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A list of the names of the castles and fortalices in Northumberland was preserved in the Harleian manuscripts which Cadwallader John Bates transcribed and printed in 1891. He carefully dated this to the first seven months of 1415, possibly July, and suggests it was prepared to inform Henry V in "whose hands he would leave the places of strength on the Scottish Border previous to his embarking on the expedition that led to the victory of Agincourt." The Gatehouse transcription of the list is below. However, Bates used a number of modified letter forms to reflect the hand of the scribe which can not be found in any online font so this is not an exact copy.
margin note | name of place | owner | Modern Name
(click to view record) |
Castro de Novo-Castro sup Tynam | Dni Regis | Newcastle-upon-Tyne Castle | |
Castrum de Tynmoth | Priori de Tynmoth | Tynemouth Castle | |
Castrum de Ogill | Robti Orgill Chr1 | Ogle Castle | |
Castrum de Morpeth | Baronis de Graystock | Morpeth Castle | |
Castrum de Mitford | Henrici Percy de Athell2 | Mitford Castle | |
Castrum de Warkworth | Com' Northumbriae | Warkworth Castle | |
Castrum de Alnewicke | Com' Northumbriae | Alnwick Castle | |
fortalicium | Castrum de Horton iuxta mare | har W. Wychester | Horton Castle, Blyth |
Castrum de Eshete | Dni Johis heroun chlr | Eshott Castle | |
Castrum de Dunstanburgh | Dni Ducis Lancastriae | Dunstanburgh Castle | |
Castrum de Bamburgh | Dni Regis | Bamburgh Castle | |
Castrum villae Berwicke | Dni Regis | Berwick Castle | |
Castrum de Twysill | Johis Heroun Chlr | Twizell Castle | |
Castrum de Heton | Thome Gray de eadem | Castle Heaton Castle | |
Castrum de Norham | Epi Dunelm | Norham Castle | |
Castrum de Werke Sup Twedam | Thome Grey Chlr | Wark on Tweed Castle | |
Castrum de ffurde | Willms heroun Chlr | Ford Castle | |
Castrum de Ethalle | Roberti Maneres | Etal Castle | |
Castrum de Chauelingham | Haer Alani heton Chlr | Chillingham Castle | |
Castrum de Edlingham | Edmundi Hastyngs Chlr | Edlingham Castle | |
Castrum de Kaloule vet': | Johes Clauerin Chlr | Old Callaly Castle Hill | |
Castrum de Harbotle | Robto Umfrevill Chlr | Harbottle Castle | |
Castrum de Ayden | Robti Ramsey et Dom Radi Grey | Aydon Castle | |
Castrum de Langle | Comitis Northumbriae | Langley Castle | |
Castrum de Thirwall | Rolandi de Thirlwall | Thirlwall Castle | |
fortalicium | Castrum de Blekensope | Johis de Blekensope | Blenkinsopp Castle |
Castrum de Prudhowe | Dni Johi ducis Bedford | Prudhoe Castle | |
Castrum de Horton in Glendall | Thomas Grey Chlr3 | Horton Castle, Chatton | |
fortalicium | Castrum de Swinburne | John Widrington Chlr | Great Swinburne Castle |
Castrum de Haughton in Tindale | John Widrington Chlr | Haughton Castle, Humshaugh | |
Castrum de Sewyngsheles | Robti Ogile Chlr | Sewingshields Castle | |
Castrum de Rokesborough | Dni Regis | Roxburgh Castle4 [Scotland] | |
Castrum de Bothall | Johi Berterham Chlr | Bothal Castle | |
Tho.lyburne | Castrum de Belfurth | Dom de Darce | Belford Westhall Tower |
fortalicium | Castrum de Dichant | Rici Lylburn | Detchant Tower |
Castrum de Shawden | Thome Lylburn | Shawdon Hall | |
fortalicium | Castrum de Kippitheton | Willimi Swinburn Chlr | Capheaton Castle |
Numerus 37 | |||
Turris de Whitle iuxta Tinmowth | Prioris de Tynmouth | Whitley Tower | |
Turris de Sighale | Willimi de la vaile | Seghill Tower | |
Turris de Seton de la uale | Willimi Wychester Chlr | Seaton Delaval Castle | |
Turris de Kirklawe | Willimi Eure Chlr | Kirkley Tower | |
ffortalicium de Harnhamhall5 | Robto Swinburne | Harnham Hall, Belsay | |
ffortalicium de Shortflate | Robti Ramese | Shortflatt Tower | |
Turris de Meldon | Nichi Heron | Meldon Tower | |
Turris de Walington | Willi Strothir | Wallington Hall | |
Turris de Northmidileton | Robti Ogille Chlr | North Middleton Tower | |
Turris de Whitton Iuxta aquam | Rogeri Thornton | Netherwitton Castle | |
Turris de West herle | Johns Herle | West Harle Tower | |
Turris de Babington | Robti Langwath | Little Bavington Tower | |
Turris de Stranton | Johns Corbett | Stanton Old Hall | |
Turris de Howicke | Emerici Heringe | Howick Hall | |
Turris de Preston | Roberti Herbotille | Preston Tower Ellingham | |
Turris de Hopyn | Robti Hoppyn | Hoppen Tower | |
Turris de Ederston | Thomae fforester | Adderstone Tower | |
Turris Thomae Bradforth in Elwicke | Elwick Tower of Thomas Bradforth | ||
Turris Thomae de Elwyke in eadem | Elwick Tower of Thomas Elwyke | ||
