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A list produced about 1509 covers fortifications in the north of modern Northumberland (much of this was part of the Palatinate of Durham at that date) with suggestions for the size of garrison each place could accomodate. The Mense (the mars) is a level district of great fertility, extending for nearly twenty miles along the north bank of the Tweed, and about ten miles in breadth.
Owners inabytaunttes, of officers. |
Holdis and Towneshyppes too lay in Garnysons of horsemen And how fer they bee from Tevedale & the Mars & who be the owners & the inabytaunttes in the howses. | Modern spelling with arabic numerals |
Modern Name
(click to view record) |
Menne | ||||
Syr Jamyes Strangwys Harry Denton & Roberd Awarke own' & inab't | Lowyke iiijxx. and from Twede vj myle & from tevedale viij myle | 24 men 6 miles from the Tweed and 8 miles from Tevedale | Lowick Tower | |
George Mostians own' & inab't | Barmer xxx & from Twede vj myle & from tevedale vij m. | 30 men 6 miles from the Tweed and 7 miles from Tevedale | Barmoor Castle | |
Thomas Forster own' & inab't | Ederston lx & from tevedale x myle and from the mars xij m. | 60 men 10 miles from Tevedale and 12 miles from The Merse | Adderstone Tower | |
My Lorde Conyers and Thomas Armorer | Belford lx & from tevedale ix myle & from the mars x m. | 60 men 9 miles from Tevedale and 10 miles from The Merse | Belford Westhall Tower | |
Thomas Holborn own' & inab't | Holborn xx & from tevedale vij myle & from the mars viij m. | 20 men 7 miles from Tevedale and 8 miles from The Merse | Holburn Tower | |
My Lorde of Dorram for mastr. Gray & inab't Raffe Candelyng | Heton xx & from the mars ij myle & from tevedale iiij m. | 20 men 2 miles from The Merse and 4 miles from Tevedale | Castle Heaton Castle | |
My Lorde Ross & inab't John Colyngwod | Etall c & from the mars & from tevedale iij m. | 100 men ?{3} from the The Merse and 3 miles from Tevedale | Etal Castle | |
Christoffer Clapam inab't | Fenton xl & from tevedale v myle & from the mars vj m. | 40 men 5 miles from Tevedale and 6 miles from The Merse | Fenton Tower | |
Syr Rogr. Graye own' & inab't | Horton lx & from tevedale vij myle & from the mars viij m. | 60 men 7 miles from Tevedale and 8 miles from The Merse | Horton Castle, Chatton | |
Syr Rogr. Graye rewler & a Wedow inab't | Fulbery xx & from tevedale vij myle & from the mars viij m. | 20 men 7 miles from Tevedale and 8 miles from The Merse | Fowberry Tower, Chatton | |
My Lorde of Northumberland & Thomas Revelay inab't | Chatton iiijxx & from Tevedale viij myle & from the mars ix m. | 24 men 8 miles from Tevedale and 9 miles from The Merse | Chatton Earls Tower | |
Thomas Hagerston own' A wedow inab't | Heselryg xx & from tevedale viij myle & from the mars viij m. | 20 men 8 miles from Tevedale and 8 miles from The Merse | Hazelrigg Tower | |
My Lorde of Dorram for mr. Graye & Edward Graye inab't | Chelynggam c & from tevedale viij myle & from the mars x m. | 100 men 8 miles from Tevedale and 10 miles from The Merse | Chillingham Castle | |
Thomas Hebborn own' & inab't | Hebborn xx & from tevedale viij myle & from the mars x m. | 20 men 8 miles from Tevedale and 10 miles from The Merse | Hepburn Bastle, Chillingham | |
The Prior of Tynmouth inab't Gylberd Colyngwood | Bewyk xl & from tevedale viij myle & from the mars xj m. | 40 men 8 miles from Tevedale and 11 miles from The Merse | Old Bewick Tower | |
Jeffere Prktr & rewler Lyell Graye | Lylborn & lylborn xl & from tevedale vj myle & from the mars ix m. | 40 men 6 miles from Tevedale and 9 miles from The Merse [two towers] | ||
Christoffer Clapam inab't Ector Gaye [maybe Erthor] | Woller xx & from tevedale v myle & from the mars vij m. | 20 men 5 miles from Tevedale and 7 miles from The Merse | Wooler Tower | |
Wylliam Heron inab't William Selbye | Fowrde xl. and from tevedale or the mars iiij m. | 40 men 4 miles from Tevedale and from The Merse | Ford Castle | |
Lorde Ogell inab't nihil | Inggerram xl & from tevedale iij myle & from the mars xv m. | 40 men 3 miles from Tevedale and 15 miles from The Merse | Ingram Vicars Pele | |
Norram from the mars the brede of twede & from tevedale v m. | Norham the 'brede of twede' from The Merse and 5 miles from Tevedale | |||
Berwyke from tevedale x m. | Berwick 10 miles from Tevedale | |||
Heselryg own' Roberd Colyngwood inab't | Eslyngton xx men & from tevedale ix myle & from the mars xv m. | 20 men 9 miles from Tevedale and 15 miles from The Merse | Eslington Tower | |
Wylliam Heron own' inab't nihil | Wittynggam xl & from tevedale x myle & from the mars xv m. | 40 men 10 miles from Tevedale and 15 miles from The Merse | Whittingham Tower | |
My Lorde of Northumberland inab't nihil | Elnam xl & from tevedale vj myle & from the mars xvj m. | 40 men 6 miles from Tevedale and 16 miles from The Merse | Alnham Earls Pele | |
Thomas Horsley own' & inab't | Skrynwood xx & from tevedale vj myle & from the mars xvj m. | 20 men 6 miles from Tevedale and 16 miles from The Merse | Scrainwood Tower | |
John Selbye own' & inab't | Bedylsden xx & from Tevedale iiij myle & from the mars xvij m. | 20 men 4 miles from Tevedale and 17 miles from The Merse | Biddlestone Hall | |
Syr George Tayleboys Rewler & gov'ner My Lorde Dakers | Herbotelle lxxx & from tevedale v myle & from the mars xix m. | 80 men 5 miles from Tevedale and 19 miles from The Merse | Harbottle Castle | |
Rog' Horsleye own' inab't nihil | Thernam xx & from Tevedale vj myle & from the mars xix m | 20 men 6 miles from Tevedale and 19 miles from The Merse | Farnham Tower, Hepple | |
My Lorde Oggel inab't nihil | Heppelle xx & from Tevedale vj myle & from the mars xviij m. | 20 men 6 miles from Tevedale and 19 miles from The Merse | Hepple Tower | |
Syr Edwarde Ratcleff inab't nihil | Thropton xx & from tevedale x myle & from the mars xvj m. | 20 men 10 miles from Tevedale and 16 miles from The Merse | Thropton Tower | |
Sum of the nomber of thys men mlecclxx men | 1270 men | |||
Over and above Noram and Berwyk |