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Medieval Hunting

Richard Almond

Using a variety of sources (hunting treatises, assize books, manorial and ecclesiastical records, books of hours and literary collections) and pictures (which include the Emperor Maxmillian stag hunting, two ladies jousting, peasants "rabbiting" with ferrets and camouflage techniques such as disguising yourself as a woodcock), this book aims to bring to life the centrality of hunting to medieval societies, both as an economic necessity and as an expression of medieval humanity's sense of oneness with nature. Almond shows that all classes enjoyed hunting (in which he includes fishing, hawking and poaching) and women enjoyed it as well as men. This book aims to dispel some of the myths and misunderstandings about hunting, including the view that it was chiefly an aristocratic pursuit, and a male one at that.

Published by Sutton Publishing Limited (2003; Stroud)
ISBN: 0 7509 2162 5

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Last updated on Friday, March 10, 2017
