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Buckton Castle

and the castles of North West England
Brian Grimsditch
Michael Nevell
Richard Nevell
The results of a painstaking 15 year study into one of Tameside’s most historic sites have been published in a new book by University of Salford archaeologist Dr Michael Nevell.
Buckton Castle, which overlooks Stalybridge, was built in the 12th Century by the Earls of Chester to consolidate their lands and protect them from the threat of incursion by the Scots. It was occupied for around a hundred years, but until now little has been known of it.
However, as a result of the excavations, Dr Nevell and his team from the Centre for Applied Archaeology at the University have been able to catalogue finds and structures from a century of use and, owing to rumours of buried valuables, the later depredations of treasure hunters.
The book also charts the involvement of local people who helped out on special community archaeology days between 2007 and 2010.
Dr Nevell said: “We’ve been able to find out a lot more than has ever been known before about Buckton Castle and have confirmed that it is one of the earliest stone castles in the North West.
“The book is a thorough account of 15 years of study, excavation and research and we hope that it will help people in the area find out a lot more about this important local landmark.” (Univesity of Salford)

Describes the little known Buckton Castle in detail and is unlikely to be surpassed for this castle. A gazetteer of 83 north west castles gives some regional context.
84 sites.

Published by Centre for Applied Archaeology, University of Salford (2012; Salford)
ISBN: 978-0-9565947-2-3

Click this link to buy this book from Amazon UK.
(a small percentage of revenue generated from purchases made via this link is donated to the Castle Studies Group.)


Last updated on Friday, March 10, 2017
