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Hen Domen, Montgomery

A timber castle on the English-Welsh border: A final report
Robert Higham
Philip Barker
The final report of the extensive excavations of the early castle site at Hen Domen. The motte and bailey castle at Hen Domen, Montgomery, was occupied from the late-11th century until around 1300. Excavations here lasted from 1960 to 1992, and are one of the most detailed examinations of this type of site to date. This volume marks the final stage in the publication of excavations and fieldwork carried out at the site, containing a summary of an earlier work published in 1982 by the Royal Archaeological Institute, and a full account of the project's findings since 1980. Its principal contents are the buildings whose foundations were recovered in the bailey and on the motte, the artefactual and environmental evidence and the castle's mediaeval landscape context. The book is illustrated with drawings and photographs, including artist's reconstructions of the evolution of the site.
192 pages, 297x210mm, illustrated with 25 black-and-white halftones and 60 line drawings.
See also the Gatehouse record for Hen Domen.

Published by University of Exeter Press (November 2000)
ISBN: 0 85989 652 8

Click this link to buy this book from Amazon UK.
(a small percentage of revenue generated from purchases made via this link is donated to the Castle Studies Group.)


Last updated on Friday, March 10, 2017
