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Aldingham Motte, Cumbria and its environs in the Medieval period

Daniel W. (editor) Elsworth
Thomas (editor) Mace
Complete excavations of mottes, that give anything like an idea of the actual original form and development of motte are rare. This is the report of the excavations of Aldingham Motte, done in the 1960s. They show a three phase site. Initially built as a ringwork, this was filled in to make a slope sided motte and finally an unfinished phase when the mound was a sheer sided timber revetted motte.
Soft back 83 pp. 32 figs 13 plates

Published by Cumberland and Westmorland Antiquarian and Archaeological Society; Cumbria Archaeological Research Reports Series 5 (2015; Kendal)
ISBN: 978 1873124 69 7

Click this link to buy this book from Amazon UK.
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Last updated on Friday, March 10, 2017
