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The medieval residences of the bishops of Bath and Wells, and Salisbury

Naomi Payne

Payne's PhD Thesis for the University of Bristol.
"This is a study of the estates of the medieval bishops of Bath and Wells, and Salisbury and in particular the archaeological evidence for them, which mainly takes the form of episcopal residences, deer parks and fishponds. The historical evidence for the estates is considered for the pre-Conquest period and then for three key dates during the later Middle Ages: 1066/86, 1291-2 and 1535. The acquisition of each landholding and its subsequent management is discussed. An examination of the historical, archaeological and topographical evidence for each residence follows, including descriptions of the fieldwork which has been undertaken as part of this study. The analysis which follows considers salient themes including the number and distribution of episcopal manor houses, different classes of residence and their roles, the origins of episcopal residences, the agency of individual bishops, layout and function, the surrounding landscape and the fate of medieval episcopal residences in the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Some attempt is made to place the dioceses which form the foci of this study into a wider context."
Provides an important comparative study looking at a set of high status medieval residences. Medieval palaces are not well studied and castle studies has much to gain from looking at domestic residences of magnates.
University of Bristol PhD thesis, 2003. Available from EThOS.


Last updated on Friday, March 10, 2017
