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English Castles, A Guide by Counties

Adrian Pettifer

This text provides a comprehensive and concise guide to all the medieval English castles of which something can still be seen today. A short introduction supplies the historical background of the great explosion of castle building in the Middle Ages, and there is a glossary covering all aspects of castles in some detail. A guide to over 600 castles in England. It gives a fair amount more detail than Fry's Castles of the British Isles and lists a few more sites and includes town walls. Definitely the next step up from Fry' Castles of the British Isles but not as comprehensive as Salter's specific county gazetteers, or D J C King's classic Castellarium Anglicanum in that Pettifer generally ignores lost sites. However, for those who want a glove box guide to all England's castles "worth visiting" with rather more content than Fry's this is the book.
930 sites.

Published by The Boydell Press (1995; Woodbridge)
ISBN: 0 85115 600 2

Click this link to buy this book from Amazon UK.
(a small percentage of revenue generated from purchases made via this link is donated to the Castle Studies Group.)


Last updated on Friday, March 10, 2017
