on a high ground south of ye river Coquet, in which is a tower bellonging to ye rector of Rothbury. Whitton Tower
" Great Tasson a small village south of ye river Coquet, in which is ye remains of an old pile. Great Tosson Tower
" Hepple ... ye remains of an old tower. Hepple Tower
St. John Lee Errington ... is a firme stone edifice arect(ed) ano ... out of ye ruins of an old pile formerly standing. Errington Tower
" Bukeley and Portgate ... two ancient piles. Beukley
Portgate on the Wall
Stamfordham Fenwick ... in which is ye ruins of a noble tower. Fenwick Tower, Matfen
Simonburn Houghton a large pile on ye south side ye river Tine, at present something ruenouse bellonging to ye Smiths; a chapell adjoyning in ruins. Haughton Castle, Humshaugh
" The Bowre an ancient pile on ye north side ye River Cherdon, bellonging to Edward Charlton of Readsmouth, gent. Greystead; The Bower
" Cherdon an ancient pile and small vill on ye south side of ye river of ye same name, of late belonging to ye Herrons of Chipchace, now to Robert Allgood, esqr. Chirdon Pele, Greystead
" Shillburnhaugh an old pile [belonging] to one Robson. Shilburnhaugh pele, Kielder Water
Tynemouth with Earsdon Chapelry Tinmouth castle built upon ye remains of ye Tunnocellum of ye Romans. It is a present a garrison and in it a company of Foot and 60 Invalides, a master guner and store keeper. In it is ye ruins of the old parish church and an abby - the latter very beautiful - ... Tynemouth Castle
" Burrowton an ancient pile enclosed with good land bellonging to ... Ogle of Cawsey Park, esqr. Burradon Tower
" Seghill the seat of Mich. Mitford, esqr., seated in level ground, is an ancient well built pile consisting of a quadrangular tower with some modern additions, a large and well planted garden on ye south. Seghill Tower
Warden with Newbrough and Haydon Chapelries Walwick Grange in ye feild adjoyning where we Roman Wall crosses ye Tine are foun[dations] of a large castle. Walwick
" Newbrough ... On ye north-east side of it is the remains of an old tower, till of late belonging to ... now possest by exec[utors] of Jon Armstrong, gent. Thornton Tower, Newbrough
Warkworth Warkworth a pleasant well built mercate town ... allmost incompass d by ye river Coquet, over which at ye entrance from ye north is a goodly bridge 70 [yards] in length, supported by two arches, in ye middle whereof an ancient cross with ye arms of ye Peircies thereon, and at ye south end a quadrangular tower with port-callases, etc. Warkworth Bridge Gate
Woodhorn North Hurst in which is 2 ancient piles, ye one belonging to ye Dutches of Newcastle and ye other to one Johnson, both formerly possest by ye Withringtons1. Hirst Castle, Ashington
Wooler Fenton a village of 12 houses on ye east side ye river Till, in which is ye remains of an ancient tower bellonging to Henry Gray, esqr. Fenton Tower