Turris de Lowicke | Dom de Darcy | Lowick Tower | |
Turris de Barmor | Johns Preston | Barmoor Castle | |
Turris de Holburn | Holburn Tower | ||
Turris de Haggarston | Thomae Hagerston | Haggerston Castle | |
Turris de Berrington | Robti Manores | Berrington Tower | |
Turris de Skremerston | Johis Swinhowe | Scremerston Tower | |
Turris de Cornhill | Willimi Swinhowe | Cornhill Castle | |
Turris de Turis de Langton in Glendall6 | Henrici Strother | Lanton Tower | |
Thomi Haisandes7 | Turris de Hethpulle | Robti Manores | Hethpool Tower |
Turris de Ildirton | Thomae de Ildirton | Ilderton Tower | |
Turris de Krawlawe | Johis Heron Chlr | Crawley Tower | |
Turris de Whittingham | Willimi de Heron | Whittingham Tower | |
Turris de Newton Juxta Edlingham | Johis Barker | Newtown Tower, Edlingham | |
Turris de Eslington | Thomae de Hessilrige | Eslington Tower | |
Turris de Alneham | Comitis Northumberland | Alnham Earls Pele | |
Turris de Terwhit inferioris | Hugonis Galon | Low Trewhitt | |
Turris Kartyngton | Johis Cartyngton | Cartington Castle | |
Turris de Thropton | Willi Grene | Thropton Tower | |
Turris de Whitton iuxta Rothebery | Rectoris eiusdem | Whitton Tower | |
Turris de Heppell | Robti Ogill Chlr | Hepple Tower | |
ffotalicium de fflotwayton | Robti Ogill Chlr | Flotterton Tower | |
Turris de Thernham | Robti Horsley | Farnham Tower, Hepple | |
Turris de Otiburne | Robti Umfravill Chlr | Otterburn Tower | |
Turris de Trowhen | Willus Butecom | Troughend Tower, Rochester | |
Turris de Chipchesse | Alexandri Heronn | Chipchase Castle | |
Turris de Werke in Tyndall | Thomae Grey Chr | Wark on Tyne Castle | |
Turris de Simondburn | Willmi Heronn Chr | Simonburn Tower | |
Turris de Hawtwisill | Haltwhistle Musgrove Tower | ||
Turris de Denton iuxta Hawtwisill | Denton Hall [Cumberland] | ||
Turris de Hexham | Archiepo Ebor | Hexham Moot Hall and Old Gaol | |
Turris de Bewfronte | Dni Johes Widrington Chlr | Beaufront Castle | |
Turris de Halton | Willmi Carnaby | Halton Castle, Whittington | |
Turris de Corbridge | vicar eiusdem | Corbridge Vicars Pele | |
Turriss de ffenwicke | Henrici ffenwicke | Fenwick Tower | |
Turris de Stanwardham | vicar eiusdem | Stamfordham Vicars Tower | |
Turris de Belsowe | Johis Midilton Chlr | Belsay Castle | |
Turris de Nesbette in Glendalle | Thomae Grey Chlr | Nesbit Tower | |
Turris de Newsted | Robti de Ogill Chlr | Newstead Tower | |
Turris de Buckton | Willi Atkynson | Buckton Tower | |
Turris de Schilbotyll | Ducis Bedford | Shilbottle Tower | |
Turris de Chatton | vicarij eiusdem | Chatton Vicars Pele | |
Turris in eadem | Robti forstere | Chatton Earls Tower | |
Turris Lematon | Willmi Bednell | Lemmington Hall | |
Turris de Bidilstan | Johis Selby | Biddlestone Hall | |
Turris Ellysden | Rectoris eiusdem | Elsdon Tower | |
Castrum | Turris de Wodryngton | Johes Wodrington Chlr | Widdrington Castle |
Turris de Whitfeld | Mathei Whitfeld | Whitfield Tower | |
Turris de Bamburgh | Magri eiusdem9 | Bamburgh Tower | |
Turris de Middilton iuxta mare | Willmi Musschamp | Middleton next to the sea Tower | |
Turris de Newland iuxta Belforth | Newland Tower | ||
Turris de Wittslad iuxt mare | Weetslade | ||
Turris de Ponteland10 | vicar eiusdem | Ponteland Vicarage Tower | |
Turris de Coketeland | Prioris de Tinemouth | Coquet Island Tower | |
Turris de Newton in Glendall | Thomae Strother | Kirknewton Tower | |
Turris de Lilburne | Johis Carr | West Lilburn Tower | |
Turris de Kylay | David Gray | Kyloe Tower | |
Turris de ffenton | Radi Gray Chlr | Fenton Tower | |
Turris de Emildon | vicar eiusdem | Embleton Tower | |
Turris de Craister | Edmundi Crasestir | Craster Tower | |
Numerous 78 |
Dr Andy King has written an interesting piece on this list with the suggestion that 'Northumberland's gentry builders were anxious that their edifices should be graced with the name of 'castle', to be classed alongside noble, time-hallowed fortresses such as Alnwick, Warkworth and Bamburgh. The comissioners who compiled the 1415 survey may well have been subjected to lobbying by the owners of these buildings, who would would have been anxious to ensure that they were accorded the 'correct' status; the marginal annotations perhaps reflect the more considered opinions of the commissioners, after the process of compiling the survey had been completed, and they were somewhat removed from the pressures of their peers.'
King, Andy, 2007, 'Fortress and fashion statements: gentry castles in fourteenth-century Northumberland' Journal of Medieval History Vol. 33 pp. 396-7