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Distribution map of medieval fortification in Wales

List of Bastles (Fortified Farmhouses) in Wales

Questionable or Doubtful
Confidence is a statement of the site as a medieval fortification


Strictly speaking bastles are a form of fortified farmhouse, usually fairly roughly built, rectangular and 15th and 16th century in date (Mainly late 16th century and some continued to be built well into the 17th century) confined to the Northern counties, only occasionally with any active defensive features (such as gun ports). However, a few very similar type buildings exist in southern Pembrokeshire and have a similar function against pirates, as would some Cornish Bartons. (Barbary pirates from North Africa were active in Southern English waters in the 15th to 17th centuries and often raided inland kidnapping individuals for slavery or later ransom. Irish pirates were active in the Irish Sea from at least the 3rd century onwards).
Name Alternative Name(s) County Remains
Kingston Farmhouse Pembrokeshire major building
Upper Lamphey Park Pembrokeshire masonry ruins/remnants
West Tarr mediaeval house Pembrokeshire masonry ruins/remnants
Carswell Pembrokeshire major building
Flimston Farmhouse Pembrokeshire major building
Nunnery Pembrokeshire no visible
Pricaston Farmhouse Pembrokeshire masonry ruins/remnants
Quay Street Tower House, Haverfordwest Pembrokeshire major building
Sisters House Systerne House Pembrokeshire masonry ruins/remnants

This listing was last updated on Tuesday, April 7, 2015
